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.S.promo-251; military operations against, 140; motivations tion of, 160; Wilson on, 169for attacks, 49; nuclear declassification and, 157; in  axis of evil, 5, 21, 43, 55, 171Pakistan, 229; Powell on, 51; reforms in Arabworld, 247; Saddam Hussein and, 57; state support B-52 bombers, 3, 4, 224for, 5; U.S.military operations against, 26, 224 Balkans.See also Kosovo war: Bush administrationAlbanians, 164 65, 167 and, 54 55; East Timor compared to, 206; Hol-Albright, Madeleine: assertive multilateralism, 192; brooke and, 188; nation building in, 32 33; PowellBoutros-Ghali and, 194 95; Community of on, 36, 38, 50Democracies, 108 9; enlargement of democracy, ballistic missile technology, 154261n.6; export restrictions, 152; Holbrooke com- Baluchistan, 171, 173pared to, 187; on ideological blowback, 171 72; Barshefsky, Charlene, 104, 157, 198Kosovo War and, 164 69; Milosevic negotiations, Basques, 178177, 189; multilateralism, 249; in North Korea, 221; Berger, Samuel R., 207, 208, 236on regional enforcement, 212 13; Wilsonian per- Berlin Wall, 170spective, 30 Beschloss, Michael, 84Aldridge, Pete, 141, 156 Bhutto, Benazir, 171Allende, Salvador, 170 Biden, Joseph, 26 28, 47, 59, 196 97, 198America First movement, 74 Bilderburg meeting, 102 American Century (Luce), 83 bin Laden, Osama.See also al-Qaeda; terrorism:Angell, Norman, 105 asymmetric warfare, 156; Bush administrationAnnan, Kofi: Community of Democracies, 184; East and, 17; Clinton administration and, 16 17; escapeTimor crisis, 207; Helms and, 199; on human of U.S.attacks, 5; exploitation of U.S.hypocrisy,rights issues, 176 77; representative in 162, 171; global organization, 122; Islamic support, 280 Indexbin Laden, Osama (continued) 236; isolationism, 31, 156; on leadership, 159; nationxiii; motivations for attacks, 48 49; UN action building, 27 28, 59, 62; NATO and, 62; Naval Acad-against, 266 67n.33; on U.S.troops in Saudi Ara- emy speech, 141; North Korea, 240; nuclearbia, 48; use of Afghanistan, 21; war on terror and, weapon treaties, 58 59, 91, 247 48;  Permanent131 Quagmire, 239; post-September 11 agenda, 15;biological weapons, 53, 66 Powell s role in, 35 36; preemption, 20; publicBlack Hawk Down (film), 2 opinion and, xi; Schroeder and, 113; on ShanghaiBlair, Dennis, 120, 210 Communiqué, 180; speech issues, 57; SupremeBlair, Tony, 249 Court and, 35; UN and, ix xii, 62, 74, 130, 200 201,Bolsheviks, 79 80 203; unilateralism, 9, 73; U.S.exceptionalism, 73;Bolton, John, 53 54, 75, 121, 122, 263n.4 West Point speech, 64; Wilsonian perspective,Boot, Max, 13, 242 88, 258borders, 70 71, 177  Buy American campaigns, 100Bosnia: Albright and, 164; Clinton administrationand, 32, 240; Dayton negotiations, 189; ethnic Cable News Network (CNN), 24, 109, 207 8, 242cleansing, 167; Holbrooke s role in, 188; humani- Cambodia, 210 11tarian intervention, 24; NATO strikes, 266 67n.33; capitalism, 118 19peacekeeping mission, 192;  postmodern imperial- Carter, James Earl, Jr.(Jimmy), 6, 187 88ism, 250; Powell and, 36; UN system, 202; U.S.for- Casablanca (film), 74eign policy, 255 Castro, Fidel, 185Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 191 92, 194 96, 201 2, 205, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 155238, 266 67n.33 Central Asia, 7, 19Bowden, Mark, 8 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 70, 138 39.See alsoBrahimi, Lakhdar, 230, 272n [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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