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." A smile curved her mouth as her eyes took on a misty faraway look."He was such a sweetboy, my Donny.He died of leukemia at twenty-six.We only had eight years together, but they were themost wonderful years of my life."A year after Donny died, I married Nick.I convinced myself I loved him because I was desperate to Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlrecapture what I had lost.Within weeks, I knew I'd made a huge mistake.I stuck it out for a year out ofguilt, but without love there was no way to make it work.""I'm sorry, Gloria.I didn't know." Matt, like everyone else, had always assumed she was a two-timedivorcee just out for a good time."It all happened a long time ago." She straightened her shoulders, shaking off the sadness, and gave hima pointed look."I made a mistake with Nick, but I learned from it.You better believe, if I ever find loveagain, I'm going to grab hold of it and never let go." She waited a beat to let that sink in, then added,"And if you don't do the same, you're a fool."Her eyes dared him to contradict her.Matt stared back at her for several tense moments.Then his gazewent to the window again, and beyond to the woman who haunted his dreams."Maybe you're right.""I know I am.At the very least, you owe it to yourself and to Maude Ann to explore your feelings.Whoknows, maybe things won't work out for you two.But at least you'll have given it a shot."Outside, the game ended and everyone headed back toward the lodge.J.T.caught up with Maude Annand fell into step beside her.Matt watched the other man bend his head toward her and say something,watched the way she smiled in response.Pulling her tightly against his side, J.T.gave her a quick hug.Matt's hard gaze fixed on the arm that remained draped over Maude Ann's shoulders as the pair strolledalong.His jaw clenched."You're right.I'll do it."Gloria laughed as he stalked to the outside door and snatched it open."Go get her, tiger."The veranda was full of people when he stepped outside, sweaty softball players and kids digging intothe coolers for cold drinks or having another go at the ice cream and watermelon."Hey, Matt," Hank called, lifting a frosty bottle from the cooler."You want a beer?""No, thanks.I'll catch you later," he replied absently, searching through the crowd.At first he didn't see Maude Ann.He frowned, wondering how she had disappeared so fast.Then thegroup by the cooler shifted and he spotted her heading for the back veranda.Rather than maneuver through the congestion on the veranda, he decided to take the shorter route andwent back inside the way he'd come out.Gloria wasn't in his room when he stalked through, nor was Maude Ann in the kitchen.Matt wentoutside again through the back door and nearly bumped into her as she came around the corner."Oh." For an instant, she looked dismayed, then her expression turned cool."Sorry.I didn't see youthere," she said, and tried to sidle around him.Matt sidestepped to block her."Maude Ann, we have to talk."Surprise and wariness swam in her eyes when they met his."Talk? About what?" Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"About us."She caught her breath, flinching as though he'd slapped her."Us? You want to talk aboutus? I don'tbelieve this." Her face tightened and she darted around him."Maude Ann, wait! This is important." He caught up with her at the kitchen door and put his hand on herarm to stop her.The look she shot him was glacial."I have nothing to say to you." She shook his hand off and opened the door, but when she steppedinside she turned and snapped, "And there is nous! "She slammed the door in his face, and for a moment Matt was so astonished he simply stared at it.Thenhis temper flared."Dammit, Maude Ann, what is the matter with you? We're going to talk if I have to& "Disbelieving, he stared down at the doorknob.He tried again to turn it, but it wouldn't budge."Looks like she's locked you out."Matt's head snapped around.A few feet away, J.T.stood with one shoulder propped against theveranda post, his arms folded over his chest.His expression held none of its usual cheerfulness, onlycensure and a touch of what looked like pity.Matt didn't care for either.Especially not from this guy."Butt out, Conway.This is none of your business."He turned his attention back to the door and rattled the knob."Maude Ann, open this damned door.""You're wasting your time.She's not going to let you in.""How wouldyou know?" Matt growled, shooting him a look of pure dislike.J.T.shrugged."You don't believe me? Wait and see."Matt banged on the door.Through the window he could see Maude Ann flouncing around the kitchen,her face set as she banged cabinet doors and slammed drawers.She pulled out more paper cups andnapkins and slammed them down on a tray, snatched another pitcher of lemonade out of the refrigerator,then filled a bucket with ice and plopped both onto the tray, as well, but not once did she so much asglance his way.Matt muttered a curse."Fine.Don't open the door.There are other ways to get in." She wouldn't lockevery door, not when she had a yard full of company.He stormed down the veranda, intent on reaching his room, but when he drew even with J.T., hestopped and jabbed his finger at him."And you stay away from Maude Ann [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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