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.His dad hadn t been so happy.Rhys still couldn tbelieve Romaine had known about Noah s tumor and had hidden itfrom him.Someone like Romaine, who had his own mate, shouldunderstand the extent of Rhys s bond with Noah.For that reason, itwas somewhat better that Rhys had left, but at the same time, it madeit impossible for them to even ask for help.On the other hand, itmight be better since Rhys s father would certainly not be pleasedupon finding out Rhys s idea. I m not pleased, either, Noah pointed out. Look, I ll heal withthe effect of the Silver Pool.Don t rush things.I don t want you hurtbecause of me.Rhys didn t bother to point out that his own welfare depended onNoah s.He didn t even want to live if Noah died, and since he was an 48 Scarlet Hyacinthincubus, he had no doubt that it would happen.The strangest thingwas that he didn t fear for himself.He was terrified of a worlddeprived of Noah s strength, of his uniqueness, and his power of self-sacrifice. I m not worth you even thinking such things, Noah said in hismind. You re worth that, and more, Rhys replied, frustrated.In spiteof how much Rhys loved the warlock, his feelings had so far beenunable to defeat Noah s low opinion of himself.But that would notstop Rhys.He d do anything to save Noah.As if guessing Rhys s thoughts, Sterling offered Rhys a seriouslook. Of course, there is someone who might be able to give yousome insight on this.Understand, this is a dangerous path and Icannot guarantee the results, but it might provide you with what youseek.Rhys s eyes widened. Who? Who is it, King Sterling? Have you ever heard of pixies?Rhys arched a brow at the Sidhe sovereign. I thought they were amyth.Sterling shook his head. You should know better by now.Everymyth has a grain of truth in it.You might not realize this, but half-breeds aren t a new thing.Pixies are an example of it.They originatefrom a mix of Sidhe and demon blood, and through thoroughinbreeding within their own kind, they managed to become a race thatis separate from both species. A small smile appeared. Perhaps indecades, your own offspring, or Winter s, or Alexis s, would haveplaced the basis of a new race themselves.But back to the pixies.Generally, they are neutral in everything, even more so than vampireshave been.However, they have been known to be drawn to a certaincause, for a price. A price? Rhys repeated. I don t understand, King Sterling.What price? The Warlock Who Hungered for a Demon 49 Money is meaningless for the pixies.They tend to be quite fickleand unreasonable, which is why my position makes it impossible forme to deal with them.The last time a Sidhe sovereign asked for afavor from them, they asked for a replica of the Silver Pool, withgenuine water taken from here.Naturally, they were refused. And these are the people who can help me heal Noah? Rhys nolonger knew what to say or think. It s true I d do anything for him,but are they really trustworthy? The Sidhe part of them is, but you must be careful what you sayaround them.While they ll fulfill your wish, the price might be toosteep.Alas, they re the only demons with access to black magic thatyou d be able to reach. I don t like this, Rhys, Noah said in Rhys s mind.Rhys realizedthat during his conversation with Sterling, Noah had finished histreatment in the Silver Pool and was now headed their way. I canonly imagine what they d ask of an incubus.Rhys sighed to himself.Yes, he guessed that as well.The favorsan incubus could provide would be sexual in nature.While Rhyshated just the thought of being touched by a person other than Noah,he d do it should it be required to rescue Noah.A knock sounded at the door of the throne room. Yes? Sterlingcalled out.A guard entered and bowed lowly. Noah Hall to see you, YourMajesty, he announced. Thank you, Sterling replied. Let him in.The soldier moved aside, and Noah stepped into the throne room.To Rhys s relief, he looked much better than the last time Rhys hadseen him.However, Rhys could also feel Noah s anger, and it didn ttake a genius to realize its cause.Noah bowed in front of the Sidhe king as well, and as the guardleft, Sterling gestured for him to rise. I m glad to see your conditionhas improved, he said. The Silver Pool helped this time around aswell. 50 Scarlet Hyacinth Yes.Thank you, Your Majesty.Your generosity is muchappreciated. He paused. However, I cannot agree with thesuggestion you made to my mate.He is not a whore to be passedaround, no matter the cause.Rhys gasped, shocked that Noah dared to speak like that toSterling and somewhat hurt by the words as well [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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