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.ÿþhold their segregationist beliefs in greater reverence than the constitution.Fortunately, it is a breed that is fast fading from the public scene. 40Amid the dramatic events of 1963, those in Birmingham, Alabama,during the spring were particularly significant in moving public, andeventually federal, opinion in favor of civil rights legislation.The citywas chosen as a target area because it was an important business centerwith a 40 percent black population.In January Alabama s new Governor,George Wallace, proclaimed in his inaugural speech:  Segregation now!Segregation tomorrow! Segregation forever! In response Rev.MartinLuther King, Rev.Fred Shuttlesworth, and Rev.Ralph Abernathy devel-oped Project  C (for confrontation).Money was raised, maps weredrawn, and detailed plans were made.On 2 April Birmingham s racist commissioner of public safety,Theophilus Eugene  Bull Connor, was defeated in a mayoral electionby a more moderate candidate, Albert Boutwell, but Connor insisted oncompleting his term of office as commissioner until 1965, so that powerremained in the hands of outright segregationists.Through April moreand more demonstrators were jailed.Blind singer Al Hibbler (1915 2001) was in Birmingham to supportthe protest.Television showed him next to Dr.King.Pressure was puton another blind singer, Ray Charles (1930 2004), to join Hibbler, butCharles refused.41 In his autobiography he tried to defend himself:I figured that if I was going to pick up my cross and follow someone, itcould only be a cat like King.Yet I couldn t see me doing any marching.And I told that to Martin personally.A reporter once asked me why myname didn t appear in ads protesting one cause or another.Was I softon the issues? he wanted to know.No, I said, I just don t believe that myname as a musician or an entertainer can do very much.Besides thatain t my way.I didn t march for a couple of reasons.First I wouldn t haveknown when to duck when they started throwing broken beer bottles atmy head.And secondly, I d defeat Martin s purpose.My temperament justwouldn t stand certain treatment.42In spite of Charles s explanation, his drug addiction at that time also mayhave played a role in his reluctance to participate in the march.M a r c h O n , D r.M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g [ 9 3 ] [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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