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.Thus, all things considered, the choice must be in regard tothat calling or profession which most suitably comports with the Genius of Fortune.This is taught in thehoroscopical science, but otherwise is kabalistically determined according to names and numbers.Thesethings, which have relation to the freedom of man, must be understood by those who would makeelection of times and seasons.It is good and proper to know whence benefits will be derived and whenceevil will assail us; also those days, hours and seasons which are proper to our purposes, and those againwhich are incompatible; so that between that which is good and that which is evil we may so work that AMO - Thaumaturgic Art Chapter 4ultimately we may prevail. AMO - Thaumaturgic Art Chapter 5CHAPTER VON TALISMANSON the back of the Great Tortoise which the Emperor Yaou found on the banks of the Yellow River afterthe great flood of 2348 B.C., there was found inscribed a square of numbers which is now of universalfanie.It comes to us through the Hebrew Kabala as the Seal of Saturn, or the Table of Fifteen, beingcomposed of the figures from one to nine so arranged that every way it adds to 15.But the Chinese call itthe Patao, or Eightfold Path, these ways or paths being represented by the numbers leading from thecentral figure, which represents Man.Thus we have the most ancient telesma in the world, the mysticTable of Saturn :-4 9 23 5 78 1 6This telesma is made on virgin parchment, or lead, which is the metal of Saturn, and on a Saturday, in thehour of Saturn, being the first and eighth hour after sunrise.On one side is inscribed the above table offigures, around which is a circle enclosing the name Agial, which is the sum of the numbers included inthe table, namely 45.Thus :-A 1, g 3, i 10, a 1, l 30 = 45.On the reverse side is the Sigil of Saturn and the Seal, together with a text importing the purpose forwhich the telesma is made. AMO - Thaumaturgic Art Chapter 5The Table of Jupiter is a square of four, comprising the numbers from 1 to 16 in such form that each wayshall amount to 34, the total of all being 136.The Table of Mars is a square of five, from 1 to 25.each column and diagonal amounting to 65, and thesum of all to 325.The Table of the Sun is a square of six, from 1 to 36, the sum being 111 in every direction, and the totalof all the numbers 666.This is the mystical number which stands in opposition to the "Number of theBeast."The Table of Venus is a square of seven, comprising the numbers from 1 to 49, amounting to 175 in alldirections, and the sum of all the figures to 1225.The Table of Mercury is a square of eight, being numbers from 1 to 64, adding to 260 in all directions,the sum being 2080.The Table of the Moon is a square of nine, adding to 369 in all directions, the sum of the numbers being3321.Each telesma has to be made in the hour and on the day ruled by the planet, when the Moon is increasingin light and in good aspect to the ruler of the hour.An illustration of the method of employing these telesmas may be cited.If the position is to be improved, take the influence of the planet Jupiter and on a Thursday in the hour ofJupiter, the Moon being in good aspect to that planet and increasing in light.On a piece of tin, silver orparchment, inscribe the Table of Four, and over it the name of the Intelligence of Jupiter, which isJophial, and beneath it the symbol of the planet.Enclose these in a circle and write around it the names ofAba.Hevah, Ahi, Alab, which are the powers of its numbers.Close them with another circle.On the reverse side, inscribe the planetary seal, and the sigil of the planetary intelligence, and enclosethem in a circle.Around this write the purport of the telesma in a verse taken from Scripture which isappropriate to the operation in hand.Close all in a circle.The telesma thus made is to be worn upon the person until such time as its operation is effected, when itis to be regarded as a "dead" talisman, and thereafter will serve for no other person or purpose.Now in order to complete the knowledge of this telesmic art, the following sigils are given, to beinscribed on the reverse side to the table of numbers. AMO - Thaumaturgic Art Chapter 5As to the construction of the magical tables of numbers, the following rules are to be followed :-For evenly-even squares, i.e.such as have 4, 8 and 12 bases, e.g.the squares of Jupiter and Mercury,write down the figures in their natural order, as here :-1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 1213 14 15 16 AMO - Thaumaturgic Art Chapter 5Now draw a square divided into 16 cells.Fill in the numbers in this order, viz, keep the corners as theyare, 1, 4, 13, and 16.Transpose the figures to their diagonal opposites, namely, 5 and 12, 9 and 8, 2 and15, 3 and 14, leaving the central square of four cells in their natural order.You will then have a square in which the numbers are so disposed that they add up to 34 in any direction,thus :-1 15 14 412 6 7 98 10 11 513 3 2 16For oddly-even squares, as 3 x 2 = 6, 5 x 2 = 10, 7 x 2 = 14, a rather different method is employed.Takea natural square of six.Keep the corner numbers 1, 6, 31, 36 in their natural places, transfer the centralsquare of four cells to their diagonal opposites, namely, 15 and 22, 16 and 21.Keep the corners of thenext square, 8, 11, 26, 29, in their natural places.We now have the square in this condition :-1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 1213 14 22 21 17 1819 20 16 15 23 2425 26 27 28 29 3031 32 33 34 35 36showing the two diagonals of the grand square completed.Now transpose 27 and 28, then lift them to the places of 9 and 10, bringing these down to replace them.Next transpose 17 and 23, and carry them across to the places of 14 and 20, bringing these latter over toreplace them.Next transpose 12 and 30, and carry them across to the places of 7 and 25, bringing these latter back toreplace them. AMO - Thaumaturgic Art Chapter 5Transpose 19 and 24, leaving 13 and 18 in their natural places.Transpose 4 and 34, leaving 3 and 33 in their natural places.Finally, transpose 32 and 35, and carry them across to the places of 2 and 5, bringing these down toreplace them; you will then have theMagic Square of Sol.1 35 3 34 32 630 8 28 27 11 713 23 22 21 14 1824 17 16 15 20 1912 26 9 10 29 2532 2 33 4 5 36All squares may be dealt with on the principle which is here followed.It will be of interest to note thatthe seals of the planets are derived from the numerical sequence of their tables.Thus in the square ofthree, which is the Table of Saturn, if you draw a line from 1 to 2 and thence to 3, another line through 4,5 and 6, and a third line from 7 to 8 and thence to 9, you have the Seal of Saturn.But the other forms ofthe seals have been simplified and rendered as equivalent glyphs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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