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.“Well done, my dear.I didn’t know you had it in you.” He motioned to theplace where Lukas had stood.“Apparently, he didn’t either.”“I’m just full of surprises.”“Not enough, I’m afraid.”Her shoulders lifted and dropped.He bowed, pretending to tip an invisible hat.“Until we meet again.”129Ellen KeenerHer dream world began to melt at the edges, each color twining aroundthe other until it spun into darkness.“You know, every time I think things are calming down a little, you proveme wrong.”Mismatched eyes, dark with irritation hovered over her head.Lips pressedagainst her nose in a chaste kiss.“You’ve slept enough.I’ve got a burning desire to know exactly what thatwas all about.”She blinked again, sitting up.Morning brushed at the edges of the sky.They’d slept longer than she’d thought.“I don’t know? Why Haemon shows up in my dreams? Because he’s anuisance.”“Lame.Try again.”“You’re a pain.”“Maybe.But we aren’t leaving until you tell me what he really wanted.Andhow you managed to kick me out.”She rose, stretched, and snorted.“Maybe you aren’t leaving, but I certainlyam.”Her form hadn’t even finished shifting, before she bounded through thetrees, listening to his colorful curses as he followed.Lukas wasn’t far behind, and his voice swirled through her mind.When we get back, you’re going to talk to me.Not if I can help it.I’ve got English to tutor.I want to make myself useful around here while the kids are stuck at home.She stretched her legs longer, putting on a last burst of speed into theforest.In the corner of her eye, far to the left, a familiar honey colored wolf also loped through the clearing.Lukas, did he—was he out there the whole time?She could hear the amusement in his thoughts.Well, I tried to get him tostay away, and he didn’t come until later, but yes.There was someone around the entire time.130Blood MoonDamn.If she hadn’t been in this form, she knew her entire body would have flushed.I am never going to be able to look them in the eye, again.They weren’t that close, baby.Believe me, no one’s getting a glimpse of that behind except me.Her tail flipped in his direction, and she pointed her nose in the air.Theyneared the house again, so she slowed her gait to a trot.Wolf ears pricked as she heard car doors slamming in the distance and an engine starting.The kitchen of the house was already lit with a soft glow and pack members were inside, getting ready to carpool to work for the day.A few teenagers lounged on the porch,yawning heavily and whispering to each other.Her hindquarters dropped to the ground.She sat, watching the housecome to life.The sense of belonging overwhelmed her.A tight band around herchest constricted.Pack should always feel like this.For so many years, she’d been a member of a pack who stayed together because of fear and old family ties.There had been none of the friendship, love, and loyalty permeating everything fromthis bunch.Their interactions had no ulterior motive, no reluctance.Even the house radiated comfort.Her apprehension, brought on by the dream, melted away in the warmglow of morning.She had a place now, a good one.Her resolve hardened to steel.She would never give this up willingly.The last year had tested her mettle in ways she hadn’t ever thought shewould experience.As she watched, a small group of women giggled and gossipedtheir way to the car, sipping insulated cups of coffee.Friendship was apparent in their laughter and facial expressions.Later, she wouldn’t be able to tell anyone why she’d done it or where theurge had come from, but it felt as natural as breathing and just as necessary.Still sitting on the grass, with Aaron and Lukas next to her, she tipped her head back and howled.It poured from her throat like a living entity.Every emotion she felt, thesense of belonging, the relief of finding her place, her love for Lukas, and the overwhelming sense that they were her pack and hers to protect; each thing was its own note and it blended together, seamlessly.The howl stretched out and131Ellen Keenerfilled the air, calling everyone’s attention.As the note began to arc and taper off, she was surprised when howls sounded from across the mountain.The women attheir car, the teens on the porch, Lukas and Aaron, and wolves out of sight all joined in.Tears wound their way down her fur as the song faded.The carpool groupwaved, a few wiping teary eyes, and left for work.The teenagers yawned againand giggled at something, and life resumed.No one else seemed to notice her life had just made an irrevocable change.They noticed, baby.Believe me, they noticed.His muzzled caressed hers and he nipped at her flank with a small yip.Shetrotted towards the steps.They’re mine, Lukas.Whether they like it or not.And I intend to keepthem safe.Whatever it takes.***Embarrassment seemed to plague her constantly.She’d blushed more inthe last week than she could remember.Her first day as surrogate teacher hadbeen uneventful, though she was certain her charges didn’t think so.Most of them had individual assignments.Several of them were indifferent sections of the same class, so they worked in groups to read and answer their assignments.The hard part was keeping them all on track.By the time they’d finished, they were all groaning about how much she’dfussed at them to stay on task.She had enjoyed the day, allowing herself topretend it was her job.At one time, getting her teaching degree had been a major goal.Until she’d learned of the Council and her father’s dreams of the pitter patter of little, well-bred feet.A pack Meet had been called this evening.Already, Ella and Thaddeuswere cooking up a storm in the kitchen.Not wanting to leave a mess, she picked up the papers and writing implements around the room, then stacked up the cups littered on the table [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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