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.I eagerly complied. Please.Ellis.Pleeease.I want you.I needyou.Please. My Roommate s a Jock? Well, Crap! 189He leaned back and positioned himself.He looked me in theeyes and pushed in.I swear debaucherous lust, laced with fire,radiated from his gaze and enveloped me as he sank in completely,claiming another scorching kiss as we joined.I surrenderedeverything to him.Ellis was indeed the master, and I wouldwillingly submit to anything he desired.On our kitchen floor, he conquered me.Not that he set out initially to prove his dominance, but I thinkhe discovered it in those first few thrusts.He didn t take it slow, andhe didn t hesitate but for a few seconds.Ellis exploded in a sexuallypropelled rapture that consumed his being and drove his ambition,and I was the catalyst.He thrust into me deeper and harder, until Ithought I d split apart from his dynamic force.He practically snarledin my ear like a wild beast, and I could tell he was close to climax.He grabbed my knee and roughly pushed it higher, opening mewider as he let out an inhuman roar.This was unlike anything I had ever experienced in the past.Istruggled for breath as I held onto him in our throes of passion.Thefriction between our bellies was enough to tip me over the edge andI erupted like Vesuvius.And while the rush of semen shot ribbonsover my chest, I helplessly rode out Ellis s newfound primalinclinations with loud exclamations. Oh fuck! Ellis! Fuck! Hepushed me over the edge and kept me there longer than anyone had.Ellis, too, shouted his triumph robustly as he collapsed overme in the end, panting in my ear.I hugged him tightly as I huffed and puffed, attempting toregain my composure.I felt him slip from inside me, and again feltdisappointment.I wanted that connection.I needed that connection.Ellis was the one.I knew that he was, and it scared me.Ellis repositioned himself next to me and searched my facewith his eyes.He touched my cheek and jaw tenderly, as if seeingme for the first time.I could feel him trembling against me. Marryme.I blinked in response. What? Surely I d misheard him. Will you marry me? he asked again, soft yet sure, caressingmy cheek and brushing his fingers over the hairs of my mustache. I 190 Wade Kellylove you, Cole.There s nothing about you that doesn t make metingle all over every time you re in the room.Even your infuriatingquirks make me buzz with anticipation because when you yell orgrumble or protest something or other I ve done, all I envision isripping your clothes off and fucking you blind, like I did just now.Every inch of me wants nothing more than to be with you.Always.Every day, and everywhere.So& marry me.I swallowed hard.He d rendered me speechless once again.His words were unexpected, yet inspired.Yes, he was beingirrational and impetuous, but he was also romantic and sentimental.Ellis, I thought as I gazed lovingly into his eyes, God brought methis beautiful man my soccer-playing English major and he askedme to marry him! I could not thank God enough.Insane or not, Isaid,  Yes.Yes, I ll marry you.But you do realize it s not legalizedin PA, right?He smiled and shook his head, tolerating my negativity. You re impossible. He leaned in, kissing me with sloppy, slurpingsounds that made me giggle.Seconds later he pulled back and askedvery seriously,  You know what? What? My leg fucking hurts! I gotta get off this floor. He sat up andgrabbed for the table s edge. Help me up?I did.And then I surveyed our mess. Oh, I whimpered in thatsad way little kids do when their favorite toy gets broken.I wantedto cry.Then Ellis rubbed my stomach. I ll clean it, Cole.My blurry eyes found his. I ll clean it up, I promise.Just let me grab a shower and takesome ibuprofen.Okay?His expression was so comforting. Okay, I said weakly.Ellis carefully leaned over and picked up his shorts from thefloor, and that was when I heard the front door close. Culinary catastrophes, Batman, what happened in here? Robexclaimed, surveying the walls, floor, and table. Did Linda Blairvisit, and not like the menu? My Roommate s a Jock? Well, Crap! 191I looked at Rob.He looked at Ellis.Then he looked at me, andhis expression immediately changed from bemused observance toshocked revelation. My eyes, my eyes! he exclaimed as he lookedaway, holding one hand over his face and the other out in front ofhim.Ellis, who found humor in this, calmly rationalized,  I guessyou won t use the key I gave you without knocking first.Will ya?For some reason, I always had to point out holes in people sreasoning. In Rob s defense, you did say,  Feel free to walk right inso I don t need to get off the couch.  (I even reminded him with amocking tone of his voice.Don t judge Rob would have done thesame.)Ellis didn t comment but his glower sufficed.I grinnedunapologetically.The banter between us didn t matter once Rob pronouncedloudly,  You re naked! He was still covering his eyes andextending his other arm as if to keep us at bay.I wish I had acamera.Ellis, unfazed, didn t overreact to his behavior.Instead he said, You ve seen me naked before, Rob.It s only been a couple ofweeks since you helped me take a shower.Plus, remember last year,when Russ s little brother threw up his pizza and orange juice allover my lap?Rob tentatively lowered his hand.I could see the gearschurning behind his expression, and then slowly a grin appeared onhis lips. Oh yeah. He chuckled quietly. That was really funny.The orange juice made it all slimy and it soaked through to yourunderwear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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