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.She smiled at him a little hopefully. So & since it didn t & ?He studied her for a moment and finally looked at the others. She is mid-term now.I think she is pastthe worst risk of miscarriage.I suppose, so long as we are careful, and it causes you no discomfort, it willnot hurt to indulge on occasion until late in your pregnancy.Miranda smiled at him, suddenly feeling as light hearted as she had when she d first woken. I absolutelyadore you! And you! And you! And you! She gave Khan a saucy smile as she turned to leave, brazenlystroking her hand over his crotch. Later!He was grinning at her when she flicked a glance back at him.Chapter Twenty TwoKhan seemed to be laboring under the illusion that he could pleasure her and forego actual penetration.Unfortunately, it didn t take long for her figure out that he d decidedshe needed the relief.Briefly, shewondered if he d just lied to her and told her what she wanted to hear, but she could see he was asneedy as she was, and she wasn t having it.Shewas horny.It seemed to her that her pregnancy hadhyped up her needs, but nothing short of full penetration was going to satisfy her and beyond that, shewas completely against leaving them to suffer through pleasing her without getting relief themselves.There was a little problem with that determination.As aroused as they obviously were, they were also sounnerved about having sex with her due to their certainty that they would knock the baby looseapparently, that they had trouble maintaining an erection when she demanded penetration.It was sodeeply distressing all the way around that she was almost more relieved than sorry when Teron finallyforbid any more sexual relations.She thought they were relieved, too, which didn t help her feelings.She didn t really understand it.Theyacted like they wanted her.It certainly didn t take much effort onher part to get a rise out of any of them, or maintaining it up until the moment of truth, but the minute anyGenerated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlof the four slid their cock inside of her, it began to deflate.Either it felt different to them not a happy thought or they really and truly were scared to death thatthey were going to hurt her and nothing could convince them otherwise.She wasn t sure she believedthat, but it became impossible to dismiss it after a while.The bigger her belly got the harder they triednotto look at it, and when they did, they couldn t seem to tear their gazes from it.Theywere afraid and either their fear finally communicated itself to her or it was just that she reached apoint where she realized labor day was looming and couldn t be avoided.She thought it was a little ofboth, uncertainty and anxiety generated in her from their uncertainty and anxiety, and a completely naturalfear of the pain she d heard associated with child birth.The fear stayed with her right up until she entered her last month, although it had already begun to wanein the face of misery.The last month was so completely miserable, though, that she graduated veryquickly from dreading the end to wanting desperately to get it over with.The last of her doubts about their anxiety vanished when she actually went into labor.It was patentlyclear from the absolute panic that went through all four men when she announced that she was pretty sureshe was in labor that they were terrified.It didn t help her feelings that Teron seemed to be in as bad a shape as the others.She discovered he had organized and prepared, however, and when three of the other women alsodecided to go into labor within hours of her first pains, the direness of the situation seemed to steady him.She passed from pretty sure she was in labor to absolutely certain within a couple of hours, descendedinto such a nightmare of pain that she pretty well lost touch with everything around her.She noticed whenGerek and Adar ceased to pace up and down just beyond the alcove where she lay and disappeared,because they d been getting on her nerves and it was relief.She noticed when Khan flopped weak kneedon the edge of the bed beside her because it jostled her when he landed.When Teron bellowed at him toget his ass off the bed, he jumped up for a moment and then sank to the floor beside the bed, squeezingher hand so hard it went numb.She noticed increased activity all over the nursery from the other women who d gone into labor and their attendants and the mixture of excitement and dismay of the women expecting to go into labor mostanytime.Everything was incidental to the unremitting pain, though.That dominated her world.Finally, when Teronhad checked her for maybe the twelfth time he had her sit up and removed her gown as he had her pantsand boots earlier.She didn t argue.She didn t care.All she wanted was for the pain to stop.She balked when she discovered they expected her to deliverin the pool, but she was in too much painto manage more than a whimpered objection.When Khan had climbed down into the water, though, andlifted her carefully from the edge, she discovered they had warmed the water in the pool until it wasalmost the same temperature as her body.It was surprisingly soothing, seemed to ease her pain.Shewasn t certain if that was because it relaxed her or if the buoyancy of the water helped, but she could feelthat her contractions were as hard as they had been and getting steadily harder and closer together
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