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.Erienne waited in apprehension asLord Saxton climbed down.She could not bear the thought ofbeing touched by those smoothly gloved and impersonal handsagain, yet she could think of no tactical way of refusing hisassistance from the carriage.When he turned back, a cold,shivering shudder swept through her, and she tried to braceherself.The gloved hand raised but it was to make a quickgesture to the footman.The young man hastened to the door andoffered up his hand.Erienne almost sighed with relief as sheaccepted the substitution.She was confused at the clemencyshown by her husband and wondered if he actually knew how sheloathed his touch.Or was this just a glimpse of a coldlycalculating character?Stepping to the ground, she paused beside him while the footmanran ahead to open the front door.As much as she dared, Eriennekept her gaze averted from her husband until he spoke. Not being light of foot, madam, I would prefer to follow you.He lifted a hand in an invitation for her to precede him.Erienne needed no other encouragement to hurry up the pathaway from him.She tried to ignore the sound of his dragging foot,but the thunder of.a stampeding horde could not have drownedout that fearsome scrape.clop.scrape.clop.Mrs.Kendall waited with the butler, Paine, inside the door, andher beaming face momentarily quelled Erienne's anxieties.Enthusiastically beckoned in, Erienne moved past the footmanand butler and followed the housekeeper across the tower entrywhile Paine held the door for his master.Upon entering the greathall, Erienne paused in surprise.Absent were the dust-laden,grayish shrouds that had covered the furnishings.The hall hadundergone a thorough cleaning from the stone floor to the higherarches of the oaken beams that bridged the ceiling.For the firsttime Erienne realized the towering walls were hung with tapestries, shields, and other trappings of ancient chivalry.Acrackling fire burned in the huge stone hearth, casting a warmglow about the room.A small grouping of chairs sat before it on alarge area rug.Nearer the kitchen, massive, straight-backedchairs, their seats cushioned and covered with deep green velvet,were gathered in precise order around a long trestle table.In thedarker corners, stout candles burned on the branches ofcandelabrums that stood to the floor on their own heavy bases.Their tiny, flickering flames combined with the firelight toprovide a welcoming warmth while holding back theever-deepening shadows of night. We did our best ter see it cleaned for ye, mum, Aggie statedand glanced about with smiling satisfaction at theiraccomplishments. I suppose 'twas hard for a stranger ter imaginethat underneath all them coverin's and grime there was a room sogrand.I was here meself as a young woman so I knew what a foinplace it was when the old lord ruled the manor.A hollow voice sounded from the entry, calling thehousekeeper's name and bringing both women around with astart.Aggie recovered her composure quickly and seemed not theleast bit timid as she faced the ominously hooded master of thehouse. Did you want me, milord?Paine took his master's cloak and stepped aside as Lord Saxtonaddressed the woman. You may show your mistress to her chambers.Perhaps shewould care to freshen up before dinner. Aye, milord. The housekeeper bobbed a curtsy.TakingErienne's small valise from the footman, she faced her mistresswith a cheery smile. Come along, mum.There be a nice warmfire just waitin' for ye.Erienne moved toward the tower, feeling her husband's gazefollowing her across the room.His stare set a deeper fearburgeoning within her.How could she bear what was yet tocome? How could she endure the long, dark hours in his arms andnot reveal her revulsion when his rasping breath or his scarred hands touched her skin?The housekeeper led the way down a dimly lit hallway of theupper floor, and even in the gloom it was readily apparent thatthe corridor had been carefully cleaned.Candles provided thelight and cast a softly glowing sheen over the marble floors. 'Twill be the lord's chambers ye'll be havin', mum, just likebefore, Aggie announced. We've tidied them for ye, and they'relookin' fit for a king  she grinned aside at Erienne as sheadded  or maybe his queen. The manor certainly looks different, Erienne commented in alow tone that might have betrayed her lack of enthusiasm forbeing there, but Aggie did not notice as she trilled on. Just wait till ye see what the master has bought for ye, mum.The loveliest gowns ye'll ever be wantin' ter see.Why, they musto' cost him a fair penny ter see them done in such a short time.Her eyes twinkled as she looked at Erienne. He seems to bemightily taken with ye, mum.Aye! Erienne's mind laconically agreed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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