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.Diego glared at Engle. Nothing I can t handle, hermanos.But I ll let you have apiece of the action if you ask real nice.85 Evangeline AndersonThe two weres on either side of him erupted in guttural laugher and I felt reliefrush through me.Diego must have risen higher in the ranks of Los Lobos than I dthought if his two alpha pack mates were willing to help challenge the leader of anotherpack for him.They didn t look like they were backing down anytime soon and I feltsure they could beat Engle and his alphas in a fair fight.The Lobos aren t known as thetoughest pack in the Eastern U.S.for nothing.Engle must have been thinking the same thing I was, because he finally stoppedadvancing. This is Arm Gard territory, he said angrily. You can t do this. Looks like we re fucking doing it though, Diego said, making his alpha palslaugh again. She s mine. Engle pointed at me. Now that she s finally shifted, her virginity ismine to claim.Diego growled low in his throat. Bitch, you better back down if you don t want meclaiming your virginity.Let s see how well you fuck with my foot up your ass.Engle looked angry enough to explode.Even in the moonlight I could see how redhis face was.But there was nothing he could do Diego and his crew were younger andobviously tougher.In a fair fight, they would rip out Engle s throat. Listen up, cub, he said to Diego. I don t care if she is your sister Luz is mine bypack law.And I will have her virginity before I step down as pack master. The fuck you will! Diego lunged forward and I had the satisfaction of seeingEngle flinch back.Apparently he wasn t so tough when his victim wasn t ten inchesshorter and a hundred pounds lighter than he. This isn t the end of this matter just wait until I talk to your pack master. Hepointed at Diego and his voice became more formal. The burden for this night s shamefalls on you and you alone, Diego Velez.As pack master of the Arm Gard wolves, Iname you culpable. Bite me, pendejo, Diego growled but I could see that he was shaken.Engle hadinvoked the Rite of Blame and pointed the finger directly at my little brother.Now,until their conflict was resolved, if any other pain or shame befell Engle no matterwho did it by pack law Diego was the one who would be punished for it.And thepunishment for harming a pack master was not light death or banishment was thebest he could hope for.It was an old law, even older than the law Engle was using to claim my virginity,and it had been put in place to protect pack masters from being harmed or assassinatedby underlings without a formal challenge.Of course Diego could challenge Engle but Iprayed he wouldn t.A formal challenge would mean my little brother would have tofight every alpha in the Arm Gard pack before he could get to Engle.As tough as hewas, even Diego couldn t win a fight like that.Apparently satisfied that he d made his point, Engle turned, flanked by his ownalphas, and walked back into the forest.86 Deal with the DevilDiego frowned. Go after them and make sure they don t get any cute ideas, hetold the two alphas who stood on either side of him.Without a word they did as hesaid, melting back into the darkness as if they were part of it.I sagged in relief as I saw them disappear into the dense foliage.God, I was in somuch trouble and I knew in a minute it would hit me.But for right now all I could feelwas a massive wave of relief that Engle had been stopped from finishing what he hadstarted so many years before.I didn t get to enjoy my relief for long though.Before I knew it, Diego had me bythe shoulders and was shaking me. What the hell is wrong with you, coming heretonight? Didn t you get my message? What message? I asked stupidly.Diego frowned. The one I left on your phone telling you not to fucking come thatit wasn t safe.The truth was I had stopped checking my messages a while ago because most ofthem were from Jude and it made me feel guilty to hear his voice.So it was entirelypossible that I d missed the call from Diego, but I wasn t about to let him make this allmy fault. You told me it was safe.You said Engle would be gone, I accused him.Diego shook his head in frustration. He changed his plans said he has too manyloose ends to tie up to leave right now.I felt myself go cold.I was a loose end no doubt about it. I don t know what hisproblem is, I said in a choked voice. I just& I just wanted to shift like a normal were.Ijust wanted to run with the pack. Yeah, and I can see how you did it, too. Diego pulled my hair out of the way,baring the healing bite marks on my neck. You swapped more blood with that fuckingvamp, didn t you? He spat on the ground in disgust. I can t believe you It d bebetter to let Engle have you than to see you wind up with that bloodsucker, Jacobson.I felt sick inside. You don t mean that.Diego sighed and ran both hands through his hair until it stood up in wild blackspikes. Oh hell, Sis, you know I don t.But you re messing in shit you don tunderstand.I mean, Jacobson you don t even want to know what I found out abouthim or what I had to do to get the information.Fucking vamps. He made a face.He was right I didn t want to know.Hearing more bad things about Jude on topof the mess I was already in was more than I could take. I m not seeing him anymore, I said shortly. That ought to make you happy.My brother looked slightly mollified. As happy as I can be under thecircumstances.Look, you re going to have to do something to protect yourself moveaway or something. I can t do that, I protested. I ve never lived anyplace else but Tampa in my life.Besides, I shouldn t have to.87 Evangeline Anderson Yeah, but Engle isn t going to take this lying down he ll stir the shit with mypack master and then who knows what ll happen? I might not be able to keep him offyou next time.You know he s the one who hired those two humans to kidnap you thefirst time? He did? A cold chill climbed up my spine like an icy finger. But-but why? Ihadn t even seen him in fourteen years before tonight.Diego sighed. Yeah, but I guess he s been thinking about you that whole time.Don t you get it, Luz? You re the one that got away.You ruined his ascension ceremonyback when he was first stepping up as pack master and he doesn t want to step downwithout making that right in his mind, at least.The shock of what Diego was telling me made me feel numb. Why can t he justleave me alone?My little brother shook his head. I don t know, Sis.Maybe because you re stilla& you know. He blushed. A virgin, I said numbly. And as long as I am, I ll never get rid of Engle. A planwas beginning to form in my brain.A horrible plan that I hated.But I could see no otherway out of my troubles no other way out from what Engle had planned for me. Look, don t blame yourself. Diego patted my arm awkwardly. It s not your faulthe s a sick fuck. Thanks, little brother [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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