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.CST ! This canwreak havoc if SHARED.CST is not the second castLib.In D5 and later, the castLib number of any external castLib will depend on thenumber of internal castLibs and the order in which external castLibs are attached.The number of the first external castLib is always one greater than the number ofinternal castLibs.Table 4-1 outlines the use of the Shared Cast or external castLibsin Director.Table 4-1: Shared Cast Versus External CastLibsVersion External CastLib Name NotesDirector 3.1.3 Shared Cast (Mac), SHRDCST.DIR File format was not cross-platform.Shared(Windows) Cast resided in same folder with main movie.D6 will not update from D3.1.3.Director 4 SHARED.DIR (unprotected) or SHARED.DXR Cross-platform file format, but Shared Cast still(protected) resided in same folder with main movie.D7will not update from D4.Director 5.CST (unprotected), Multiple external castLibs allowed.CastLibs.CXT (protected), or can use any name and can reside in any folder.CCT (Shockwave)Director 6 and 7 Same as Director 5.Shockwave casts can be used locally or resideat any URL.Adjusting Score references to external cast librariesMoving, adding, or deleting cast members in an external castLib affects all Directormovies that link to that castLib, including ones that are not open when thechanges occur.Director tracks these changes via a cast member s unique internalID.It prompts you to update the Score references the next time you open a movieusing that external castLib (as shown in Figure 4-2) even if the altered castmembers in the external castLib are not used in the current movie.Figure 4-2: Adjusting references to linked castLibsCast Libraries 107 Cast LibrariesThe three possible responses to the dialog box are not particularly intuitive:AdjustAdjusts all Score references to accommodate any moved cast members.This isthe default option and usually the correct choice.If a cast member has beendeleted, Director does not remove the Score reference but will point to anonexistent cast member unless the cast member slot is reused.Don t adjustLeaves the Score alone.This is a dangerous option, because it is likely thatthe sprite references in the Score will point to wrong or nonexistent castmembers.If you choose this accidentally, quit Director without saving thecurrent movie, and then reopen the movie.If you really don t want to adjustthe Score references, you must save the movie after hitting this option toprevent being warned again.You ll need to make some other change toenable the File Saveoption, or use File Save Asor File Save andCompact instead.Ok for all moviesThis is the vaguest prompt of all time.In Director 4, this option was namedDon t Warn Me Again.It does not adjust the Score and prevents Director fromwarning you if other movies using the same external castLib need to beupdated.Use this only if you added cast members to an external castLib butdid not move or delete any cast members.If you choose this by mistake, quitDirector without saving the current movie.Cast Library MechanicsTable 4-2 shows the commands that manage internal and external cast libraries.Table 4-2: Working with CastLibsOperation Menu Command Mac WinOpen/Close Cast window Window Cast Cmd-3 Ctrl-3Open more Cast windows Window Cast CastLibName Opt-click castLib Alt-click castLibpop-up pop-upWindow New WindowOpen unlinked external File Open Cmd-O Ctrl-OCast or use Toolbar button.Open Behavior Library Xtras Behavior Library None None(D6)Open Java Behaviors Xtras Behavior Library for Java None None(D6.5)Open Library Palette (D7) Window Library Palette or use Toolbar None NonebuttonCreate, link, remove, or Modify Movie Casts Cmd-Shift-C Ctrl-Shift-Cmodify castLibs in use108 Chapter 4  CastLibs, Cast Members, and Sprites Cast LibrariesTable 4-2: Working with CastLibs (continued)Operation Menu Command Mac WinCreate a new castLib File New Cast Cmd-Opt-N Ctrl-Alt-NModify Movie Casts NewChoose New Cast from Cast window castLibpop-up or use Toolbar button.Switch castLib displayed in Use Choose Cast pop-up in Cast window [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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