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.Grace was outgoing and friendlyto everyone that stopped to talk to me.Each guy that came to talk to me onlyhad eyes for her, and each girl gave her a jealous once over and walked awayangry.She captivated every person shemet, from the old guy who swept thefloors in Tramp's Bar and Grill, to theten-year-old kid who helped his fatherbus the tables at Mac's Pub.She even fell into a relaxedconversation with me as we walkedalong the busy city streets.Anybodypassing us by would have thought wewere a couple.Maybe from the way Ilooked at her, or maybe the way I put myhand on the small of her back and thecomfortable way she leaned into mytouch.Whatever it was, it was like asmall sliver of heaven to me. Hey, I tugged on her coat softlyas we stood in front of the bar we posted the last flier in. I was going to headover to Boozer's, maybe grab a beer,want to come? Yeah, that sounds great, shereplied.A smile swept over her lips,illuminating her eyes.My God, she isthe most beautiful woman I have everseen in this life. Well, damn, Grace, Iwhispered. When you smile, itcertainly does some serious damage to aman s insides.Blinking quickly, she lookedaway and started walking, shoving herhands deep into her coat pockets.I hadto run to catch up to her and we walkedthe rest of the way to the bar in silence.However, there was a huge smile plastered on her face and I knew it waswhat I said that put it there. Chapter 6Alex was sitting alone at ourregular table when we got to Boozer's.We ordered a bucket full of beer and abasket of cheese fries as soon as wejoined him.Lea and Conner met us there,after I texted Conner.Brayden, Ethan,and Tucker came in a few minutes after.When Tucker saw Grace, heshoved my chair over, with me stillsitting on it, and pulled over anotherchair in its spot, to sit in between us. Hey, Shane, you don't mind, right?Oh, hell yes I mind.I didn't say anythingthough.Tucker would act like a jerkwithin an hour and Grace would hate him.He'd screw it up himself and Ineeded to have her witness for herselfhow much of a jerk he was.I wasn tgoing to be a douchebag friend and tellher.Alex burst out laughing atTucker's efforts to get Grace to noticehim. Wow, Tucker.What are you, liketwelve? Alex teased.Tucker lifted his shoulders andlet them drop dramatically.He tilted hishead adoringly at Grace,  Dude, I justwant to sit next to the prettiest girl in thebar, that's all. Oh, he was so slick,wasn't he?Alex laughed at him and slappedthe table. Tuck, you think she lookspretty now? God, you should have seen her in her little pink teddy bear pajamasbefore.It made me start thinking of veryindecent things, Alex whistled andwinked at Grace.Tucker looked down at her andraised an eyebrow. Hmmm.Damn, Imiss all the good stuff. Oh yeah, Alex continued. Shelooked all sweet and innocent.I justwanted to corrupt her. Alex was eggingTucker on. Corrupt her? What were youthinking of doing? Show her the smallestpenis in the world? Make her dislikemen forever? Lea asked him, laughing. Yeah, dude.One night with youand she'll run screaming to a convent, I offered.Alex nodded agreeing with me. Ah.You're probably right.But, sorry,Grace, watching you in those little pinkpajamas, put pictures in my mind of howfreaky I'd get with you.Grace didn't seem to be botheredabout anything they were saying, she justlaughed along with everyone.Shedidn t even blush. So, Alex, what kind of freakythings go on in your place? Hmm?What's the freakiest thing you've everdone? Lea asked.Holy crap, can I tella few freaky tales about Alex. I love bondage.I'd love tospank you, Lea, he said.Man, is that true.I ve seen him tie a few girls up. But what I'd really love to know iswhat freaky things you get up to, Lea,Alex continued. And you too, Grace.He gave her one of his predatory smilesand leaned in closer to her; it made mystomach drop.Grace beamed.She doubledover, bursts of breathy laughter escapingfrom her lips.She looked up and winkedat him,  I bet you would, Alex.Conner threw a handful of cheesefries at Alex causing him to lean awayfrom Grace. Leave my girl's freakinessoutta your thoughts, he laughed.I leaned across the table closerto Grace, leaning my face so close tohers our noses almost touched. Okay, Lea's off limits because she's Conner'sgirl.I'd like to hear about Gracethough.Tucker shoved me so hard that healmost pushed me off the chair. Realnice, ass! He screamed at me.Graceflinched.A frown etched itself acrossher beautiful face.Confusion cloudedmy brain.Why was it okay wheneveryone else flirted and teased her, butI got the look of death when I did it? Igave her a confused, unblinking stare. Some of my close friends havecalled me Black Widow, because after Isleep with someone, I kill them, shejoked.The laughter just didn't reach hereyes, and I knew what I had saidbothered her.I wished I understood why.  I have no doubt in my mind thatyou have had that effect on men, since Ifeel like I've died every time you'vesmiled at me. I spoke the words sosoftly I didn't even know if they reachedher ears.She narrowed her eyes andlooked away quickly.She couldn't evenmeet my stare.While the rest of the tablekept on laughing and talking nonsense,Grace got up and walked away withsome empty bottles.She walked over tothe trashcan and threw them in.Then shewalked up to the bar, sat by herself onone of the stools, and threw down afistful of twenties.I watched her talk to Ryan, thebartender, who gave her a deep throaty laugh and a wink.He pulled down abottle of Jack Daniel s black label andpoured her a shot.She put the glass toher lips and gulped it down like achamp.Ryan watched her as she drank,wringing his bar towel in his hands, andthen adjusting himself in his pants.Fuck, even Ryan wanted her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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