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.The three strands and four claims are still fully operating in each case,but the specific contours vary.I'll quickly run through the major schools of consciousness studies outlined in the Introduction and indicate exactlywhat is involved in each case.An All-Quadrant, All-Level ApproachThe emergent/connectionist cognitive science models (such as Alwyn Scott's Stairway to the Mind) apply the threestrands of knowledge acquisition to the Upper Right quadrant, the objective aspects of individual holons.Statementsare thus guided by the validity claim of propositional truth tied to empirically observable events, which means that inthis approach the three strands will acknowledge only those holons that register in the sensorimotor worldspace (i.e.holons with simple location, empirically observable by the senses or their extensions).Nonetheless, all holons withoutexception are holarchic, or composed of hierarchical holons within holons indefinitely, and so thisemergent/connectionist approach will apply the three strands to objective, exterior, hierarchical systems as they appearin the individual, objective organism (the Upper Right quadrant).All of this is fine, right up to the point where these approaches overstep their epistemic warrant and try to account forthe other quadrants solely in terms of their own.In the case of the emergent/connectionist theories, this means that theywill present a valid Upper Right hierarchy (atoms to molecules to cells to neural pathways to reptilian stem to limbicsystem to neocortex), but then consciousness is somehow supposed to miraculously jump out at the top level (the LeftHand dimensions are often treated as a monolithic and monological single entity, and then this `consciousness' issimply added on top of the Right Hand hierarchy, instead of seeing that there are levels of consciousness which exist asthe interior or Left Hand dimension of every step in the Right Hand hierarchy).Thus, Scott presents a standard Upper Right hierarchy, which he gives as atoms, molecules, biochemical structures,nerve impulses, neurons, assemblies of neurons, brain.Then, and only then, out pops `consciousness and culture,' histwo highest levels.But, of course, consciousness and culture are not levels in the Upper Right quadrant, but importantquadrants themselves, each of which has a correlative hierarchy of its own developmental unfolding (and each of whichis intimately interwoven with the Upper Right, but can in no way be reduced to or solely explained by the UpperRight).So in an integral theory of consciousness, we would certainly include the Upper Right hierarchy and those aspects ofthe emergent/connectionist models that legitimately reflect that territory; but where those theories overstep theirepistemic warrant (and are thus reduced to reductionism), we should perhaps move on.The various schools of introspectionism take as their basic referent the interior intentionality of consciousness, theimmediate lived experience and lifeworld of the individual (the Upper Left quadrant).This means that, in theseapproaches, the three strands of valid knowledge will be applied to the data of immediate consciousness, under theauspices of the validity claim of truthfulness (because interior reporting requires sincere reports: there is no other wayto get at the interiors).Introspectionism is intimately related to interpretation (hermeneutics), because most of thecontents of consciousness are referential and intentional, and thus their meaning requires and demands interpretation:What is the meaning of this sentence? of last night's dream? of War and Peace? As we have seen, all valid interpretation follows the three strands (injunction, apprehension, confirmation).In this case,the three strands are being applied to symbolic/referential occasions and not merely to sensorimotor occasions (whichwould yield only empiric-analytic knowledge) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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