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.His tender words filled her with happiness.He was totally committed to theirrelationship now, it wasn t a secret anymore and he wasn t hesitant in the least to makeit permanent. What about all those boxes in the living room? Are we going to move those too? No.I will have someone do that in the morning.Jessie glanced around the room to make sure she wasn t leaving anything behind. I m done.That was the last of it. Let s go. Justice dropped his hand to grab a second bag. Lead the way, mate.Jessie walked up the front steps to Justice s home, a little nervous since she d neverbeen inside it before.She hoped she loved it as much as the house she d just left.Shereached for the door handle to open it for him. Wait.She glanced at him, arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest as heset down her bags. What? Did you leave it a mess?He chuckled. Stay here.Don t peek. He opened the door, shoved it wide andpicked up her bags again.He disappeared inside.She couldn t see a thing since he didn t turn on lights.He moved around inside.Shecould hear him but had no clue what he was trying to hide from her.With her luck theguy was a slob, but a sexy one.He had mentioned he had a male who cleaned for him.At least she wouldn t be stuck picking up after him.He stepped out of the darkness onto the porch and she gasped in surprise as hesuddenly bent, his shoulder pressed against her hip and an arm hooked behind herlegs.He stood quickly, draped her down his back and flipped on a light inside the door.His other hand massaged her ass as he carried her inside, used his foot to kick the doorclosed and chuckled. Lock the door.187 Laurann DohnerShe had to grab her hair with a fist just to see, twisted the bolt near her face andturned her head to get a limited glimpse of a surprisingly neat living room. Put medown. No.I m not totally clueless about humans.I m always studying their ways and I mfamiliar with carrying a bride over the threshold the first time she enters their sharedhome.We re mated as far as I m concerned, the wedding is just paperwork for yourworld but you re mine, honey.I m carrying you to bed and showing you the properrespect you deserve by following your valued traditions.It was so sweet she didn t have the heart to tell him that most guys didn t tosswomen over their shoulders.She chuckled, released her hair and cupped his muscularass as he quickly strode through the hallway.He had the best butt and she barely tooknotice of his room when they entered it as he flipped on the light.He adjusted her when he bent, easing her to sit on the edge of his mattress andcrouched before her.He smiled. Welcome to our home.Now take off your clothes.Imissed you and if I don t make love to you soon I m going to lose all control. He rose,kicked off his shoes and tore at his jacket. Hurry, he softly growled.Jessie watched him strip quickly, enjoying the view of every sexy inch of skin andmuscle he revealed.He looked up after he removed his pants, narrowed his eyes andfrowned. Undress.I mean it, Jessie.It s been two weeks and I would hate to tear it off you.It s a nice dress.Jessie kicked off her shoes.She reached behind her and unzipped the dress andunhooked her bra.She let them slide down her body as she slid off the bed.Justicepurred when she stripped out of her panties.She backed up when he took a steptoward her. Wait.Justice froze. What? We need to talk for a minute. I don t want to talk. Well, we need to.He growled. What about? Did you sleep with Kit?He frowned. No.She frowned back, closely studying his features for any hint of a lie or guilt. Really? The only female I want is you.I don t settle for less than what I want.She nodded, sure he was being sincere. This whole mate thing, does that mean youwon t cheat on me?188 JusticeHe smiled. That s what it means.You re it for me and I m it for you.It s acommitment to only be with each other. For life? Forever. Okay.Good. Are we done talking now?She glanced at the bed and smiled. Just a few more things to go over.He clenched his hands, his body tensed and his aroused cock twitched visibly,waving a little at her. What else? Do I get my job back that I quit tonight? I like working with the women over at thedorm. You never lost your job.I didn t accept you quitting.Jessie grinned. Good. Now are we done talking? There s just one more thing to go over. What? He inched closer, looking ready to pounce on her.Jessie sucked her bottom lip inside her mouth. You.He blinked. What about me? I want you on the bed and I want to be on top.His eyes narrowed while Jessie held her breath.They stared at each other and hetook a step back. You want to get even for tonight and last night.You want me tosubmit to you to soothe your injured pride. No.I just want to be on top [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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