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., 140, 238 Knowledge Development ProgramJohnson, Robert Wood, 102, 120, 318 (Bridgespan), 29, 30Johnson, Samuel, 282 Koestler, Arthur, 123Johnson & Johnson, 288, 289 Kohler, Scott, 51, 161Joint Committee on Taxation, 112, 326 Kondratieff, Nikolai, 2 9781568487027-text:Layout 1 6/24/09 10:13 AM Page 436436 IndexKramer, Mark, 226, 254 255 Lilly Endowment, 222Kresge Foundation, 6, 28, 31, 143, 156 Lindsay, John, 301Krupp, Fred, 248 LISC.See Local Initiatives SupportKuralt, Charles, 152 CorporationListwin, Donald J., 348Litigation, 142, 244La Raza, 138Living Cities, 280, 281Lagemann, Ellen Condliffe, 119, 142 143,Living Libraries Initiative, 41177 178, 225, 234, 236Lobby Disclosure Act, 228 229LaMarche, Gara, 17, 24, 31, 40Lobbying, 21 22, 23, 38, 104Lasker, Mary, 136 137See also Public policy advocacyLatifah, Queen, 348Local Initiatives Support CorporationLatin America, 61(LISC), 21, 143, 249 250, 257, 280,Latinos, 256300Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, 132Locke, Elizabeth, 142 143Law, 110, 137 138Los Angeles Community Foundation, 351Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 5Lowry, McNeil, 300LeadershipLucille P.Markey Charitable Trust, 310Atlantic Philanthropies and, 40Ludacris, 348board chairman and, 302 303Ludlow Massacre (1914), 99, 174, 294Charles H.Revson Foundation and,Lumina Foundation, 3141 42Lyman, Richard, 223, 265 266donor influence and, 285 307Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, 137,donor-imposed constraints and, 292158, 286294, 303 304failure and, 278 279, 279 281Ford Foundation and, 35 37 MacArthur, John D., 287Foundation Center and, 42 MacArthur, Roderick, 287fragmented, 279 281 MacDonald, Heather, 13inadequate, 278 279 Madison, James, 92Pew Charitable Trusts and, 37 40 Madoff, Bernard, 4 5, 6 8, 9, 23recent developments in, 31 42  Managing in Tough Times: Seven StepsRockefeller Foundation and, 31 35 (Bridgespan), 29role of, 301 302 Manhattan Institute, 13strategy and, 117 125 Mannion, Geri, 218Lear, Norman, 282 Manpower Demonstration ResearchLeerberg, Matt, 141 Corporation (MDRC), 68, 128 129,Leffingwell, Russell, 302 154, 244, 257, 258 259, 300Legal advocacy, 194 195 Mantle, Mickey, 209Legal education reform, 236 MAP.See Mexican Agricultural ProjectLegal Services Corporation, 236 Marcus, Bernard, 311, 348The Legitimacy of Philanthropic Foundations Marsalis, Wynton and Branford, 348(Prewitt), 227 Mary Cary Flagler Charitable Trust, 310Liberal foundations, 123 124 Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, 305Libraries, 41 42, 84, 101, 156, 166 Massachusetts, 330Lienhard, Gus, 288, 302 303 Massachusetts Health Reform Law, 67Light, Paul, 78 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyLilly, Eli, 96 (MIT), 181 182, 239 9781568487027-text:Layout 1 6/24/09 10:13 AM Page 437Index 437Matching-grant system, 252 253 Morehead Scholarship Foundation, 351Mayer, Saly, 231 232 Morehead-Cain Scholars Program, 133,McCain, John, 25, 38 351McCartney, Paul, 348 Morino Mario, 345McIntosh, David, 194 Morrisett, Lloyd, 124, 165, 191 192, 262,McKaughan, Molly, 264 276McKinsey & Company, 31, 33, 35, 36 Morse, David, 273McKnight Foundation, 6, 31, 253, 291, Moscow Research Center, 128292 Mott, Charles S., 96MDRC.See Manpower Demonstration MoveOn.org, 7Research Corporation Moyers, Bill, 264Media, 146 147, 222 Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board,Medical education, 131, 157, 162, 165 332170, 235 236, 257, 265 Munitz, Barry, 