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.The truth is not introduced into him but was in him. 26 Theproblem of existence raised at the existentiell level involves anunderstanding, although not necessarily conceptually articulated,of existentiality, the Being of the human, and that, in turn, ofan understanding of Being.I shall briefly sketch Heidegger streatment of these latter issues in order to bring out how itdevelops a particular conception of  a human s free appropriationof his whole existence which identifies a general mode ofhuman existence within which man is in accord with his Being.Such an understanding would provide the necessary guidelinesfor the resolving of an existentiell problem of existence, even ifthe individual concerned were himself incapable of engaging inthat mode.An understanding of our Being is involved in any relating ofourselves to other beings, and so in whatever we do: we alwayslive under the auspices of some understanding of our Being, of thepossibilities of human being.Such a Being is not something we arerelated to as something to be apprehended, but as something to be.We are the sort of being which has its Being to be: we have tolive our understanding of our Being.Since it is through man thatthe Being of other beings is disclosed, whilst his Being is disclosedthrough himself in having to be that Being, Heidegger calls humanbeing Da-sein, to be there.(The significance of the  Da will appearshortly.) As its Being is always to be for Dasein, that Being cannotlie in some determinate state or condition which could beactualized in some particular Dasein: Dasein has always to be itsBeing and is never finished until it ceases to exist.And as it alwayshas its Being to be, Dasein is essentially concerned about its ownBeing, which means too that its Being is in each case mine: thateach Dasein must live itself its own understanding of its Being. 38 Kierkegaard and modern continental philosophyNevertheless, although we must always live our understandingof Being, we do not in the first place and generally do sothrough an explicit attention to that Being.Rather our initialunderstanding lies implicit in the way we exist prior to anyreflective appropriation of ourselves or of the things weencounter, that way in which we first and for the most part giveourselves immediately and passionately to the world.Dasein isBeing-in-the-World.The world is that wherein we dwell, thefamiliar environment made up not of things but of relations ofpurposiveness.Only in so far as we exist within these relationsdo we encounter things at all.In so far as we are in theserelations in the appropriate way, living purposively, the thingswe encounter, and the relations themselves, are there in anunobtrusive and unthought manner.Through living theserelations we encounter not merely things having the character ofequipment for carrying out our purposes, but materials we usewhich refer ultimately to what is simply found and not made,to Nature, but a Nature having the character of usefulness,detrimentality and indifference.The particular environmentwhich is our own world refers beyond itself, to other humansfor whom our work is intended, and so to the public world of wearers and users , a world which is also ours.With the publicworld we encounter too environing Nature, the Nature in termsof which we construct shelters, set up lighting, and so on.Since Dasein has its Being to be, and so such a Being isalways  mine rather than a  what which I might merelyapprehend, the question arises as to  who this Being is whichI make mine.Within the form of existence which we mostimmediately are, I take over my Being as a Being which anyonecould take over.I am what I do, so that I am my world, theparticular context of purposive relations which is familiar andmine: I am a shoemaker, teacher, banker, and that others can beand are.In a similar way I enjoy myself, make judgements, andso on, as  one does, in a way available for anyone.I am myBeing as something already given and familiar which can betaken over by me as by anyone: an already existing environmentof modes of work, customs, opinions into which I fit myself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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