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.Her hungryeyes were locked on his cock as she fought to get out of her doeskins. You re not getting it, he warned her as he pulled on the length of rigid, veinedflesh in his fist.As she lifted her bottom, struggling to get her leggings and shorts out of the way,he took a step toward her, spread his legs to straddle her again and bent his knees toput his cock between her breasts.His hard belly pushed her head into the wall as herubbed his cock into the valley between her breasts a few times before he surged andspilled onto the naked skin of her chest.Panting against her, he stood with his forehead against the wall. You re not getting it, Martigay, he moaned against the wall, feeling spent, hopinghe was spent, knowing he wasn t when her lips brushed the taut skin stretching acrosshis stomach.In a violent fit of frustration, he gathered himself enough to get his legs41 Madison Hayesbetween hers and tried to spread them.Her leggings still pinned her feet and hedropped to his knees as he dragged them away, bringing him face to face with the wetline of her pussy.He halted as his eyes slowly traveled up her beautifully nude body.Carefully, hereached out one hand to draw the veil of her chemise aside and expose her dainty peachnipples.His eyes lingered there for several moments on her nipples before returninghis gaze to the dark hair between her legs.Her warm, inviting thatch was deep red,violet red, almost purple.Carefully, he pulled her legs open and watched the full, pouting lips of her vaginapart.He glanced up at her face to find her head tilted back against the wall, her eyesclosed as she sobbed shallowly.Inching her legs wider, he watched the line of her sexunfold rutted, pink and glistening moist with her female essence.Pulling her bodyforward to the stool s edge, he caught a glimpse of her opening and the wet rivulet thatseeped from her vulva to dampen the stool s seat. Dye, she moaned, and he watched the hard tips of her breasts as her back archedand her nipples thrust upward, her body desperate for some kind of release.His dickwas rock-hard again as he dragged her hands down to her pussy, and used her fingersto massage the top of her cleft.As she whimpered and gasped beneath her own hand,he massaged her until her slit was streaming.Abruptly, he stopped. Open your eyes, he demanded harshly. I want you to see what you re notgetting.Open your legs.All the way, Martigay. Dissatisfied with her idea of  all theway , he spread her legs with his elbows.With his hand casing his shaft, he pumped himself as he rose to align his cock withher pussy. Pay attention, Martigay, because this is what you re not getting.Open youreyes, he commanded roughly.Her eyes opened in time to see his hot shot of release jump from his dick in a silverstream.As it hit her clitoris in a hot kiss, she exploded into orgasm, rocketing into along, searing arrival with a cry that was almost painful.Her body was like an explosion.Ruthlessly, Dye contained her as she jerkedviolently between his body and the wall, the length of her arrival far exceeding his ownexplosive release.Finally, she drew in a long sobbing breath and shivered.Dye sforehead hit the wall and for several moments they leaned against it together, panting,damp with perspiration, wet with sex shared and consummated.By the time he caught his breath, he found himself on his knees between her legs,his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, his face buried between her breasts as herlips stirred in his hair.He knew he was in trouble.Knew he wanted more of her, knew hewouldn t be satisfied until he got more of her.Feared he d not be satisfied until he got all of her.Thankful that the eroticant had apparently worn off, Dye heaved out a shudderingsigh of exhaustion.He remained kneeling while he pulled his ties to cover his damp,sticky cock, and watched Martigay move her legs together as she reached for her42 Dye s Kingdom: Wanting It Foreverleggings and searched the floor.With a start of realization, he reached backward tograsp her jerkin, shaking it out while she pulled her doeskins up her legs.When he heldit out to her, she slipped an arm through one hole as he brought the rest of it around herback.It felt good, he realized felt good wrapping her clothes around her.He wanted towrap his arms around her and keep her there, wanted to wrap up that warmth andkeep it for himself, alone for the rest of& Mithra.What was he thinking?Her chemise was still evocatively parted and her breasts hung, lush and full in thenarrow opening, teasing his male senses with pitiless provocation.On his knees beforeher, he watched with a pang of regret as her cleavage disappeared beneath the stringsshe tightened across her chest.Rising to his feet, he couldn t resist pursuing some sort of connection.He pulled herup with him and kept her hand.Awkwardly, he rasped her fingers in his as hestruggled for something to say. Did you& plan anything for dessert? he asked finally,a little lamely.She nodded down at her ties then looked up at him.Her face held a sad little smile. I almost got it, too. When she withdrew her small hand from his, he relinquished hisclaim, but only with reluctance.Brushing past him, she wobbled across the room and through the kitchen s arch. Martigay, he called out to her.She stopped in mid-wobble, turning back to him,but Dye didn t look at her. You ll join me tomorrow evening at lastmeal. Dye& Sir?Looping a knot into his ties, he crossed the room to the table and picked up a pieceof parchment. I m expecting guests from Khal.The new king and his wife.Davik ofKhal is bringing four thousand Khallic volunteers to join our forces before we continuesouth. What! Stunned, she bit the word back. You re& going to have a pawyn sitting atyour table along with your lieutenants and half the royalty of Khal?Producing a blue ribbon, he threw it on the table.Martigay stared down at the bit of blue.Her voice started out an icy whisper, risingas she continued angrily. You re going to promote me so I can have lastmeal with you!You re going to promote me so I can join your lieutenants and eat with you!Seeing the storm in her eyes, Dye moved to put the table between himself and thefurious girl. I worked months for my promotion to sergeant.I saved a wagonload of yourarmy s supplies for my next promotion to captain. As he dropped into his chair, sheslammed her palms on the table and leaned over him. Keep your damn ribbon andyour effing promotion, man.Buy yourself a girl somewhere else.She turned.43 Madison Hayes Martigay! He stood suddenly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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