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. I didn t know how you like yours, so I loaded it up withsugar and cream.Kelsey sat up against the headboard and accepted the coffee.Eyeing Jordan cautiously, she took a sip, and groaned as thedelicious taste filled her mouth. It s wonderful.Thank you." 69 " LARKIN ROSE You re welcome.Breakfast will be ready in about tenminutes. She left the room.Kelsey stared after her.Had a lover ever served her breakfast?Hell, she d never allowed anyone besides Sharon to stay after thefuck was over.The other women she d brought home asked waytoo many questions and left her no choice but to send them ontheir merry way.She was shocked that Jordan was still here.She had theimpression freedom meant a lot to her, too.Jordan was a strongwoman.She didn t need to cling to someone she could look up to,or make compromises because she didn t feel complete withouta girlfriend.She was the kind of person who could probablyunderstand why Kelsey held on to her father s company with astrong grip.Kelsey shook the unrealistic thought from her mind.Peopleonly saw her as a corporate raider, not a caring person.No oneknew yet that she was trying to find a way to change the companyand still make profits.No one would ever truly understand thather love for her father had forced her to endure and continuehis legacy.He d loved the company more than anything.Evenafter her mother pleaded and threatened to leave, he d continuedholding tight to his monster s reins.That empire was Kelsey s now, and she couldn t look downher nose at him for creating it.If she had to live the rest of herlife alone, then so be it.Her father had taught her everything sheknew, how to be strong and independent and to stand up for whatshe believed in.She couldn t let him down by running away fromthe empire he d sacrificed so much to build.She slid out of bed, pulled on boxers and a T-shirt, andheaded to the kitchen. It smells good in here. She eyed the sandwiches of bacon,eggs, lettuce, and thin slices of tomato that Jordan had arrangedon plates.Her mouth watered.Jordan placed a sandwich in front of her and sat on the otherstool. I figured we d worked up quite an appetite." 70 " I DARE YOUJust thinking about the things they d done throughout thenight made Kelsey shudder.Jordan had ripped multiple orgasmsfrom her, leaving her breathless and sated before they finallydrifted off to sleep.She shifted her attention to her sandwich,taking determined bites. Do you have plans today? Jordan asked.Kelsey glanced at the clock above the sink. I have to get towork. What about tonight?Stretching their liaison out would only lead to disclosuresKelsey didn t want to make.Ending this before it could get toofar was the only way around her dilemma. Sorry.Got plans, she lied.Jordan nodded and bit into her sandwich.Disappointmentsplashed her eyes.Kelsey s heart pounded.How could onemore night hurt? She didn t have to tell Jordan everything.Sheconsumed some more of her sandwich while she tried to firmup her resolve.How many encounters did it take before a flingbecame a relationship? She never let anyone stay in her life longenough to find out.Jordan wasn t giving up easily.Her eyes glittered, daringKelsey to say yes. Tomorrow?Kelsey hesitated, torn between logic and lust. I ll be freearound three, after my lunch meeting.Jordan grinned. I ll pick you up at three thirty.Kelsey perked a brow. Who said you could? I did. Jordan gave her a bright smile and carried theirempty plates to the sink.Kelsey could have kicked herself as she watched her rinsethe dishes.She was asking for trouble.The best idea would be tocall Jordan tomorrow afternoon and cancel.She could say good-bye over the phone.She couldn t slow her heart down as Jordancrossed the room toward her and eased between her legs. You ready for a shower? Jordan s smile deepened intomischief. I have a few areas to clean." 71 " " 72 " I DARE YOUCHAPTER SEVENap music drifted from open apartments as Jordan tappedRon her mother s door.An image of Kelsey grinding tothat hard beat slid into her mind.Her mom slipped the curtainback, gave her a frown, and then unlocked various chains andbolts. Is something wrong? she asked as Jordan strolled into thetiny space. No.Can t a daughter visit her mother? Are you getting sassy with me, young lady? She led Jordanto the kitchen where a bowl of beef stew waited. Want some ofmy homemade stew? No, thanks.I ll have a late lunch when I get back towork.Her stomach gave a low grumble of protest.There wasnothing in the world like her mother s home-cooked meals,especially her stew.Yet if Jordan wasn t allowed to buy groceries,she would be damned if she d eat and deprive her mom of asecond serving. You re too skinny.You need to eat. Susan Porter s wearygaze roamed over her. You look& different.Same rosy cheeksand bright eyes, but there s something&  Her fingers flew to hermouth. Is my baby in love?Jordan cringed.Where she was concerned, her mother s" 73 " LARKIN ROSEimagination ran wild.She couldn t wait to have grandchildrenand was always looking for clues that Jordan was ready to settledown. Jeez, Mom.I m not in love.I just came to see how youwere doing. What s her name? Does she like kids?Immediate suffocation cramped Jordan s chest.Leave it toher mom to become nosey. There s no she. You didn t say if she liked kids.She has to love kids.I wantto be a grandma, remember. Mom, you re not listening to me. She loves kids.Excellent.Jordan dropped into a chair. Why are you so hardheaded?Her mother walked over to the table and set down a glass oftea. God made me that way.He made you that way, too.That swhy you re not telling me about her.But it s okay if you want tokeep her a secret.I understand [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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