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.The man was moving slowly, wrapped in a dark cloak to suit the weather, and leading a spare mount equipped with its own saddle."A demon? Hardly that!" Vilkata breathed, studying the rider's figure from the rear with a demonic intensity of perception.In another moment he had let out a little cry, surprisingly childish, and was hurrying forward to overtake the mounted man.Actually running again despite his aching limbs, the wizard as he approached the other called softly: "My lord! My lord, am I forgiven? Do you come seeking me?"The rider halted his mount and swung round in his saddle, presenting to the approaching magician's keen demonic vision the noble, thoughtful visage of Murat.But for a moment the Crown Prince did not reply to his banished servant."My Lord Murat! Forgive my offenses, and allow me to be of service to you!"Then Vilkata paused, staring in belated realization."You have sheathed the Mindsword again!"There was the black hilt at Murat's side, the bright steel muffled in dark leather."I considered that I did not need such protection at every moment," the Crown Prince responded at last, allowing his right hand to rest briefly on that hilt.The Dark King had now caught up, and stood gasping after his brief run."I trust Your Majesty will not have cause to regret the decision.I fear that you have many enemies.Only a moment ago I had warning of a tremendous demon in the vicinity.""Indeed?" But for some reason Murat did not appear to be impressed.In a moment he had dismissed worrisome demons with a careless toss of his head.file:///F|/rah/Fred%20Saberhagen/Saberhagen,%2.Lost%20Swords%206%20-%20Minds words%20Story.txt (92 of 115) [2/4/03 9:54:52 PM]file:///F|/rah/Fred%20Saberhagen/Saberhagen,%20Fred%20-%20Lost%20Swords%206%20-%20Mindswords%20Story.txt"As for your desire to be of service, magician, why, I accept it gladly.I suppose our falling out was not entirely your fault."Vilkata, his heart pounding with joy to hear these words, bowed deeply."I rejoice to hear you say it, sire, but I must insist that all the blame was mine."The wizard was now standing close enough to his master's mount for him to be able to cling to the other's stirrup, and he longed to do so.But at the same time he feared another rebuke.Instead of clinging, he clenched his hands together."Master, what plan have you decided on? Have you marched your handful of men forth from the farm yet?""Not yet."Page 99ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe Eyeless One breathed a sigh of relief."Then what of the plan that I suggested?"The Crown Prince, looking thoughtful, once more shifted his position in his saddle.He said:"Explain to me once more the advantages of your suggestion."Rapidly Vilkata rehearsed the advantages of surprise, of striking rapidly with the Mindsword at the enemy heart."Yes, of course.But how did you intend that I should transport myself and my Sword to Sarykam?""Riding on the demon, Majesty!" the Dark King explained triumphantly."Naturally I will accompany you to make sure that nothing goes wrong.Together we can reach the enemy capital from here in only minutes, instead of days or hours!""That mode of transportation would never have occurred to me." Murat's expression was solemnly guarded.Terrified lest he might have offended again, Vilkata hastened to offer reassurance."Of course it will be necessary to control Akbar sufficiently to make our passage absolutely safe—I can see to that—and with your Sword it should present absolutely no problem anyway.Has Your Highness seen anything of the demon since I—since I left camp?""No.No demons at all.""That's good, sire, very good.As I mentioned a moment ago, very recently I have received a warning—one cannot be too careful with demons.I should be present at your next meeting withAkbar—shall I return with you now to camp?"Murat evidently found that this question required some thought, reinforcing Vilkata's growing impression that the master today was in a strange, new, preoccupied mode."No," the Crown Prince said at last."I can manage whatever demons may appear for myself, with theSword.But managing the creatures is one thing, and.and the truth is that I have a special mission for you elsewhere." "Sire, with all due respect, and having your own safety always foremost in mind, I must protest.The management of demons is—"The Crown Prince, looking haughty, cut him short [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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