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.Stop.She thought the word, it was a command to herself after all.There might be no way to prevent herself from acting on the urge to do this with him, but she could stop herself fi*om letting her passion rage.That would be her undoing.That would be his way into her soul.She forced her eyes open as he lifted his mouth.His face was bare of any expression but need, the angles of his jaw and cheekbones sharper, almost lethal-looking.Elena's heart jumped, then raced as he slid down her body to explore her neck with his mouth.There was a stubble of golden beard on his cheeks and chin and he rubbed them against her, following their path with his tongue.Heat shot through herbody, and Elena forced a half-choked breath into her lungs, trying to hold on to her control.She closed her eyes again and tried to separate herself from the dangerous craving by imagining she was watching the two of them from a distance.The rangy, golden-haired man, his body over the woman's.She was panting a little, sure, but it was all right, because the man's mouth was drifting lower, toward the V of the woman's collar.Who wouldn't pant?His tongue painted something wicked and wonderful against the pulse at her throat.Elena jolted, her eyes flying open.Logan's head lifted and she saw that his pupils were large black pools.His mouth was wet and his breath was loud in her ears.He caught her gaze.Held it.Elena tried to shut her eyes against him, she tried to find that protective distance again, but then his fingers curled into the edges of her blouse.*'You do this to me," he said, his voice hard and guttural.*'Only you."He tore the material apart.Buttons pinged, skittered, hitting the floor then dancing away.His fingers moved, fast and sure, to the clasp of her bra.No hesitation, no trembling, nothing but needing.Having.He bared her to him and sank lower to take her breast.Elena's body bowed.Distance, separation, none of it was possible.Not when his hands were soft on her, caressing, stokingfires, then hard, no finesse at all as he tossed away the rest of her clothes.It was raging now.Passion breaking free of the cage where she'd locked it so long ago.It didn't matter anymore what might break free with it.She couldn't think about that—couldn't think at aU.Somehow, Logan's clothes were gone too.She knew she'd undressed him, she could even see a thin welt along his chest where her fingernail had caught him in her impetuous, impatient need.Shoving him to his back, she put her mouth there, licking the little wound until her tongue encountered the bump of his nipple.She heard him groan, felt his body flinch.Without even thinking, she fastened her mouth over it and sucked.Under her hand, his heartbeat thundered.It tripped up her own heart, then hers caught his rhythm and raced along with it.Her mouth following her hand, Elena smoothed her fingers across his chest, then down.Her pinky brushed something hard, smooth, so hot that she jerked.But then it jerked, and she soothed it with her palm.She stroked him, marvehng at the smooth skin, the heat.Her skin felt hot too, maybe hotter than his, she thought.Leaning over him, her breast brushed his belly, her tongue slid down his hard colunm of flesh.In the bUnk of an eye, her shoulders thumped against the floor.It didn't hurt, there was no pain inLogan's body over hers again, sliding down hers again, Ufting her knees tiien opening her to his mouth.At the very first touch, pleasure burst.Elena choked on a scream, and then lost her voice altogether when he ignored the telltale shudders of her body and touched her again, tasted her again, over and over.Though she was still quivering from the first release, he held her hips and demanded she rise.His fingers were hard on her thighs, his mouth insistent.This wasn't the good-natured, easygoing Logan.This wasn't the cool charmer who could make her feel sixteen by raising one amused eyebrow.This was a man, demanding, insisting, stopping at less than nothing to expose a woman's every need, every secret, every secret desire.Pleasure at that tightest of coils once again, her hips Hfted.His mouth slowed.She tried digging her fingers into the cool wood floor.She tried breathing through her desperate anticipation."No one can make you feel tiiis way," Logan said, his voice coming from a long distance.'*No one but me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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