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.The four bodhisattvas who had not yet attained buddhahood were Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Maha-sthama-prapta and you, Vajramati.Vajramati, the 'Tathagatagarbha Sutra' has an abundant capacity.Anyone who hears it can attain the Path of the Buddha." Then the Buddha again expressed himself in gatha, saying: "Countless kalpas ago A Buddha named King of Light Always shone forth great light And illumined innumerable kshetras everywhere.Bodhisattva Unending Light First attained the way under that Buddha, And requested this sutra.The Buddha accordingly preached it.All those who encountered it were Jinas, And all those who heard it Attained buddhahood, Except for four bodhisattvas.Manjushri, Avalokiteshvara, Maha-sthama-prapta and Vajramati -- These four bodhisattvas All formerly heard this Dharma.Of them, Vajramati Was the most gifted disciple.At the time he was called Unending Light And had already heard this sutra.When I originally sought the way At the Lion Throne marking Bodhi-manda, I too once received this sutra And practiced it as I had heard it.Because of these kushala mulas (virtue-roots), I quickly attained the Buddha path.Therefore all bodhisattvas Ought to uphold and preach this sutra.After you have heard it And practiced just as it has been explained, You will become Buddhas just like I am now.If a person upholds this sutra, He will comport himself like the Bhagavan.If a person obtains this sutra, He will be called 'Protector of the Buddhadharma', And then, on behalf of the world, he will protect What all the Buddhas proclaim.If anyone upholds this sutra, He will be called 'The Dharma King', And in the eyes of the world He will deserve to be praised Like the Bhagavan." Then, when the Bhagavan had finished expounding this sutra, Vajramati, together with the four groups of bodhisattvas, the Devas, the Gandharvas, the Asuras and the rest, rejoiced at what they had heard the Buddha explain and they practiced it as they had been told.(End of the Sutra) (Translated by William H.Grosnick, published in "Buddhism In Practice" (Donald S.Lopez [ed.], Princeton University Press, 1995) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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