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.I went on rages and screamed and freaked out, I let all my emotions out,like I had no control of them.I thought that if I screamed enough, maybe I could scream awayall the hurt and anger. She took a sip of wine. Guess that strategy didn t work.My dad sentme away to boarding school in New York.Can you believe that?After a moment, Niki relaxed and she slumped down into her seat again. I felt emotionallyabandoned. Her gaze drifted off to a corner in the room, as if it were some imaginary day inher past.I reached out and took her hand.She gave me a little smile and I rubbed the back ofher hand with my thumb.Niki was so fucking sweet; I couldn t picture anyone abandoning her.Iwanted to find her dad and punch his fucking lights out.What a shithead, abandoning his twelveyear old daughter like that. Didn t he even try to help you? Get you some therapy? Oh, he did.The school he sent me to were not the typical kind of boarding schools forrich kids.This school had therapy as their focus for troubled kids.It was supposed to be a briefstint while he figured out his next move.But it ended up being nearly four years I lived awayfrom home and he was no closer to understanding me then, than he is now.My worst fear is, itmight be too late for us to have a decent relationship, like other fathers and daughters.I have alot of  issues and self-doubt as a result of it all.Thanks a lot dad, what an inheritance. You, a troubled teen? I can t see that. I said in disbelief.I couldn t picture this sweet girlever getting in trouble. It s true.I m not proud of some of the things I ve done in the past, but I m more hopefulnow.I finished college, did it his way for four years.Now it s my turn to finally take control ofmy own life. She sat up and squared her shoulders with an air of confidence. That s what I like about you, Niki.I can see the determination in your eyes, there s a fireburning in there. She blushed and dropped her chin to her chest.I took her hand in both ofmine and pressed it to my lips. And like I said in my text, you are a very special person. I tooka moment to drink her all in, enjoyed the tactile pleasure of her skin on my lips.It tasted goodand I wanted like hell to taste the rest of her. You know, Niki, if you want to talk about life changes, I ve got a hell of a story for you.She cocked her head to the side, curious to hear. Jesse Morrison? King of  dangerous cool has a sordid past? The guy with a trail ofdrooling women tripping over his heels? Why, I could throw a damn rock and hit a hundredother women, eagerly waiting for you to grace them with your presence. She was beingsarcastic.I got it.I m a dickhead. Don t be so hard on me.I m a sensitive mother fucker.I watch chick flicks with a box ofKleenex, tacos and a beer.And that tear rolling down my face at the end of the movie, is not from the strong onions in my taco. She swatted my arm.It was good to see her smile.I wasoverwhelmed with the urge to protect her.Hell, I was a shark and although we hadn t knowneach other long, I already knew I would slay dragons for her. So, what s your story Jesse? You came out of nowhere with your bulging biceps, acharming smile and that hot  Carpe Diem tattoo.I bet if I looked at your cell phone it would beblown up with messages from some poor broken hearted girl you left in New York.I was lost in giving little kisses to Niki s hand while she talked.I didn t want to let it go.Iloved her skin on my lips.She wanted to talk, communicate, verbalize.Shit, I wanted to touch,get busy and fuck.Reluctantly, I released her hand from my lips and set it back on the table. My life story is one sorry ass story. I leaned back ready to spill my guts. No, I didn tleave a girl pregnant back in New York. Her eyes popped out and she sat up with her mouthopen. I didn t say pregnant.Wait.No.Did you? She gasped. No-oh.You were thinking it though.Thanks a lot, Niki. My eyes narrowed with humor.Ienjoyed watching her twist in her seat, I continued the ruse. Now I know what you really thinkof me. I didn t, I didn t mean [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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