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.” Anne snorted.“Well, before mother beats you senseless, I suppose I should get some work out of you,” Cassie said.“Well, she has to find me to beat me up,” Mitch said, fingertip touching his son's nose.“And she'll need the energy.And just to be on the safe side.I think I'm going to make myself scarce for a while,” he said.“She's got a looong memory.You know that right? Part of being Irish, holding a grudge.Believe me, she's good at it,” Cassie said, rolling her eyes.“Very good.She got me back for embarrassing her in a store.It took weeks.Now I know, it's like the sword of Damocles hanging over your head.Best to get it over with, just to get rid of the anxiety.She'll find a way.Trust me.”“Oh I know,” Mitch said.“You've got to pay for your pleasures,” he said, hearing the general mayhem as the pursuit continued.There were some muffled growls and shrieks of laughter.Also a bit of begging going on.From the sound of it, the kids had her cornered.They had split up to get around the tables in the dining room.“Let me put this little guy down in the daycare and then we can talk,” he said, headed out.------*------“Have fun?” Janet asked a disheveled and dimpling Sandra as the red haired woman came into the room a good half hour after her run.She ignored the jab and went straight to her husband.She smacked him with the back of her hand, then punched him hard in the right arm.“Owe!” He guffawed, then laughed again as she pummeled his shoulder until he captured her wrists and pinned them against her ample chest.“Well, you asked for it!” He laughed.“I am so getting you back for that,” she growled, pouting.“Now wait a minute! You started it!” he said, as she flounced into his lap.“Did not!”“Did too!”“Children,” Janet sighed, shaking her head as she smiled and cradled her little one.“I can call the kids back in and sic them on both of you,” she said.“Not fair.She really did start it.I'm still sore,” Mitch grumbled.He coughed, voice still sore.“Quit whining,” Sandra snickered, wiggling in his lap.He groaned.She looked back and grinned.“What did she do?” Janet asked innocently.Sandra looked at Mitch as he opened his mouth.“Well, if you must.” he was cut off as she put her hand over his mouth.“Not a peep,” she growled, shaking her right index finger under his nose.“Or the next time you really will be sorry,” she said.She flicked her eyebrows up at him to let him know she meant it then slowly let her hand drop.“.know she.” Mitch was interrupted by Sandra as she kissed him.She kept kissing him until he stopped trying to talk and kissed her back.Then she let him up for air slowly.“Um, what was I saying?” he asked, breathing hard.Her eyes twinkled at him.She grinned at Janet, Cassie, and Anne.“Works every time,” she said with a chuckle and a wink.“Right,” Janet said, smiling back.“Well, while you were getting some exercise and quality time with the kids.” she paused as Sandra turned to swat Mitch again.“We were talking about priorities.The Ling and Summersets are working on the first production of compact track loaders.I think you said we have enough to make, what, four?” Janet asked, looking at Mitch.Mitch nodded.“Four plus parts.We've already smelted the ore, we've rolled out the steel and they are using the CNC machine and bending tools for some of the basic parts now.”“Cool,” Anne said.“Compact track loader?”“A small construction vehicle,” Mitch explained.“Also known as a Bobcat.”“Oh I know what it is, I just was wondering why,” Anne said.Mitch grunted.“Because everyone wants one.Each of the mines need them to mine with.Each of the communities need them too.It's one of those vehicles that has a thousand and one uses,” he explained.“Everything from a loader to a dozer to a jack hammer to a back hoe.” he waved a hand.“The list goes on and on.It's all about what attachments you've got.”“I see,” Anne said.“Four?”“One for each of the nearby communities.”“But not one for us?”“I wanted one for us and another for Sam, but we had a choice of parts in case one of them break down or another vehicle.I'd rather have the parts on hand,” Mitch said.She nodded.“Besides, we can always make more,” Cassie said, looking at Mitch.“Right?”He nodded.“That's the plan.But we're low on material.But with the compact track loaders and a steady supply of fuel hopefully the raw ore produced will double within a month.Or better,” he said.“Allowing us to make more compact track loaders or other stuff,” Anne said nodding.“Okay, gotcha.”“It's the chicken and the egg thing.All a balancing act.We need the compact track loaders to get production up, but we need fuel for it.We need the materials to make the fuel containers, and we need the materials for other stuff,” Mitch sighed.“For a while it's been a pain in the ass getting material for everyone.We're short on a lot of rare materials [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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