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.Bright tears ofjoy and gratitude sparkled in Ozana's violet eyes."What happened to Hi-Lo and his elevator?" Dorothy asked."They were transported, too," replied Ozma quickly."I imagine," the GirlRuler went on, "that Hi-Lo will be a very busy little man carrying visitorsup and down in his elevator.And you, Ozana, will be able to live in yourpretty cottage and work in your wonderful garden without fear of everbecoming lonely.Every day will bring you visitors from the Emerald Cityand all parts of the Land of Oz who will be eager to see the pine folk andtheir village and to enjoy Story Blossom Garden.Really, Ozana, it is wewho are indebted to you," Ozma concluded.Dorothy beamed lovingly at Ozma.Then, turning to Ozana, the little girlsaid, "Now I guess you understand, Ozana, why you're just about theluckiest person in the whole world to be invited to live in the Land ofOz."CHAPTER 23THE GRAND BANQUETThe next day was given over entirely to welcoming Ozana to Oz.Early in themorning, the Sawhorse was hitched to the Red Wagon, and a merry company oftravelers rode out of the Emerald City to be the first visitors to StoryPage 84 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlBlossom Mountain.In the front seat of the Red Wagon rode Ozma, Ozana,Dorothy and Trot.In the rear seat were Betsy Bobbin, Cap'n Bill, theWizard and the Scarecrow.The Sawhorse needed no reins to guide him, as this intelligent horseresponded to spoken commands.Being tireless and having no need for oats orwater, he was in many ways superior to ordinary horses.As the Red Wagonpulled up near the entrance to Hi-Lo's elevator, the party was met byflaxen-haired Miss Cuttenclip.Not far distant was a pretty little papervillage of paper people ruled over by Miss Cuttenclip, who had skillfullycut out the entire village and all its inhabitants from "live" paperfurnished her by Glinda the Good.Ozma had communicated with MissCuttenclip before the journey, inviting her to meet them and visit StoryBlossom Mountain and afterwards to accompany them to the Emerald City forthe Grand Banquet to be given that evening in Ozana's honor.Ozana and MissCuttenclip became friends at once.Hi-Lo greeted Ozana and the rest joyfully, but it was necessary for him tomake two trips to carry this large party to the mountaintop.Ozana showedthe visitors around the Village of Pineville and Story Blossom Garden.Onthe surface of the blue pond floated the three swans.Knowing that Ozanawould no longer need them to carry her back to Mount Illuso, Ozma hadthoughtfully transported the swans from the courtyard of her palace totheir pond when she had worked the fairy spell that had brought the StoryBlossom Garden to Oz.After pausing several happy hours in the Story Blossom Garden, Ozana and herguests returned to the bottom of the mountain, where the Sawhorse and theRed Wagon waited to carry them back to the Emerald City.The rest of theday was devoted to preparing for the Grand Banquet to be given in Ozana'shonor that evening in the Grand Dining Room of the Royal Palace.All ofOzma's old friends and companions were invited.Late in the afternoon the guests began arriving.The Tin Woodman journeyedPage 85 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfrom his glittering Tin Castle in the Winkie Country.Jack Pumpkinhead lefthis house C4 a huge, hollowed-out pumpkin in the middle of a pumpkinfield.The Highly Magnified and Thoroughly Educated Woggle Bug traveledfrom the Royal Athletic College of Oz, of which he was Principal.Amongother guests who came from great distances were Glinda the Good, the GiantFrogman, Cayke the Cookie Cook, Dr.Pipt C4 the Crooked Magician who wasno longer crooked or a magician C4 his wife, Margolotte, the Good Witch ofthe North, and Lady Aurex, Queen of the Skeezers.Dorothy transported all of these visitors to the Emerald City by means ofher Magic Belt, except Glinda, who arrived by her own magic.The GrandBanquet proved to be one of the most brilliant and delightful occasionsever to be enjoyed in the Emerald City and was long remembered by all whowere present.In addition to the delicious food, there was music andspecial entertainment for the guests.The Scarecrow made a gallant speechof welcome to which Ozana charmingly replied.The Woggle Bug could not be restrained from reading an "Ode to Ozana," whichhe claimed he had composed on the spur of the moment, writing it on thecuff of his shirt sleeve.A number of the guests thought the compositionsounded suspiciously like an "Ode to Ozma," which the Woggle Bug hadwritten some years before, but they were all too kind-hearted to mentionthis.The Tin Woodman sang a love song, which he had written especially forthe occasion and which he had titled "You're My Tin Type." While the songwas only moderately good, the Tin Woodman sang in a metallic tenor withgreat feeling, and the company applauded politely.Then the Little Wizard made them all gasp with a truly wonderful display ofmagic.The Wizard opened his show by causing a fountain of many-coloredflames of fire to appear in the center of the banquet table.At hiscommand, streamers of fire of different colors C4 red, green, blue, rose,orange, violet C4 leaped out from the burning fountain to touch theunlighted candles that stood at the place of each guest.After this thePage 86 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfountain of fire vanished, while the now-lighted candles continued to burnthroughout the banquet, each shedding the light imparted to it by thecolored fire.The Wizard concluded his entertainment by tossing a napkin into the airabove the banquet table.Instantly the napkin disappeared, and a storm ofconfetti showered down on the guests, while band after band of whatappeared to be brightly colored paper ribbon fell over the party.But itdidn't take Button Bright long to discover and announce with shouts of gleeto the rest of the guests that the confetti and the many-colored paperribbons were really the most delicious of spearmint, peppermint, clove,licorice, lime, lemon, orange and chocolate candies and mints.This, ofcourse, provided the perfect ending for the dinner.At the table occupied by the animals, there was a great deal of talking andmerrymaking.Toto received many compliments on his handsome new red leathercollar, embellished with clusters of emeralds and his own name in solidgold letters.Princess Ozma herself had fitted the collar about the proudlittle dog's neck that very afternoon as a tribute to Toto's loyalty andbravery.Just as the happy banquet was about to end, Toto, who had been so absorbedin all the excitement and the Wizard's marvelous tricks that he hadscarcely tasted his food, turned to his bowl of milk.He found the tinyWhite Kitten Felina daintily lapping the last of the milk from the bowlwith her little pink tongue.Toto sniffed."I never could understand," hegrowled, "what it is that witches and fairies and little girls see incats!"THE ENDPage 87 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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