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.Stir thesplit peas frequently during the last 20 minutes of cooking to keepthem from sticking to the bottom of the pan.Meanwhile, heat the Niter Kebbeh in a small skillet over mediumheat.When hot, add the onion and sauté, stirring frequently, un-til the onion is completely soft, about 10 minutes.When the splitpeas are done, add in the onion mixture and the salt and stir wellto combine.Serve directly on top of the Ethiopian Injera Bread, tearing offpieces of the bread to scoop up the stew.Pack for lunch in a pre-heated insulated food jar, with pieces of injera bread packed sepa-rately to scoop up the alecha at lunchtime.126 VEGAN LUNCH BOX 1600940729 text_rev.qxd 4/21/08 8:53 AM Page 127C H A P T E R10SANDWICHES OKAY, I VE GOT TWO PIECES OF BREAD.NOW WHAT?If you re new to veganism, it may seem hard to imagine sandwicheswithout meat, eggs, or cheese.Here s a small sampling of ideas forvegan sandwich fillings to help get you started!" nut butter with jam or fruit spread" vegan cream cheese, strawberry jam, and cashews" mashed beans and chopped pickle" avocado, sprouts, lettuce, and tomato" mixed green salad with salad dressing" baked or smoked tofu" Chickpea Salad (see page 94)" vegan pâté (available at health food stores)" cashew butter and bananacontinues127 1600940729 text_rev.qxd 4/21/08 8:53 AM Page 128 OKAY, I VE GOT TWO PIECES OF BREAD.NOW WHAT? continued" leftover Wheat Gluten Pot Roast and Gravy (see page 184) withketchup" sliced tofu hot dog with ketchup and mustard" Veggie Tea Sandwiches (see page 141)" peanut butter with grated carrot and mung bean sprouts" Grilled Pepperoni Sandwich (see page 130)" vegan deli slices with Vegenaise, lettuce, and tomato" almond butter and chopped dates or a mashed date-coconut roll" Imitation vegan tuna mixed with Vegenaise, black pepper, choppedcelery, onion, and pickle" vegan cheese (see  Gettin Cheesy, page 131)" Tofurky with vegan cream cheese and cranberry sauce" sunflower seed butter with raisins and Sneaky Cinnamon-Sugar(page 29)" Veggie Burger (see page 140)" roasted red peppers, marinated artichoke hearts, and black olivetapenade" Lentil-Rice Balls (page 159) mashed with tomato sauce or ketchup" Easy Hummus (see page 105) with cucumber slices and black olives" baba ganoush (eggplant dip) with grilled zucchini" falafel balls with hummus, tahini (sesame seed butter), and lettuce" vegan  chicken patties with Vegenaise and mustard" mixed grilled zucchini, eggplant, and onion slices" vegan cream cheese mixed with canned crushed pineapple" almond butter and apple slices" refried beans mixed with salsa128 VEGAN LUNCH BOX 1600940729 text_rev.qxd 4/21/08 8:53 AM Page 129" mixed roasted vegetables topped with pesto or basil puree" fried tempeh" peanut butter and kiwi fruit" margarine with spicy pumpkin, apple, or pear butter" grilled portobello mushroom with caramelized onions and a drizzleof balsamic vinegar" vegan bacon with Vegenaise, lettuce, and Oven-Dried Tomatoes(page 200)" scrambled tofu" vegan coleslaw and toasted cashews" dried figs, soaked overnight to soften, then mashed with groundhazelnuts or hazelnut butter" soynut butter with jam or fruit spread" golden-fried tofu with Quick Peanut Sauce (page 108) andbaby spinach" a thin layer of Vegemite or Marmite (yeast extract) topped withavocado and tomato" baked beans" herb and chive vegan cream cheese with sprouts, red onion,lettuce, and tomato" a slice of leftover  meatloaf with ketchup or chutney(visit my  Magical Loaf Studio to create your very own loaf:www.veganlunchbox.com/loaf_studio.html)" peanut butter and vegan chocolate or carob chipsP.S.To keep your sandwiches from becoming soggy, pack the fillingingredients separately and assemble the sandwich just before eating.Ifusing nut butters, vegan cream cheese, or margarine, spreading some onboth sides of the bread will also help prevent the sogs.Sandwiches 129 1600940729 text_rev.qxd 4/21/08 8:53 AM Page 130GRI LLED PEPPERONI SANDWI CHAn interesting and very easy variation on pizza!This sandwich is lightly toasted in a skillet before packing.Butsince it won t still be hot at lunchtime, what s the point? Well, westill enjoy the crispy crunch of the toasted bread, and the once-melted cheese helps hold the sandwich together [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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