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.Elijah wasn t sure he could stand the look on the alpha s face. Whenthey found out he was a wolf, they locked him up.I I was supposed to kill him. But you didn t, Rowan said.The fire cracked and one of the logs crumbled to charcoal. No.I d been working for the Butcher over a year at that point, and I knew what happened topeople who didn t follow orders.But fuck if I didn t hate him almost as much as I hated my ownfather.There was a lot of confusion at the time.Rumor s that Maxim s pack was looking for him, so Itook advantage of it.I ran and left Maxim there.I didn t have a choice, Elijah finished, his voicegruff.Rowan turned, and his mouth thinned into a line.Here it came.The hatred.The blame.He dnever want to see Elijah again.Or maybe Rowan would try to kill him.Barehanded.What would being strangled to death feel like? Elijah did it to assholes that deserved it, but henever imagined the pain of a crushed windpipe.Not being able to breathe for minutes on end untileverything faded away. Bullshit, Rowan growled. You had a choice and you chose to run.You chose to save yourself.Admit it.Elijah s eyes widened, and he stared at the alpha looming over him. What?Rowan ran a hand through his hair, then balled it into a tight fist.His heart thundered. Admityou chose to leave Maxim there, Rowan repeated. We both chose to turn our backs on our own kind.I want you to admit it.The same old stubbornness bore into his chest. You admit it, Elijah bit back, no matter how childish it sounded.Suddenly, Rowan fell to his knees and leaned forward.His face looked like it was carved fromstone. You left him to die.You didn t give a shit about anyone besides yourself and your brother.Admit it, Elijah. What does this prove? Elijah said, his voice rising in pitch. Tell me you hate me and get itover with.That s what Maxim wants.Then you can leave me in his care, and he ll torture me for therest of my life!But Rowan didn t say anything of the sort.He grabbed Elijah s slender hand and squeezed.Hispulse beat like he was running a goddamn marathon. Admit it.Please.Please.It was that one word that threw him over the edge.Elijah slowly closed his eyes. Okay.I left him to die and saved myself.Happy? But you came back for me, Rowan said, his brow furrowed and his eyes searching Elijah sface for an answer.Elijah s breath caught in his throat.That s what this was about? How was he supposed to explainit? Why did Rowan need him to?  It things got out of hand.They weren t supposed to hurt you.Iwas trying to keep you out of the way until I finished off Banik.Then I was going to let you go.Ashina s glory! That sounded pathetic! Especially for an assassin. Did you ever plan to leave me behind? Rowan asked, his gaze steely.Here it was.The truth.The only person Elijah couldn t abandon. No.It never crossed mymind.Rowan stared at him so long he thought the alpha turned into a damn statue.Then the side of hismouth quirked, very slightly, and he let out a long breath. Then I m not going to leave you here.If Elijah had been standing, he wasn t sure his legs would support him anymore.Looking intoRowan s eyes, he saw the truth behind those words.Maybe Yue did know what she was doing.Thedesire sizzled behind that gaze, and it wasn t like the looks Maxim used to give him.There was anunfathomable depth to that expression that warmed Elijah s heart.Filled the pit in his stomach andtold him, vaguely, that he was no longer alone.Maybe this is what trusting someone felt like.And he had to trust Rowan  the alpha was all he had.How come he never realized it before? Are you going to confess your undying love for me? Elijah asked, breathlessly.Rowan sighed.A flash of annoyance crossed his face but he brushed it away.Looks like Elijahcouldn t rile him up like he used to.Or maybe he d just have to try harder.Then Rowan leaned forward, so close Elijah was sure they would kiss, but the man picked himup instead.He held Elijah in his arms like he weighed nothing.Showing off his damn alpha strength,no doubt.He carried Elijah to the bed.Their bare skin burned where it touched, and he set the omegadown. I m not tired, Elijah said.Rowan s mouth brushed his jaw. I never said anything about sleeping.If it weren t for the jolt of desire that surged to his groin, Elijah would ve chuckled.He clung toRowan s strong back and squeezed his eyes shut. You want to claim me? he whispered.Even if Rowan was his mate  he wasn t sure he could handle that.Not yet.Rowan s lips met his in an all consuming kiss.The velvet heat of his tongue sent a shock ofelectricity straight to Elijah s toes, adding to the ache deep in his balls.Then Rowan pulled back,mouth parted, and shook his head.  No.You re going to claim me.Elijah tried to think of something to say.Of all the outcomes of his confession, this one nevercrossed his mind.This moment didn t even seem possible twenty four hours earlier.What changed?The woods? The hunters? Maxim?Of course he was going to claim Rowan  that s what he d been saying all along.But now thewords dried on his tongue.His fingers trembled as he brought them to Rowan s full bottom lip. Youdon t have to prove how gay you are.I figured it out a long time ago, he said and smiled.Rowan shook his head. Don t, or I might change my mind.Elijah felt the lust and need waking in both their bodies.Empty threat.Not because Rowan wasthe alpha, albeit one inexperienced with anal sex, it was because he knew how Elijah felt.He knewbeing claimed was too much like weakness.And Rowan proved it wasn t.Nothing was weak about him.Elijah leaned forward, his mouth brushing Rowan s ear.The sensation sent shockwaves throughhis body. Maxim might get jealous.A rumble stirred in Rowan s broad chest, and he pressed it against Elijah, covering him with itswarmth.His roughly calloused hands wandered to the laces on Elijah s shirt and tugged them open,revealing the smooth skin. Good.He s not your mate.I am.Those words knotted into a beautiful bow, and Elijah couldn t help smiling.He didn t think he dsmiled like this in years.Then Rowan kissed him again, drowning them both.Nothing, not even Maxim or the Butcher,could disturb it.The leather pants tightened around his cock, and he gasped as Rowan s length pressedagainst his, straining and rock hard.It was a good thing he d be claiming the alpha.No way his asscould take a monster like that.Rowan s mouth wandered down his neck, hot and heavy, peppering his skin with luscious kisses.Elijah s fingers wound in Rowan s smooth hair, the man s musk rising with it, filling his noseand blurring every coherent thought he d ever had.The rough linen scratched his back.Slowly, Rowannudged the shirt up Elijah s waist, tossing the belt onto the floor, and slipping the material over theomega s head.Sweat beaded on Elijah s skin.Rowan stared at him, those usually fathomless eyes as warm as a summer s day [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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