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.And, if he was into it, well, why not? I mean, going from a slave to a guard must to be an improvement, right?Lucien beamed."Yes, it's been a.""No, Luna, your body is too fragile," Amelia interrupted, her freckled face filled with unease."You've only recently been transformed yourself.No vampire ever attempts to share the gift until they've lived at least a decade." A burgundy glow flourished across her cheeks."Beyond that, we don't have the proper facilities.What if you turn into a black demon, Lucien?""Oh, quit freaking out.Since we're fed non-genetically modified foods, the chances of me emerging as a mutation are virtually nonexistent.""It's not worth it.""Okay, okay, hold on," I grumbled, raising my hands to silence their bickering."First of all, what in the hell is a black demon?""Well, it'll take a little explaining," Lucien admitted, grinning and sitting down beside me on the edge of the tub."In short, a black demon is a change gone wrong.To truly understand, you'll have to learn how vampires are made.It's not the metaphysical, devil worshipping, voodoo you see in the movies.""Yeah, it's genetic modification.They taught us about it in school," Amelia acknowledged, flopping onto the floor."Essentially, vamps feed and their saliva transmits a virus that modifies a human's genetic code to create the blood slave bond.Then, when the slave ingests the blood of their master, a separate virus is transmitted, further modifying the slave's genetic code into a made vampire.""Huh, so how'd the born vamps get started? Were they some freak of evolution?""No, born vampires aren't descended from humans.They came to earth from a more technologically advanced planet," Lucien explained."Their world, Ascetilli, located in our constellation Ophiuchus, underwent a global catastrophe.I don't exactly recall what.""I think their sun died," Amelia added."Anyway, the important thing is that in order to travel through space in state similar to hibernation, they genetically modified themselves into the race we recognize today as vampires.When they arrived here, human societies were basically hunter-gatherers and they assimilated into our villages, most leading normal human lives."Lucien wrinkled his nose."Well, as normal as they could while managing to cope with the side effects of the modifications.All too quickly, they discovered their need to feed on human blood, their godlike powers, and their ability to create a sub-race of vampires from humans.""Interesting story and, um, totally not far-fetched," I quipped, raising my eyebrows sarcastically.Regardless, whether they were spouting fact or fiction, I was rapidly growing desensitized to the bizarre revelations.Bloodsucking vampire spawn? Sure.Half alien from Ophiuchus? Whatever, no biggie."So, uh, in other words, you're saying that Tsedaka altered my DNA by first drinking my blood.Hence, the wounds on my neck and wrists.After which, he pulled a repeat by forcing me to consume his blood from the chalice.""Correct.Although, do you remember where your transformation occurred, Luna?" Amelia questioned, sitting up a bit straighter.How could I forget? Sigh."Yeah, they imprisoned me in a dingy cement pit.""And for good reason," she warned."You might've mutated and that would've endangered everyone at high court."Glaring at her, Lucien shook his head vehemently."No, Luna had to be in a secure room because she probably ate genetically modified foods, much the same as all humans.Nonetheless, my case is different, seeing that Lord Adrian feeds us organic produce which is strictly free of GMOs.""Maybe I'm a tad slow," I admitted."But what does a person's diet have to do with becoming a black demon?""They never existed until ten years ago when genetically modified corn and soybeans came on the market," Lucien explained, adopting a somber tone."If humans eat these types of foods within seventy-two hours of the change, it appears to disrupt the process of gene evolution.I wish I could explain in more detail.Regrettably, I'm not acquainted with the exact science.It wasn't my specialty.""Black demons are horrid creatures," Amelia broke in, pursing her lips and fidgeting uncomfortably."They share several characteristics with made vamps, namely strength and their need to avoid the sun.However, rather than feeding from humans, they require blood from other vampires.And they attack involuntarily, similar to rabid dogs."God! Tsedaka was such a prick.I mean, by the sound of it, he'd nearly turned me into a monster [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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