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.From these data his mathematical head will easily calculate the time andthe expense necessary to kill us all.Obviously, Franklin was oversimplifying.Not every American colonist identified himselfas a rebel.After the revolution, there were massive population displacements: if you've everdriven along the Loyalist Parkway east of Toronto to Kingston, you'll know that largenumbers of New Yorkers left the colony to resettle in what's now Ontario.Some AmericanNegroes were so anxious to remain subjects of King George III they resettled as far as SierraLeone.For these people, their primary identity was not as American colonists but as Britishsubjects.For others, their new identity as Americans had supplanted their formal allegianceto the Crown.The question for today's Europe is whether the primary identity of theirfastest-growing demographic is Muslim or Belgian, Muslim or Dutch, Muslim or French.That's where civilizational confidence comes in: if "Dutchness" or "Frenchness" seems aweak attenuated thing, then the stronger identity will prevail.One notes other similaritiesbetween revolutionary America and contemporary Europe: the United Empire Loyalistswere older and wealthier; the rebels were younger and poorer.In the end, the former simplylacked the latter's strength of will.Europe, like Japan, has catastrophic birth rates and a swollen pampered elderly classdetermined to live in defiance of economic reality.But the difference is that on theContinent the successor population is already in place and the only question is how bloodythe transfer of real estate will be.If America's "allies" failed to grasp the significance of September 11, it's becauseEurope's home-grown terrorism problems had all taken place among notably staticpopulations, such as Ulster and the Basque country.One could make generally safeextrapolations about the likelihood of holding Northern Ireland to what cynical strategists inHer Majesty's Government used to call an "acceptable level of violence." But in the samethree decades as Ulster's "Troubles," the hitherto moderate Muslim populations of southAsia were radicalized by a politicized form of Islam; previously formally un-Islamic societiessuch as Nigeria became semi-Islamist; and large Muslim populations settled in parts ofEurope that had little or no experience of mass immigration.You can argue about what these trends mean, but surely not that they mean absolutelynothing; which is what the complaceniks assure us.On the Continent and elsewhere in theWest, native populations are aging and fading and being supplanted remorselessly by a youngMuslim demographic.Time for the obligatory "of courses": Of course, not all Muslims areterrorists--though enough are hot for jihad to provide an impressive support network ofmosques from Vienna to Stockholm to Toronto to Seattle.Of course, not all Muslimssupport terrorists--though enough of them share their basic objectives (the wish to liveunder Islamic law in Europe and North America) to function wittingly or otherwise as theAmerica Alone Page 35 "good cop" end of an Islamic good cop/bad cop routine.But, at the very minimum, thisfast-moving demographic transformation provides a huge comfort zone for the jihad tomove around in.And in a more profound way it rationalizes what would otherwise be thenuttiness of the terrorists' demands.An IRA man blows up a pub in defiance of democraticreality--because he knows that at the ballot box the Ulster Loyalists win the elections and theIrish Republicans lose.When a European jihadist blows something up, that's not in defianceof democratic reality but merely a portent of democratic reality to come.He's jumping thegun, but in every respect things are moving his way.You may vaguely remember seeing some flaming cars on the evening news toward theend of 2005.Something going on in France, apparently.Something to do with--what's theword?--"youths." When I pointed out the media's strange reluctance to use the M-word vis-a_-vis the rioting "youths," I received a ton of e-mails arguing there's no Islamistcomponent, they're not the madrassa crowd, they may be Muslim but they're secular andWesternized and into drugs and rap and meaningless sex with no emotional commitment,and rioting and looting and torching and trashing, just like any normal healthy Westernteenagers.These guys have economic concerns, it's the lack of jobs, it's conditions peculiar,to France, etc.As one correspondent wrote, "You right-wing shit-for-brains thinkeverything's about jihad."Actually, I don't think everything's about jihad.But I do think, as I said, that a good 90percent of everything's about demography.Take that media characterization of those Frenchrioters: "youths." What's the salient point about youths? They're youthful.Very fewoctogenarians want to go torching Renaults every night.It's not easy lobbing a Molotovcocktail into a police station and then hobbling back with your walker across the streetbefore the searing heat of the explosion melts your hip replacement.Civil disobedience is ayoung man's game.Now ponder that bland statistic you heard a lot in the news reports: "about 10 percent ofFrance's population is Muslim." Give or take a million here, a million there, that's a broadlycorrect 2005 statistic as far as it goes.But the population spread isn't even.And when itcomes to those living in France aged twenty and under, about 30 percent are said to beMuslim, and in the major urban centers, about 45 percent.If it came down to street-by-streetfighting, as Michel Gurfinkiel, the editor of Valeurs Actuelles, points out, "the combatantratio in any ethnic war may thus be one to one"--already, right now.It is not necessary,incidentally, for Islam to become a statistical majority in order to function as one.At theheight of its power in the eighth century, the "Islamic world" stretched from Spain to Indiayet its population was only minority Muslim.Nonetheless, by 2010, more elderly whiteCatholic ethnic frogs will have croaked and more fit healthy Muslim youths will be hittingthe streets.One day they'll even be on the beach at St.Tropez, and if you and your infidelwhore happen to be lying there wearing nothing but two coats of Ambre Solaire when theyshow up, you better hope that the BBC and CNN are right about there being no religio-ethno-cultural component to their "grievances."In June 2006, a fifty-four-year-old Flemish train conductor called Guido Demoor got onthe number 23 bus in Antwerp to go to work.Six--what's that word again?--"youths"boarded the bus and commenced intimidating the other riders.There were some fortypassengers aboard.But the "youths" were youthful and the other passengers less so.Nonetheless, Mr.Demoor asked the lads to cut it out and so they turned on him, thumpingand kicking him.Of those forty other passengers, none intervened to help the man underattack.Instead, at the next stop,America Alone Page 36 thirty of the forty scrammed, leaving Mr.Demoor to be beaten to death.Three "youths"were arrested, and proved to be-quelle surprise!--of Moroccan origin.The ringleader escapedand, despite police assurances of complete confidentiality, of those forty passengers onlyfour came forward to speak to investigators."You see what happens if you intervene," afellow rail worker told the Belgian newspaper De Morgen."If Guido had not opened hismouth he would still be alive."No, he wouldn't.He would be as dead as those forty passengers are, as the Belgian stateis, keeping his head down, trying not to make eye contact, cowering behind his newspaper inthe corner seat and hoping just to be left alone.What future in "their" country do Mr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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