272Meier, Deborah, 267 Murrow, Edward R., 152Mutual-benefit organizations, 73, 79 80,Mellon, Andrew, 22592 93Mellon, Paul, 95, 289 291Myrdal, Gunnar, 157, 162, 176 179Mertz-Gilmore Foundation, 253Mexican Agricultural Project (MAP),180 183NAACP.See National Association for theMexican Ministry of Agriculture, 180, 181Advancement of Colored PeopleMexican-American Legal Defense Fund,NASD.See National Association of138, 157, 180Securities DealersMexican-Americans, 22Nathan Cummings Foundation, 305Meyerson, Adam, 12National Academy of Sciences, 129, 189Micro-finance, 196 198, 346National Association for the AdvancementMicrosoft, 31, 95of Colored People (NAACP), 79 Midcourse Corrections to a majorNational Association of Securities DealersInitiative (Walker), 26(NASD), 332 333Midler, Bette, 348National Board for Professional TeachingMies Van der Rohe, Ludwig, 127Standards, 66, 131Milken, Lowell, 311National Bureau of Economic ResearchMilken, Michael, 311, 348(NBER), 78, 129, 143, 173 176,Milken Family Foundation, 135, 138 139238, 244Milton, John, 93National Center for Family Philanthropy,Minority Female Single Parent Program, 306, 337265 266 National Center for Quality Assurance,Minority rights, 22, 74 141 142Minority-serving organizations, 11 15 National Committee for ResponsiveMIT.See Massachusetts Institute of Philanthropy (NCRP), 13 14, 15,Technology 222Mitchell, Wesley C., 173, 174 175 National Community DevelopmentModel building, 141 142, 165, 191 193, Initiative (NCDI), 280 281195 198, 271 272 National Education Association (NEA),Money Well Spent: A Strategic Plan for Smart 103 104Philanthropy (Brest and Harvey), 227 National Educational Television, 191, 192Moore, Gordon, 348, 354 National Emergency Response System, 139 9781568487027-text:Layout 1 6/24/09 10:13 AM Page 438438 IndexNational Endowment for the Arts, 80 Newman, Paul, 349National Endowment for the Humanities, News Interest Index, 3980 NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (television),National Environmental Trust, 24 7 58National Gallery of Art, 290 Newton, Eric, 222National Institute for Early Education Nextbook Publishing, 41Research, 24 NGOs.See Nongovernmental organizationsNational Institutes of Health, 130, 338 Nicholas, Peter, 348National News Council initiative, 276 Nielsen, Waldemar, 225National Public Radio (NPR), 57 58, 120, Nigeria, 185225 Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),National Research Council, 78, 129, 143, 32, 34, 35, 211238 Nonprofit organizationsNational Rifle Association (NRA), 136 accountability and, 112, 220 221National Science Foundation, 338 charitable giving and, 1, 2, 4client demand on, 3National Science Program (Rockefellerculture of, 301 302Foundation), 88financial decline of, 2 5, 6 8National Spit Tobacco Education Programfoundations vs., 59, 112, 220 221(NSTEP), 208, 209investment management and, 43 44National Violent Death Reporting System,Madoff, Bernard Ponzi scam and, 9130mission of, 120Native Americans, 22partnerships and, 9Natural Resources Defense Councilpublic policy advocacy and, 22(NRDC), 138, 157, 229, 244recession of 2008 2009 and, 6, 9Nature Conservancy, 279self-definition of, 272 273NBC, 146social entrepreneurship and, 250NBER.See National Bureau of Economicstrategy and, 120Researchtax benefits for, 80 82NCDI.See National CommunityNorth American Review, 100, 165Development InitiativeNorth Carolina, University of, Chapel Hill,NCRP [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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