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.ÿþit cannot save the few who are rich. 63 The black population consideredthat the president kept this promise.Young s statement  he was for therich, and he was sure for the poor would have pleased Kennedy.I tried and I tried, but the tears keep on coming on down,I tried not to cry, but the tears keep on flowing on down,Our president is dead and gone, and the people can t be satisfied.He traveled  round the world, preaching things he wants you tohear,This is his life story, and I want everybody in Chicago to hear.We weeped, we cried, we said things all night long,Although we know we was making a mistake, because thepresident was dead and gone.He was for the rich, and he was sure for the poor,Don t you know, you know, he won t come back no more?sp: I want everybody to listen, listen what I will have to say:I want everybody to listen, Lord, it brung tears from my eyes,When a young man dead and gone, and the world can t besatisfied.sp: Lord, have mercy! My song is not completed, but I just have tosay:  Goodbye! 64Johnny Young said that his song was not completed, so it was nosurprise when an unissued sequel was released as late as 1994. Tribute toJ.F.K. elaborated on some of the sentiments discussed before.Young had peace of mind when Kennedy was his president, but after the assassina-tion he could not stop crying.President, president, president, this is a story for him today,A young man had to be shot down this way.He was for the rich and he was for the poor,He was a wonderful man, people, can t you know?He was for civil rights; he was for it day and night,You know he was a president, but really all right.[ 140 ] The Day the Worl d Stood Stil l [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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