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.“Good, you need to keep your fluid intake up.Lots of water, ok?”“Ok,” I answer groggily.“Alright then, I’ll be back in a few hours,” she says.“Ok.Bye Terry.” And I drift.I WAKE UP IN OUR BED.Tristan is lying beside me, fully dressed and softly sleeping.I wonder what time it is? Tristan still has his player on, but for once it’s a song I don’t recognise.I hear a soft tap on the door, and then it’s opened slightly.“Hello?” Edith’s calls in a soft voice.“It’s ok,” I whisper.“Come in.” Edith carefully opens the door and tip-toes over to me with a tray in her hand – Please don't be food!“Here you are lass,” she whispers, placing the tray on the bedside table next to me.There’s two large glasses of water, a pot of tea with milk and sugar and a plate of chocolate biscuits - I think they’re hobnobs?“Thank you Edith, that’s very kind of you,” I whisper.“Nonsense,” she says patting my hand.“It’s what I do.” I smile up at her, pick up a glass of water and take several glugs.Mmm so refreshing!Tristan stirs next to me, Edith smiles at me and tip-toes back out of the room, giving me a cheeky wave as she does.I really, really like her; and boy I could get used to this!“Thirsty!” I hear Tristan croak.I go to lean across so I can pass him some water – “Coral, stop!” I instantly freeze.“What?” I gasp, looking across at him.“I’ll get it,” he says, leaning over me – Honestly!“Tristan! You can't do that! I thought my stitches had split or something!” I scold.“Oh,” he says looking a little guilty.“Sorry baby, but stretching like that and you’re stitches will split.” He sighs heavily.“Coral, imagine you are strapped to that hospital bed, you wouldn’t be able to move much would you?”“Well no, but’ – “Ah ah,” he says, wagging his finger at me.“You need to act like that baby, you’re still healing on the inside.One sudden movement could rip everything open again, which means another operation and more time in hospital.”“Oh.” I frown.“I hadn’t thought of it like that.”“Well, will you now, for me?” he asks, his puppy dog eyes are back – How can I resist?I lean down slowly and peck him softly on the lips.“For you, baby I’ll do anything,” I say.Tristan smiles his shy smile.“Who’s this?” I ask.“The music?” I nod.“Hoobastank, The Reason.” He answers.“It’s good,” I say as I nod away to the beat.“Yes, it is,” he says finishing off his water, then he looks across at the tray.“Is that tea and biscuits?” He says, his eyes wide with glee.“Um.yeah?” I chuckle.“Brilliant!” He says sliding over me so he can stuff a chocolate biscuit in his mouth.He rolls his eyes in ecstasy.“Nice?” I giggle.“Mmm,” he chews, laughing as he does.“So good,” he says picking another up.“Want one baby?”“No,” I chuckle.“I'm still stuffed from that breakfast.” Tristan smiles and starts to pour us both teas.“Why are you so happy you’ve got biscuits?” I ask.His face falls – Shit!He finishes pouring the tea, then sits next to me.“I told you baby my folks were poor, really poor.I never got any treats, certainly not biscuits.and I love chocolate hobnobs,” he adds, taking another bite.Ah so they are hobnobs!“Did you get.you know, regular meals?”“Christ Coral, they weren’t starving me!”“I'm sorry, I'm just trying to understand,” I say, staring at the water in my glass.Tristan sighs.“Coral, I had three square meals a day, and always a small supper before bedtime – which is more than you ever had.” He adds softly stroking my cheek.“I know,” I say.“Finish your water baby.Would you like some tea?” he says in a low demanding voice.What is his problem?I look down at my half finished glass and glug the rest back then pass it to him.“No, no thanks,” I say and turn on my side, facing away from him.Tristan’s been really snappy since we got back, and I'm trying to work out why.I know what I did could have got me killed, but how many times do I need to explain that I would do anything for him, anything to save him.“Would you like a biscuit?” he asks in a playful tone.“No thanks,” I murmur.“Coral, what’s wrong?” He sighs.“You.being grumpy with me and I don't know why?” I croak.“Actually, I'm fucking furious with you but now is not the time,” he says.“What?” I tremble, slowly sitting up to face him.“Why?”“Coral.” He warns.“No now Tristan!” I snap.“Fine!”“Fine!”We glare at one another, two angry fools neither one of us backing down.“Trust!” He growls, his jaw clenching together.“Trust?” I bark back.“Yes, if you had one-inkling of trust for me you would have told me what was going on while I was away.You would have told me about your late night stalker, about Susannah’s behaviour, about her threatening you and her crazy, warped idea about me.Christ Coral we could have avoided all of this.all of it!” He shouts, bouncing to his feet.He starts pacing the room, running his hands through his hair in frustration.Then he stops and glares down at me.“I could have taken you away.We could have gone somewhere.anywhere! And I would have known you were safe, out of harm’s way.But you didn’t trust me, you didn’t even try to tell me any of it.I keep trying to rationalise your reasons for dealing with it the way you did but.” Tristan shakes his head, clenches his jaw and stares out the window.Holy crap! I'm gobsmacked, speechless!“We don't have a chance in hell if you don't tell me what’s going on, regardless of my reaction,” he adds, his voice low, monotonous.“Tristan,” I squeak, my eyes glistening over.He glances down at me.“Don't turn on the water works,” he hisses.“Do you want me to go?” I sniff.“No!” He bellows and runs his hands through his hair.“So you’re just mad at me because I didn’t tell you what was going on?” I question, because my instinct is telling me there’s more to this.“Christ Coral, what do you need, a big fucking neon sign?” He shouts, his arms splayed out to emphasise his point.He’s more angry than I have ever seen him, and I have no idea how to deal with it.I want to run away from him, as would be my usual response to any kind of confrontation, but I doubt I’ll even get to the door before he stops me.“Go away!” I shout.“What?” He bellows shocked and puzzled.“Go away, get out! You’re upsetting me, and I don't want to be around you when you’re like this.Go Tristan get the fuck out!” I shout.He glares down at me.His fists clenched at his side, his cheeks flushed and his eyes dark.“Go downstairs and kick the shit out of your punch bag!” I spit.“Are you seriously kicking me out?” He hisses [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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