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.The Christian is therefore a person of love, as the Apostle Paulemphasizes in such locations as 1 Corinthians 13.A Christianis a person like France s Jeanne d Arc, who, sensible of theimmortality specific to all human beings, refused to betray hermission for God and humanity, even at the price of knowingher refusal to betray her mission meant being burned alive bythat satanic monster known as the Inquisition.Unlike poorIsabella I, who submitted wickedly to the inquisitors demandthat she launch a Hitler-like expulsion of the Jews from Spain,Jeanne ultimately refused all such corruption demanded of her.So, the birth of the first modern nation-state, that of France sLouis XI, was made possible, and Henry VII s England afterthat.It was such deeds as Jeanne s which contributed to rescuingChristianity from the grip of that depravity which had plungedEurope into that 14th-century New Dark Age during which noless than one-third of the population of Europe, and half theexisting parishes, were wiped out.In the faithful imitation ofJesus Christ, Jeanne gave her life, a sacrifice made for love ofChrist and mankind, for the sake of the redemption of hu-manity. MANNIKIN: THE MAKING OF TOM DELAY 153Poor,  burned-out rake Tom DeLay could not tell the differ-ence between a church and a pigsty.The noises he makes thesedays tell us from what seamier side of Skid Row the sounds ofhis religious fervor are coming.Gingrich, on the other hand, knows himself to be damnedevil, and is damned proud of it, too.Joseph de Maistre under-stood Gingrich and Cheney, very well.At the sight and soundof poor freaks like DeLay, the Devil himself laughs like Hell. Lyndon H.LaRouche, Jr.Dec.23, 2003Some Public Figures Affiliated withthe Fellowship Foundation(Source of knowledge of affiliation is given in parentheses)" Michael Timmins, Detroit investor, chairman of Colson s Prison Fellowship Ministries ; board member of PromiseKeepers, in whose  Men s Accountability Group Tom DeLayparticipates at his Sugar Land Baptist Church.Timmins isa central financial sponsor of Fellowship Foundation (LisaGetter, Los Angeles Times, Sept.27, 2002)." Paul N.Temple, investor, board chairman and co-founderof Willis Harman s New Age trancers  Institute for NoeticSciences, Temple is a central Fellowship financier (Getter,L.A.Times)." Charles  Chuck Colson, Watergate figure, founder of theFellowship s  Prison Fellowship Ministries (Colson s autobi-ography, Born Again)." Pat Robertson, televangelist; founder,  Christian Coalition.Robertson was employed, trained, and set into his careerby Fellowship agents (Harald Bredesen autobiography, YesLord, Robertson s biography, Shout It From the Housetops)." David Gribbin, former chief of staff to Dick Cheney whenthe latter was Secretary of Defense, and coordinator of Bush- 154 CHILDREN OF SATAN IICheney relations to Congress, 2000 transition team (Fellow-ship affiliation: Bush Administration interviews)." Rep.Jim DeMint (R-SC) (Jeffrey Sharlet, Harpers, March2003)." Rep.Joseph Pitts (R-Pa), chairman of DeLay s Values ActionTeam; member, House International Relations Committee(Getter, L.A.Times; Messiah College Alumni Newsletter,May 1998)." Rep.Bart Stupak (D-Mich) (Harpers)." Rep.Zach Wamp (R-Tenn) (Harpers)." Rep.Frank Wolf (R-Va) (Getter, L.A.Times)." Sen.Sam Brownback (R-Kans) (Harpers; Lara Jakes Jordan,Associated Press,  Fellowship finances townhouse where 6congressmen live, April 20, 2003)." Sen.Pete Domenici (R-NM) (Harpers)." Sen.John Ensign (R-Nev) (Harpers)." Sen.Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) (Harpers)." Sen.James Inhofe (R-Okla) (Harpers)." Sen.Bill Nelson (D-Fla) (Harpers)." Sen.Don Nickles (R-Okla) (Harpers)." Former Rep.John Baldacci (D-Me) (L.A.Times)." Former Rep.Ed Bryant (R-Tenn) (L.A.Times)." Former Rep.Mike Doyle (D-Pa) (L.A.Times)." Former Rep.Todd Tiahrt (R-Kans) (Harpers). Dope Czar Soros Bids To BuyUp Democratic Partyby Michele Steinberg and Scott Thompsoneorge Soros is using his ill-gotten billions to cast himselfGas the  saviour of the Western World, claiming to be ina fight against the  preemptive war doctrine crafted by Beast-man Dick Cheney.The vehicle he has selected for the campaignis the Democratic Party in the United States, buying it up withtens of millions of dope dollars, to turn it into a toothless toolof the  Billionaires Club, which will posture as the  anti-Empire party, but will in reality be a  protection racket forCheney.Soros s operations which include the Center for AmericanProgress (a thinktank for Democrats modelled on the HeritageFoundation); Americans Coming Together (a voter mobiliza-tion funding mechanism); and Moveon.com (an Internet gath-ering place for  radicals ) are, like the Democratic LeadershipCouncil which spawned them, a clever means to keep the Che-ney apparatus intact.As usual, Soros plays both sides of the street; he will attack Empire without ever naming Dick Cheney, and will use the Dope Democrats and the  progressive movement to imple-ment Soros s own brand of  Empire, which he calls  preventiveaction of a constructive character. His aim, as stated in AtlanticMonthly magazine of December 2003, is that  the United Statesmust find a way to assert its supremacy in the world.Soros is a mole of the Synarchist financiers, whose dirty dopedollars will destroy the Democratic Party.Howls of protestshave already come from  progressives and  Democrats aboutthis charge, but after more than a decade of investigation, theLaRouche movement is the authority on Soros s sordid history.The reality is that Soros can co-exist just fine with Dick Che-ney, with whom he shares an intimacy through mutual acquain-tance George P.Shultz.155 156 CHILDREN OF SATAN IIBut Soros cannot politically co-exist with Lyndon LaRouche,who delivered the first defeat of Soros s drug-pushing in manyyears, when a November 2002 referendum to legalize recre-ational drugs in Nevada went down in defeat after an interven-tion by LaRouche s Presidential campaign.In a Sept [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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