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.“We could do something.We could go up there and.”Knapp was yelling now, but he couldn’t be understood over the crowd.Saxby’s voice carried without the benefit of the microphone.“Apparently Mr.Knapp is upset because he has nothing to present tomorrow night for his segment of the program,” said Saxby.“And instead of working up something, he came here, and chose to disrupt tonight’s program.Is there any security in the building?”Two maroon-clad security guards hustled down the aisle.“Now, ma’am, to address your question.”“I don’t think Saxby needs our help, Dorothy,” said Lark.“He seems to be doing well enough on his own.”But Knapp refused to be muffled.He clamored to his feet, and then hoisted himself onto the stage.“You will pay for this.”Was he threatening Saxby?“Really, Chuck, this is unprofessional,” said Saxby, taking a step back while the security guards tried dragging Knapp from the stage.“If you had availed yourself of modern technology—I’m talking digital, Chuck—then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.”“I wish Kirk were here to see this,” Rachel said to nobody in particular.“Assaults, allegations—”“Unfounded allegations,” Dorothy muttered.“Unproven, anyway,” said Lark.Dorothy threw daggers at Lark with her eyes.Evan Kearns took the stage, looking very stern.The audience appeared to be holding its breath to see if Knapp was going to take a punch at Saxby.Saxby, prudently enough, took another step back.“Gentlemen,” Evan said.“This is not what any of us came to see.Now, if you wish to continue this discussion, I suggest you do so in private?” He gave Knapp a hard look.“Chuck, this is Saxby’s stage.You get to speak tomorrow night.”The men faced off, then Knapp drew a breath so deep that the microphone picked it up.Knapp stalked off through the wings.Saxby bent down, picked up the mike, and without looking or sounding the least bit ruffled, continued.“To address the question about whether shows such as mine would cause tourists to converge thus creating an unfavorable impact on areas with delicate ecologies, I don’t believe that will happen.To a small portion of the population these are already areas of interest, but the cost involved in undertaking expeditions into these areas can be quite prohibitive for the average person.In fact, it’s with that in mind that we present this programming.We want to share the experience with people who have neither the time nor the funds, but who desperately want to experience and learn about diverse ecosystems and their denizens.“Now, if you’ll forgive me for not tackling any more questions, I thank you for your attention.”He paused a moment for applause, which came in a few scattered bursts.“In other words,” he added, “the show’s over.It’s time to hit the bar.”This got a few laughs, and another buzz of confusion.“The bar sounds like a good idea,” said Lark.“That was the darnedest thing I’ve ever seen.”“That horrid man making those accusations about Guy,” said Dorothy.Rachel started to speak, but Dorothy held up her hand.“I know what you’re going to say, but I still don’t believe a word of it.He’s a decent man.”The other three stood in momentary silence, and Rachel became suddenly aware of the crowd milling around them.She saw Wolcott talking with Nevin Anderson, Sonja sitting with Liam Kelly, and Dwayne Carter winked at her from the back of the auditorium.She remembered his brother’s rifle.Someone had taken a shot at Chuck Knapp today with a long-barreled gun, and had narrowly missed hitting her.She wondered where the Carters had been around noon.“I think we should talk about this back in our suite,” said Rachel, feeling suddenly uncomfortable in the crowd.Lark nodded.“Well I for one would love to go on the kind of expedition Saxby was talking about,” Cecilia chirped.“I have the time, and the money—”Dorothy cut her off.“Let’s go.I’m supposed to meet Guy in the hotel bar.”“Oh my, do you think that’s wise, Dot? After the scene here tonight.”“He’ll need my support more than ever.Besides, it’s a public place, and I’m certainly old enough to meet a man for a drink.”“I say go,” said Rachel, a plan formulating in her mind.If Saxby had stolen the film there was only one place it could be—in his hotel room.“I’ll help you find him.”“As usual,” mumbled Cecilia [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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