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. You re not acting now, I said,daring to sit beside him on the bed.Mybody was waking up in his presence, andI let it. You aren t acting now, areyou?He looked at me sadly. I m not thisgood of an actor, he said. Jackson, I said,  Why do you dothis to yourself? What? he asked, turning to look atme.My skin blazed to life under hisgaze, and that aching need inside of mecried out in the darkness.  Why do you bother with all of this,the whole rock and roll thing, if it makesyou this miserable? I asked.He was quiet for a moment, and Icould see him deliberating aboutwhether or not he wanted to be honestwith me.Without tearing his eyes awayfrom mine, he said,  I owe it to theworld to lead a spectacular life, Alexa. But why? I pressed,  Plenty ofpeople are perfectly happy living quiet,humble  I know, he said,  I wish I was oneof them.But. I was astonished to hearhis voice catch in his throat. The onlyreason I m sitting here right now issomeone else s sacrifice.All of this, it s all for her.It s all to make good on hersacrifice. Someone you loved? I asked, myvery cells poised on the brink of utterdisappointment. Yes, he said,  My mother. What? I said, my body raging witha thousand different impulses. My mother, Jackson repeated,fighting to keep his voice even. Shedied, giving birth to me.She gave upeverything so that I could live.Howcould I be content with a modest life,knowing that? I need to do somethingamazing with the life I ve been given,because she never got a chance to.His voice broke, and he looked awayfrom me suddenly.The tears had returned to my eyes, ran down my cheekslike a fountain.It was as though Jacksonhad cracked his soul in two and showedme what was inside him, deep downwhere no one else had ever seen. I ve never been close to anywoman, he went on. I ve had plenty,sure.But even the most causal of thoserelationships have ended in pain.Alexa,when I met you, you scared the shit outof me.When I met you, I knew from thestart that you were someone I couldreally care about.But I could never letmyself try.You d only get hurt, in theend.And that s against your rules, isn tit? I m not allowed to let you get hurt.And it would kill me to be the one who hurt you.Without thinking, I lay my hand onJackson s stubbled cheek.He looked atme, surprised by the sudden contact.Iheld his gaze, let myself fall into thosemesmerizing cerulean pools. I think you were right about onething, Jackson, I whispered. What s that? he asked, his voicelow. My rules are fucking stupid, I said,and brought my mouth to his.He caught my lips hungrily, pushingmy mouth open with his own.His strongtongue swept against mine, pressingdeeply into my mouth.His strong armsclosed around me, pulling my bodytightly against his as our lips moved against each other s.My entire bodysprang to life at his touch, and a flood offorbidden lust came roaring through me.I d been keeping him at bay far too long,trying to resist what was so clearlymeant to be between us.But I wasthrough holding back.I wanted him toknow me, everything about me.I owedhim that much.Owed us that much.His fingers wove themselves into mydark hair as I threw my arms around hisbroad shoulders.I flicked the tip of mytongue against his, and savored theshudder that ran through his big,strapping frame.He let his hands traildown my body, over the generous dipsand curves until they handed on my hips. His fingers dug into my skin, egging meon.I closed my teeth on his bottom lip,biting with just enough force for him tonotice.With a sharp intake of breath, hehoisted me from where I sat on the bedand onto his lap.I was straddling himwhere he sat on the edge of the bed.Iwrapped my long legs around his waistand moaned as I closed the gap betweenour thinly-clothed groins.I could feel thehard length of him pulsing against me,and the friction had me dripping wet.Igrinded my body against his, rubbingagainst his stiff, throbbing member.Theworld shrunk down to the size of ourtwo bodies.There was only one thing inthe world to be done.I needed to take him inside of me.I needed to feel himthere, where I so ached for him.And Ineeded to do it immediately.I planted my hands on his muscularshoulders and pushed him back againstthe bed.He fell onto the mattress,looking up at me with wild, unfetteredneed in his eyes.I grabbed the hem ofmy loose tee shirt and drew it up overmy head, tossing it across the room.Jackson s hands found my waist,lingering on my bare skin.His fingersflew to the clasp of my bra and, with oneswift motion, set my breasts free.Theyfell from their tight containment,bouncing on my chest.Jackson let out alow groan as he took in the sight of me, and he reached to take a breast in eachhand.My nipples hardened instantly at histouch.I let my head fall back against myshoulders as he kneaded my tender flesh,filling his palms with me.I buckedagainst him, savoring the feel of hisstiffening manhood as it rubbed againstmy wetness.I fell forward over him,overcome with need.He grinned up atme and lowered his mouth to my breast.I gasped as he closed his lips around mynipple, flicking at the sensitive fleshwith his tongue.My body went limp ashe teased me, and in a heartbeat he hadflipped me onto my back on the hotelbed.I sprawled out before him, my chest heaving wildly.Jackson planted a kneeon either side of my body, looking downat me with a single-minded intensity thatcouldn t be mistaken.In one swiftmovement, he tore off his shirt and threwit to the ground.The perfect, firm panesof his pecs were like slabs of marble,and his abs rippled as he loweredhimself on top of me.I shuddered as ourbare skin touched, savoring thepassionate heat emanating from him.Hebrought his mouth to mine and closed thespace between our bodies.He thrustagainst me, letting me feel how hardhe d become for me.I slid my tongueagainst his, letting my fingers dancealong the firm muscles of his chest. Before I could stop myself, or think upsome excuse, I let my hands traveltoward his belt.He pulled away from our kiss, hiseyes filled with insatiable need. Areyou sure you want to do this? he panted.It was taking every ounce of strength hecould muster to ask that question.I ripped open his belt buckle, smilingdevilishly up at him. Positive, Iwhispered, and tugged down the waist ofhis jeans.He groaned as I took him intomy hands, marveling at the sheerenormity of him.I worked my handsslowly up and down his full length,letting my fingers work him into a dizzyfervor.His face was screwed up withthe intensity of the sensation, but I longed to take it further.I pushed himback onto the bed and slid his jeansentirely off his body.I lingered for amoment beside him, drinking in thegorgeousness that lay before me.I dnever seen a male body that I would callbeautiful.until that moment.He watched, speechless, andremoved my bottoms and my soaked-through panties.I crawled toward him,naked as the day I was born.It felt soright to be like this with him.It was themost natural thing in the world.I swungmy leg over his body and hovered there,just inches away from where his cockstood out, hard and lusty.He trained hiseyes on mine and planted his hands on my hips.I could tell that I was in totalcontrol, here.He was going to let metake the lead [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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