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.Afraid to sleep at night, compelled towatch the stars, sometimes disturbed by the books I readabout UFOs, yet I couldn't keep from reading more.Conventional logic insisted that such things couldn't betrue, and so did the honest desire of my heart.This was notwhat I wanted reality to be.I traced the sequence of events back to the very begin-ning, trying to rationalize the situation.How to account forall the people in my life who now claimed to have hadexperiences? James must have got it from David, who heardit from us.Casey picked it up from me, I picked it up fromHopkins's book, Missing Time, and the book was motivatedby the class project I assigned on unusual phenomena.Butwhere, I wondered, did the motivation for the assignmentcome from? And why would so many people pick up on thetopic and proclaim their own experiences falsely, especially59 Into the Fringe 6160 Karla Turnerof alien encounters are only remembered as dreams or asthese usually skeptical individuals? Did it make more senseoccurring when the person is in a dream state of some sort.to believe in telepathy, to believe that people I trusted wouldAnd now David was beginning to have UFO dreams andall suddenly fabricate such stories, than to believe they weredoubts.The first dream early in August involved the landingtelling their own truths?of two spacecraft and mental communication betweenNo matter which way I thought about it, the one thing IDavid and an alien occupant of the ship.Later in the dream,couldn't get around were the crafts we had variously seen.another type of UFO craft appeared and also landed, andI remembered Casey talking about the metallic sphere inthe odd little alien who emerged delivered a message: theDecember, and I believed James had seen the craft twice ontime had come for "the human diaspora." When David toldhis trip to St.Louis.Most compelling, of course, were theme about the dream, I thought it was something brought onlights and the craft witnessed by three of us in Oklahoma.Atby all the things we'd told him about our own experiences.the time it seemed like a confirmation of the reality CaseyStill, the alien's message was a total surprise.Nowhere inhad seen under hypnosis, and that's how it worked now.our conversations had such an idea ever arisen, and DavidEvery time I'd be just about convinced that there wasdidn't even know what "diaspora" meant.nothing to fear, I'd remember the dull metallic darkness ofThen, on August 11, he went through a very realthe flattened hull reflected in the green and white and redexperience that couldn't be dismissed so easily.He went tolights, coming directly down toward us, and I knew it wasbed late, about 1:30 A.M., expecting to fall asleep quickly.all real.Instead, he began to feel a strange sensation, building upStill, it was one thing to face such a reality privately withsuddenly and rapidly, in his head.my husband, for we were mature people with plenty ofexperience in the surprises and crises of life.But it was quite 'It was something I felt,'' he said, not saw or heard.Myanother to see the same bizarre phenomenon descend upon immediate thought was that my persona was about to leavemy child.At first, I had thought that only Casey had ever my body through my head up and out."been involved, then I'd begun to have my own experiences, He was frightened at first, but then he tried to concentrateand now there was James.How much longer, I wondered, on the feeling and form some objective description of it.before David would be waking up hearing things in his That's when he became aware of a sound, "like a loudbedroom, or seeing strange lights in the sky over the farm? electric buzz," yet he knew it wasn't an overtly audibleResearch showed that the phenomenon often occurs among sound.It felt more as if he were hearing it internally, as if,members of the same family, or among a group of friends, he said, "something was getting on the auditory nerveso I sometimes asked people I knew, very discreetly, about between my ears and my brain."their own unusual experiences.We'd asked David early on,The second thing he became aware of then was a greatof course, at a time when he didn't believe such thingspressure inside his skull, a feeling of inflation that gave him,actually occurred, and he assured us he'd never goneoddly enough, no sense of pain."When I thought aboutthrough anything that didn't have a logical explanation.it some more," David said, "I could sense that it wasn't justResearch also indicated, however, that many experiencesa general pressure, but seemed focused at a certain point Into the Fringe 6362 Karla Turner"What did you do?" I asked."Did you get up to have abehind my forehead, as if there were an incredibly, enor-closer look?"mously powerful light there, although," he added, "I could"No," she said, "I just sat there watching the monkey."see nothing, as my eyes were closed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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