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.And Paul, for all his credulity when it came to aliens and conspiracies, would probably have a hard time swallowing the fact that somewhere along the way I’d picked up a Jedi mind trick or two.“Luck of the Irish,” I told him.“I thought you said you were Greek.”“Half.”He stared at me for a moment, apparently nonplussed, and suddenly let out a chuckle, right before he leaned in and planted another one of those unexpected but entirely welcome kisses on my mouth.A quick one, with a shift of his gaze toward the cabin where Matt Forrest was sitting, but still, it was enough to send a rush of heat through me, right down to my toes.“Guess you can tell me later,” Paul said, with a weight of significance in his tone.Later…when we’re alone.I hoped we’d have a chance to have that private conversation once we got to Santa Monica.Or maybe “conversation” was the wrong word for it.Roughly three hours later, we landed at Santa Monica Airport.By then the sun had almost set, and thin trails of fog were drifting in off the ocean.When we alighted, the air seemed far too damp and heavy, laden with salt.Odd that it would seem that way to me, since I’d been breathing in L.A.’s sea breezes for the last fifteen years, ever since I left Claremont to attend UCLA.A woman was waiting for us at the airport, a stranger, of course.But she was probably the last person I would have ever expected to be mixed up in an alien hunters’ underground—I was no expert, but her suit looked like Chanel, and the diamonds in her ears and on her perfectly manicured fingers had a wicked glitter that told me they were genuine.“Bettina Croft,” she told us.“Dr.Oliver, I have to say this is such an honor—”“We’re just grateful for the help,” he said, after shooting me another one of those embarrassed little sideways glances.I repressed a smile.By this time, I was pretty much inured to the adulation.“And your eye—do you need to see a doctor?”“I’m fine, Ms.Croft.Really, I think all Ms.O’Brien and I need is a place to regroup.”“Well, I have the perfect thing for that.I’m sure you’re on urgent business, but I think you could use a decent night’s sleep.” She looked past us to Matt Forrest.“Are you staying?”He shook his head.“Got to get back, make sure those girls haven’t gotten into any more trouble.Besides, I was never one for the big city.You take care of them, Bettina, and my thanks.”With that he gave us a wave, and got back into the Seneca’s cockpit.“As I thought,” Bettina Croft said.“But I do always like to ask.Now, where was I? Oh, that’s right.I’ve set you up in a bungalow at the Fairmont.I hope that will be all right?”“All right?” Paul said faintly.“It sounds lovely,” I put in.More than lovely.The Fairmont was definitely above my pay grade, but not, apparently, Ms.Croft’s.“Excellent.Well, best be going.”Feeling a little shell-shocked, we followed her off the tarmac, through the small terminal, and out to the parking lot, where a driver in a dark suit waited next to a massive black vehicle that my befuddled mind belatedly realized was a Bentley limousine.As soon as Ms.Croft approached, he opened the back door, and we all climbed in.The smell of expensive leather surrounded me.I took a deep breath and decided a girl could get used to this sort of thing.“So…erm…Ms.Croft,” I ventured, as the car glided away from the curb and headed northwest toward the ocean and the hotel, “how do you know Matt Forrest?”“Oh, I’ve been part of the network for a long time, and so has he.” Her blue eyes twinkled beneath eyelashes coated with what I guessed was the most expensive mascara money could buy.“My husband always thought I was a complete lunatic for being interested in these things.”“Thought?”“Oh, he passed away three years ago.Since then, I’ve done what I can to keep busy.Supporting the network is just part of it, but I have to say it’s far more interesting than planning another charity luncheon!”I smiled wanly at that, since she seemed to expect some sort of response.The next leg of the journey passed in relative silence, although I couldn’t help wondering who the dead husband had been.Judging by the car, either a Rockefeller or the Sultan of Brunei.The Bentley sailed majestically down Ocean Park Boulevard before turning north on Pacific Coast Highway.From there, it was just a slight jog to where the Fairmont was located.Before I knew it, the Bentley had pulled up in front of an impressive lobby.“The room is reserved for a Mr.and Mrs.Anderson,” Ms.Croft said, sounding almost apologetic.“I just thought it would be simpler that way.They’re expecting you.”“Thank you so much, Ms.Croft,” I began, but she waved a manicured hand, her diamonds flashing under the dome light in the passenger compartment.“My pleasure.But it seems you don’t have any luggage?”I looked down at my purse, which was the only personal belonging I had with me.“We had to travel light.”She looked at me and then Paul with a practiced eye.“I’ll send some things along.Size eight, right?”I nodded, and hoped she wouldn’t reveal my bra size while she was at it.“And Mr.Oliver—thirty-eight long, if I’m not mistaken.”“Um—that’s right.But really—”“Nonsense.If there’s anything I love more than sticking a monkey wrench in those conspiracists’ plans, it’s shopping.Consider it done.Good evening—and good luck.”Although I really didn’t remember getting out of the car, somehow I found myself standing on the sidewalk outside the lobby, Paul next to me, as we both watched the Bentley pull away.“What just happened?” he asked.“I have no idea,” I replied.“But let’s check in and figure it out later.”“Good plan.”As stated, they were waiting for us.And no mention of asking for a credit card…and the hotel clerk kept referring to us as Mr.and Mrs.Anderson.Neither Paul nor I decided to contradict him.The bungalow turned out to be a cozy little getaway roughly three times the size of my apartment, with two floors and French doors that opened out onto a secluded patio.I unlocked the doors to let in the ocean breeze and stood there for a moment, breathing in the salty air and feeling it ruffle my hair.“Can we just stay here for awhile?” I asked.“The aliens can wait, can’t they?”In answer, Paul came to me and took my hand in his, then stood facing the ocean without saying anything.“Um…I take it that’s a no.”He smiled.“Persephone.”“I know, I know, we have to save the world.It’s just that I’m so damned tired.”Then his arms were around me, pulling me close, his mouth on mine.Despite my comment seconds earlier, I knew I wasn’t so tired that I would push him away.I kissed him back, quite thoroughly, then pulled back just far enough that I could look up into his eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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