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.Oh, and by the way, he's a murderer and possibly even a drug lord or something, so don't screw with him.However, it was too late to keep her job, now.Logan had put the idea in her head and now she was almost as set on it as he was.She had that in common with her husband.They were both rather strong willed.Once she got set on an idea, it was almost impossible for anyone to change her mind.She could be quite headstrong like that, when it came to certain things.When she returned to their bedroom, she was a free woman.Charlotte was jobless and essentially in Logan's care, at least financially.She tried not to think about her dependence on him as being essential or permanent.She tried to rationalize it would only be temporary, until she got her solo career off the ground.Charlotte told herself and others that she was self-employed now.Not that she really saw any 'others'.Although she still wrote to her parents and told them of her career move.Once she gave up her job, she spent the majority of her time in the house, rarely leaving except with Logan.It was as if he was becoming her entire world.Occasionally, Charlotte would go out to shop or to get something to eat or drink.However, over time, it got to the point where Logan didn't even like her doing that.He became so paranoid.He'd claim men in the supermarket, restaurants or anywhere she went, would hit on her and try to steal her away from him.The more she protested, the angrier he'd get.He only seemed to become more protective and paranoid over time.In the end, it was just easier for her to keep her mouth shut and do as he said.It always was.Since her wedding, Charlotte hadn't seen any of her friends in person.Things had been tense between the girls ever since the argument they'd had at her Bachelorette party.And knowing none of them particularly approved of her relationship with Logan had definitely put a huge wedge between her and them.The fact Logan knew where they stood didn't make it any less tense.While her friends had been polite and vivacious at her wedding, she sensed a distance growing between them.Afterwards, she decided she just didn't want the stress of them questioning her life choices.She didn’t want to have to feel as though she should have to defend herself or her relationship.Of course, her discovery at her wedding reception added to the rift between them, knowing they'd been right, at least about some of their suspicions.The fact Logan was dangerous and controlling made it harder for her.She had trouble admitting it to herself, yet she couldn't face them finding out.It would make it seem even more real to her.Charlotte decided to push any of the nagging doubts she'd had about whether she was doing the right thing by marrying him to the back of her mind.She’d almost convinced herself she loved Logan more than anything in the world—that he was her world.Just as she'd done when she'd left her career for Logan, she decided she'd put all of her focus and everything she had into her marriage.The last thing she wanted was to have anyone attempting to tear down the façade of happiness that she clung to for dear life.In the end, Logan was the one who tore it down.Chapter 16They continued to make love without using birth control.Every time, Charlotte continued to fret and worry about the possibility of getting pregnant until her next period arrived.When it finally did come, she'd feel amazing relief.Perhaps it was a sign subconsciously that she knew their relationship was not as it should be.Maybe on one level, a tiny part of her knew the good times couldn't last; one day, no matter how much she tried, she'd be unable to please him.At some level, she knew something would tip their relationship over the edge…eventually.The stress and fear of her becoming pregnant continued to build every time they'd had sex.It finally became too much for her.She knew she had to do something, so one day when Logan was away on business, she left the house and saw a doctor.She had him prescribe the pill for her.It was something she felt she had to do for her own sanity.Of course, she didn't tell Logan about what she'd done and she knew that she never could.However, it was worth it to her if it meant she'd have less chance of getting pregnant.This decision was a positive one for Charlotte.She felt as if a significant weight was lifted off of her and she felt better about herself; empowered.She only felt a tiny bit of guilt about deceiving him.She was in a buoyant mood over the next month and he even told her she was glowing.He said he wondered if she’d finally gotten pregnant.She told him her next period wasn’t due for two weeks and they'd know for sure then.Again, she felt guilty about the whole thing, but thought she could keep up the pretense for as long as she needed.She didn't want to have a baby.She was sure of that.Logan was disappointed each month when her period came.She tried to comfort him and console him by telling him some couples try for years before they conceive.He became increasingly agitated and impatient over the next couple of weeks.He finally brought home an entire case of home pregnancy tests one day, insisting she test herself every second day.Charlotte tried her best to reassure him it was probably all her fault and maybe she just wasn't able to have kids.However, she could tell he was beginning to worry he had something wrong with him.He was obviously worried he was infertile.One morning, she was happily daydreaming about how she'd start up her business, while standing in the stream of a steaming hot shower when Logan stormed into the bathroom and ripped open the shower door.She saw him holding her half-empty container of contraceptive pills in his hand.She held up her hands, reflexively, to protect herself.His eyes screamed with murderous rage.“I’m sorr…” she tried to say.Logan reached out and gripped her by her wet hair.He pulled her naked body out of the shower, dragging her towards the bedroom by her hair.She yelped in shock, fear and pain as her feet slipped on the tiles while she tried, in vain, to keep up with him and ease the terrible pain of his hair pulling.She was terrified, knowing he was so out of control."Logan, please!" she pleaded.Her feet had just found purchase on the bedroom carpet when he threw her bodily onto the bed.Then he threw the pillbox at her viciously, hitting her wet, shivering body."You fucking, lying whore," he spat, his voice full of disgust and hatred."I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she pleaded, as she quickly scrambled onto her back, and away from him, as far as she could go on the bed.She was afraid of what he might do to her—scared he might kill her in his current state of mind.Logan glared at her in the most terrifying manner she'd ever experienced.Charlotte steeled herself to fight for her life.She thought he might just beat her to death, but was positive he'd be violent to some degree.He looked as if he'd gone insane with rage.However, Logan surprised her by turning and snatching his coat from the end of the bed.Then he stalked out of the room.She heard the sound of his hurried footsteps fading as he departed.Then she heard the front door slam and the squeal of car tires a few seconds later.She let her head drop back onto the bed, her chest heaving with relief as tears stung her eyes.I’m so stupid.Look at what I’ve done… I've known just how much he wants me to have his baby.He wants a baby more than anything.Shit, what's going to happen?That moment was a significant turning point in their relationship.Up until then, things had been manageable; they'd had more good days than bad.She'd generally enjoyed their married life.Charlotte enjoyed the time she spent with him on their dates.She loved the way he treated her like a queen, made her meals, bought her things, showered her with affection and attention.She'd bask in the positive aspects of their relationship focusing on the good things [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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