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.He looked down the hallway amoment later as he wondered why Jack hadn t answered him. Jack?There was still no answer from Jack.Mason started to get a little nervous.It had been six monthssince he had been rescued from the clutches of Daryl Carl Wallace, but he still got apprehensivesometimes.He still had nightmares of his captivity and torture by Wallace, along with several scars to matchthose nightmares.Wallace had done quite a number on him.Most of the healing had taken placeduring the week he had spent in the hospital, but not all.At Jack s suggestion, he started to see a counselor once a week.For the most part, it was helping.But there were still times when he felt that Wallace might be coming after him again.Logically, that was crazy.After recovering from his injuries, Wallace had been locked up in amaximum-security jail to wait for his trial for the kidnapping and torture of Cooper, Ben, andMason, as well as the murders of at least four other men.Ben, who had been cleared of all involvement with Wallace after the police had determined thathe was merely a victim, had been reunited with his parents.He had promised to come back andtestify to everything he knew, which Mason was grateful for.It would help put Wallace away fora long time.Jordan and Cooper both thought that there were more victims, but they couldn t prove it, yet.Alec, Sam, and Mitch were using all of the resources of their security company to assist Cooperin his investigation.Personally, Mason thought it was so Alec could stay close to Cooper and get to know him again.Cooper wasn t giving him the time of day in that area.He refused to have anything to do withAlec unless it involved the investigation.But, Mason had to give Alec credit.He refused to giveup.Mason walked into the living room of their new home.It was a beautiful home, one that he andJack had picked out and moved into four months after he had been released from the hospital.In the end, they had decided to buy a house instead of renting one.They wanted something thatwas theirs, something that they could decorate the way they wanted, inside and out.A Promise Kept - 175 While it had taken a little while to find, the house was just what they were looking for.Threebedrooms, two bathrooms, an office that Jack and Mason shared, and a large, fenced in backyard.Just right for their future family.Jack and Mason had both known the minute they saw the little English bungalow that it wasperfect for them.It had taken weeks to choose just the right furniture, paint the walls, anddecorate, but Mason was very proud of the finished product.The entire inside of the house had been newly painted in rich earth tones, decorated withoverstuffed couches and chairs in deep brown suede and light colored pictures on the walls.Mason particularly liked the contrast between the off white colored walls and the dark hardwoodfloors.In a bid for compromise with Jack, Mason had purchased several tall bookshelves to house hismany books and did his level best not to stack them on the floor.Jack had done a lot ofcompromising, too.He had learned to be just a little less& organized. Jack! Mason called again when he received no response.He knew his voice was tense, but hehad started to get scared.Jack wasn t in the bedroom.Mason had just come from there.He alsowasn t in any of the spare bedrooms, the office, the living room, or the kitchen.Mason wasstarting to get very worried. I m in the backyard, baby, Jack yelled.Mason put a hand to his chest as his heart started to beat again.He walked through the kitchen tothe backyard, ready to rip into Jack for scaring him.But the moment he stepped out the door hislost his train of thought at the scene before him. Well, what do you think? Jack asked as looked up at Mason from his sitting position on thegrass. Should we keep them?Mason couldn t help but laugh at the two small boxer puppies.One was chewing on Jack sfingers, the other tugging on the leg of his jeans.Mason felt his heart melt as Jack picked one upand held it out to him.Both puppies were adorable.One was tan and white, the other black and white. Where did theselittle guys come from? Mason asked as he took the black and white puppy and sat down in thegrass next to Jack. Well, there once was this mama dog who fell in love with a daddy dog  Jack laughed. Very funny, smart ass.Now tell me, where did they come from? Your brother has been keeping an eye out for me.I told him what I wanted, and he broughtthem over a little while ago [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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