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. It would be easier for them now, inwartime, than infile:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Isa.-%20Robots%20In%20Time%204%20-%20Dictator.txt (40 of 71) [10/31/2004 11:53:43 PM]file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Isaac%20Asimov%20-%20Robots%20In%20Time%204%20-%20Dictator.txt peacetime.So many people have been displaced bythe war. Then we would like to visit these places, said Ishihara. To look for ourquarry.Agent Raskov looked at his partner. I think we can do this tonight. Yes.Tonight is good.If we find these enemy infiltrators while they aresleeping, they will be easier to identify and apprehend. I agree, said Agent Raskov. First we will feed you.Then we will drive youinto the city and see if we can take care of this matter. Thank you. Wayne relaxed a little.Hot coffee, food, and help finding MC 4were the best news they had received since arriving in this time. Can youfind us ordinary clothes? Wait here, said Agent Raskov. We will send someone with coffee andsomething for you to eat.If we can find clothes, we shall bring them. Thank you, said Wayne.The two agents left the tent without saying anythingelse.In only a few moments, they were out of human hearing.However, Ishiharaheard them still talking to each other with his enhanced hearing. How much time should we spend looking for these other agents? Agent Raskovasked quietly. We should look tonight, at least, in case we can find them quickly, saidAgent Konev.Page 54 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html And then? We must have more information about our two guests.At dawn, we mustinterrogate them thoroughly.We cannot allow ourselves to work with only partial information. Even if we find these two agents? That would back up their story. No matter what we find, said Agent Konev. Their story is too thin and theyhave no documents to back it up.We must interrogate them as we would anenemy.Hunter lay motionless in the darkened warehouse.He had not shut himself down,but was conserving energy by not moving.Of course, he pretended to sleep atthe same time.When a firm, resounding knock sounded at the main door, he didnot move, but instantly magnified his hearing.He checked his internal clockand found that the time was 3:17 A.M.The knocking was repeated, loudly, as someone from the front went to answerit. Who s there? One of the guards spoke cautiously from inside the door. Agents Raskov and Konev, NKVD.As the door was opened, Hunter reached out and gently woke Steve. Steve, can you hear me? Hunter whispered. Yeah. I believe the NKVD is looking for Judy.You and Jane move closer to her.Cover her face with something.I will try to create a diversion. What? Steve opened his eyes, startled. The NKVD is here after all?Hunter slipped his belt unit into Steve s hand.He knew Steve would not leavefor their own time without him except in an extreme emergency. I have alreadyset the controls.Use it if you must.Steve nodded and moved over to wake up Jane and Judy, whispering to themquietly.Hunter listened to the two NKVD agents ask the guards about Hunter by both hisname and his description.The overhead lights came on, causing a number ofpeople in the crowd to stir.Hunter looked up and saw one of the guardspointing directly toward this corner.The two agents began working their way down the length of the warehouse.Theirway was blocked by all the sleeping and newly awakened people on the floor.Hunter had a few seconds to consider what to do.He was puzzled by their possessing his description but not Judy s.Still, heexpected that these agents would take the entire team if they found the grouptogether.He had to separate himself from the others immediately.Hunter did not want to return his entire team to their own time in front of somany witnesses.Two such events would definitely be discussed and wouldinfluence the local authorities in some way.Having everyone flee out the rear door again might not be as effective thistime; the NKVD agents would maintain pursuit, where as the ordinary guards inthe previous warehouse had not bothered.The two agents stared at Hunter with grim determination as they stumbledthrough the crowd.To prevent them from taking the human members of his team, Hunter could allowhimself to be taken.He felt he could manage to get away later if they arrested him.His teammembers would still be in some danger without him, but totally avoidingsignificant risk was now impossible.To help the rest of his team escape, he would have to lead the NKVD agentsaway from them.Hunter got to his feet suddenly.The two agents both stopped in surprise,looking up at him; maybe his height startled them.Instead of running,however, Hunter strode toward them, imitating the scowls on both their faces.The two Russians recovered from their surprise.file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Isa.-%20Robots%20In%20Time%204%20-%20Dictator.txt (41 of 71) [10/31/2004 11:53:43 PM]Page 55 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfile:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Isaac%20Asimov%20-%20Robots%20In%20Time%204%20-%20Dictator.txt Stop, comrade, said one. I am Agent Raskov.You must come with us.Since Hunter wanted to keep their attention on him, he did not bother toanswer.He suddenly darted to his right, stepping over a sleepy, puzzledelderly man.As the two agents moved to block his way, he jumped over someoneelse to a small open spot on the floor. Halt! I command you!More people were sitting up, blinking in the light and looking around.Hunter, of course, could have easily leaped through the crowd, throwing thetwo agents aside with his greater strength.Instead, he was hoping to makethem work to capture him, so that they would forget about arresting his teammembers.He hesitated, giving the agents a chance to maneuver closer. You will not be hurt, comrade, said Agent Konev, as he came forward, pullinga handgun out of his overcoat. Not unless you force us to get angry.Around him, those who were awake gasped and squealed in sudden fear.Somescuttled away from him, still on the floor.Others lay flat, their eyes wide.Hunter had been prepared to move toward the front door again.Now he stopped,staring at the gun aimed at him.He wondered if these agents would actuallyrisk opening fire in the crowded room.From what Judy had said about this society, he estimated that they would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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