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.After that wehave a certain amount of sleep, so it seems that all our life isplanned in one whirl, one mad rush, there is never time for any-113thing.But-wait a minute-is there any need for all this rush? Canwe not arrange somehow to have even as little as half an hour eachday, and devote it to meditation? If we will meditate we can getright out of this world.We can, with a little practice, get into theastral and into the next world.The experience is exhilarating,elevating.When we elevate our spiritual thinking we increase ourrate of vibration, and the higher we can perceive on our “pianoscale”—do you remember that scale?—the more beautiful theexperiences which we may undergo.“Out of this world” should be our objective, of course.We wantto get out of this world when we have learned our lessons, but notbefore.Look again at our classroom experiences.Many of usmay have been heartily sick of staying in a stuffy classroom on awarm summer's day listening to the droning voice of a teacherchurning out stuff which really had no interest for us.Who wantedto know about the rise and fall of a certain Empire? We felt weshould be much better off out in the open, we desired above allthings to get away from that classroom, that hot and stuffy roomwith the dull voice droning on.But we could not do so, if we hadjust run out there would have been sure retribution from theteachers, if we had skipped our lessons we should have failed ourexaminations and instead of passing on to another grade we shouldhave been kept back in that same monotonous classroom withanother lot of students who would look upon us as curiosities anddunces because we had “failed to make the grade.”Let us not, then, get “out of this world” permanently until wehave learned that which we came to learn.We can look forwardconfidently to joys, to ease and to spiritual perfection when weleave this world for that which is so much more glorious.Weshould always keep in mind that we are here as one serving aprison sentence under particularly doleful conditions.We cannotsee how dreadful this Earth is while we are here, but if you couldmove out now and look down you would have quite a shock, youwould be most unwilling to return.That is why so many of uscannot do astral travelling because, unless one is prepared, it isindeed an unpleasant experience to return, all the joy is the otherside.Those of us who do astral travelling look forward to the daysof our release, but we also make sure that while we are in “ourprison cell” we behave as best we may, for if we do not behave welose our “remission time.”So-let us do the best we can upon Earth so that when we come114to pass from this life we are prepared and ready for the greaterthings of the life beyond.It is worth the small effort involved inliving here.We seem to be very busy in our attic, shifting items, knockingthe dust off some which have been sorted for a long time, but letus move on to the other side of this room, let us look at anotherlittle item-Many people think that “seers” are always looking at one'saura, always reading one's thoughts.How wrong they are! Aperson with telepathic ability, or the power of clairvoyance, is notalways reading thoughts or examining the aura of friends orenemies.Some of the things we should see would be far too un-pleasant, far too unflattering.Some of them would indeed burstthe balloon of our own imagined importance! There is too muchelse to do.We have in mind a certain person who sometimes visitsus; she will start a sentence and utter three or four words, and thentrail off with “but I don't have to tell you anything, do I? Youknow everything by just looking at me, don't you?” That is not so!We could “know everything,” but it would be morally wrong todo so.Have no fear about seers, occultists, clairvoyants, andothers, for if they are of good morals they will not be peering atyour private affairs even with your invitation.If they are not ofgood morals they cannot do it anyway! We want to tell you herethat the back street “seer” who tells your fortune for a trifle has noreal “seeing” ability.She is usually a poor old woman who cannotmake money in any other way.Probably at some time she hadclairvoyant abilities, but you cannot do such things on a commer-cial basis, you cannot tell a person clairvoyantly things aboutthemselves for money because the mere fact of the passing ofmoney causes the telepathic ability to wane.And the back streetseer cannot always “see,” yet, if she has taken money, then shemust put on some sort of a show.Being quite a good untrainedpsychologist she will let you do the talking, and will then tell youthe things that you told her, and you, being deluded by the term“seer,” will exclaim with wonder at how accurately she has toldyou what you want to know!Have no fear that clairvoyants are looking at your affairs;would you be happy if you thought that you were busy in your ownhome, writing a letter maybe, and someone came into your room,peered over your shoulder and read what you were writing? Wouldyou like that person to go through your possessions picking up115this and reading that, and getting to know all about you, gettingto know all that you had, all that you thought about? Would youlike to think that a person was tuning-in all the time to any tele-phone conversation that you had? Of course you would not! Letus say once again that a person of good character does not readyour thoughts all the time, and a person of bad character quitedefinitely has not the ability! That is a law of the occult; a personof bad character is not clairvoyant.You might hear a lot of talesabout a person who sees this and that and something else.Discountnine hundred and ninety nine percent of it!A clairvoyant will always wait for you to tell him or her whatyou want to discuss.The clairvoyant will not intrude into theprivacy of your thoughts or of your aura, not even if you invitethat clairvoyant to do so.There are certain laws of occultismwhich must be adhered to most rigidly, for if one breaks those lawsone can be punished in much the same way as one can be punishedif one breaks a man-made law on Earth.Tell the clairvoyant whatyou want to tell-he or she will know if you are telling the truth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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