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.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHe had begun to swear at her.She said, "Keep your voice down.You earlier threatened to pay thecaptain to finish it off.Well, let me tell you something, buster, Bitts and me are in cahoots.We're just likethat!" And she raised two fingers parallel."This yacht ain't going to move a foot unless I tell it to.And youknow what I think, you (bleep)? I think you're going to try to get me in and then you're going to waveyour dirty hand and tell me to get lost.That's what I think you're going to do.""You wrong me," said the black-jowled man."I keep my word.""The hell you do," said Teenie."Remember that Rome jeweler's? You said we could go back and pickup the necklace and what did you do? You just plain forgot!""I didn't!" said the black-jowled man."I picked it up myself the day after you sailed.Here it is."He fumbled in his pocket and brought out a box."That ain't going to do you any good now," said Teenie, waving it back as he extended it across thegap."You probably had him put in fake stones and hope I can't tell in this light.No sir, Mac.I don't trustyou worth a (bleep)."He put the box back into his pocket, with an angry thrust.She raised a cautionary finger at him."Now hear this, loud and clear, buster.I'm not moving this yachtinto Turkish waters until I get my ten grand.""Jesus," said the black-jowled man.I was seething.Rage had begun to take over.So that was her price, was it? Ten grand for delivering meto my death! Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlTeenie stepped back from the rail.Above the hiss of the rain her voice was plain."Ten grand in my littlehot hand, buster, and then and only then will I give the word.""Jesus," said the black-jowled man."I haven't got ten grand aboard here.""See?" said Teenie."You were trying to pull a con.You weren't going to pay me at all! Oh, I'm used todealing with the likes of you.I was brought up on birds that would rather do a double switch than eat.""Listen," said the black-jowled man."Izmir is right over there.Our agent will have the cash.I can get itin two hours.And if I pay you, will you order this yacht to Istanbul? You know (bleeped) well, we've gotto get our hands on him.""All right," said Teenie."We'll stand by right here off Chios.""No, not all right," said the black-jowled man."How do I know you won't just sail away the moment I leave? I think you better step over that rail andcome with me.""All right," said Teenie."I'll tell Bitts."She passed within three feet of me in the dark.She went to the bottom of the bridge ladder.She yelledup, "Stand by right where you are off Chios.We're going into Izmir.I'll be back in a couple of hours.""Aye, aye," came down from the darkness.She sped back past me. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"You sure you've got him safe?" said the black-jowled man before he extended an arm to help her overthe rail."You bet he is," said Teenie."Drugged to the gills and I'll keep him drugged.He thinks he's on his wayto Egypt.You want to go down and see him?""We've wasted enough time.Jump."Teenie landed on their deck.Lines were cast off.The screws of the craft churned.It was swallowed inthe rain and dark.Oh, the perfidy of women!I was sick to the core with her treachery.I HAD TO ACT!Chapter 6TWO HOURS!But two hours can become two minutes if one doesn't rush. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlThere was a rift in the rain.A momentary luminance of moonlight spread its green horror across thescene.There was a loom of land a mile or two away.That must be Chios, the Greek island almost up againstthe Turkish shore.I yearned toward it.Oh, Gods, if I could only reach it, I would be out of their tentacles.The rain closed in again.But I had had an omen.Some God, if only for a moment, had plucked the veilaside.ACTION! I had to get into action quick! Even now the hurled stones for adultery were halfway throughthe air.Suddenly I realized that the stones of the demonstrators had been another warning from theGods.It had been another omen and I had not seen it!I would not miss it now!Swift as a cat I raced below.Did I have time to pack? The hand grips that Teenie had bought me inRome lay upon the closet floor.Anything that had to do with Teenie was bad luck.I flinched from them.No, I did not have time to pack.I would abandon my things [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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