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.Several dozen placard-carrying protestors blocked the chain-link gate to the main office buildings, stopping visitors and hurling invective at Poulette employees.The protestors wore tie-dyed shirts, torn jeans, and brightly colored bandannas around their filthy, uncombed hair.Some were barefoot, and still more wore shabbylooking boots that appeared to be new yet were coming apart at the seams.Around their necks a few of the older protestors wore huge, gaudy peace symbols, which looked as if they had been fashioned in their junior-year metalworking class.Remo parked his car in the lot marked for visitors, and he and Chiun cautiously approached the tangle of human jetsam.Cries of "Poulette Farms is cruel to chickens!" were being directed toward the complex itself.Another faction was screaming "Reject Meat!" They seemed to be screaming at the animal rights contingent.When the crowd was within breathing distance, Chiun's face twisted into a mask Page 25ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlof disgust."Remo, did not your government outlaw these dippies years ago?" the Master of Sinanju asked, flapping a kimono sleeve in front of his nose like a fan."No," Remo replied, not bothering to correct Chiun."I think they decided to let them go the way of the brontosaurus on their own-but the asteroid is late."They floated through the outer ring of protestors."You know what they do to chickens in there, man?" a man demanded of them.He was potbellied, fortyish, and carried a sign that read REAL MEN DON'T EATCHICKEN in his grubby hands."If it involves bathing, you should go to the head of the line," Remo suggested."Carnage!" cried a female protestor."Bloodletting!" shouted another."Torture!" screamed a third."Too bad there isn't more of that out here," Remo said.He and Chiun tried to thread the line of circling men and women, but they were halted at nearly every turn.They easily could have forced their way through to the gate, but that would have involved actually touching the protestors.Neither of them had the urge to get that close."Make way or pay," Remo said finally.He danced around a woman with breath so thick it actually made puffs in the warm spring air."Meat-eater!" she snapped at Remo accusingly.She wore a T-shirt emblazoned with the legend AN ALL-NATURAL PRODUCT OF THREE-G, INC.Remo noticed that several of the protestors wore similar shirts."Marrow-sucker!""Get plucked," Remo said."Do not talk to them, Remo," the Master of Sinanju hissed."They are so ignorant that they think we consume the lowly chicken." He avoided the outstretched hand of another woman whose sign read MEAT IS MURDER."But you do eat some meat," the first woman accused."Some," Remo admitted."Duck and fish.""You feast on the flesh of our aquatic brethren?" she asked, shocked."Hey, I eat fish," said one of the younger men picketers.His placard read POLITICAL AMNESTY FOR FOWL.The woman whirled."Murderer!" she shrieked."Anti-Vegan!"The young man stepped back, stunned."I thought fish was okay." He seemed on the verge of tears."Not if you're a fish!" the woman snapped."Aw, lay off the kid," inserted an older protestor.A few others voiced their support for the young man's diet."I saw you eating ice cream last week," someone accused the boy's defender."You lactovo!""Ice cream ain't meat, man," the older man countered."But it comes from cows," another insisted."A true Vegan refuses to ingest any animal product.""Look who's talking, leather-shoes.""Plastic falls apart.""So does a cow, once you've ripped its skin off.""They didn't tell us at Three-G that we couldn't wear the stuff," someone pointed out."Maybe that just proves they don't know everything at Three-G!" Remo's accuser crowed triumphantly."What is this Three-D?" Chiun asked Remo.Before Remo had a chance to shrug, a grimy finger was extended between them, indicating a large, glistening building on a promontory above, overlooking the Poulette complex on the valley floor."Three-G," the man intoned with an almost religious reverence."Heaven on earth to all true Vegans." He turned back to the others.A mini-shouting match ensued within the group [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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