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.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBBr ranywhere someone could hear you.Save your strength; someone's got to come by sooner orlater.One of the kids who's been working here, maybe even the police.She smiled painfully at thethought of how hard she'd been trying to escape from the police a bare four hours earlier.But one way or another, no one was likely to find her for at least several hours.Stretching out asmuch as she could in the cramped space, she pillowed her head on her left arm.If anyone came bywhile she was sleeping, she would just be out of luck.Groaning with the exertion, she sat up againand, maneuvering cautiously in the dark, wriggled out of her pants and underwear.The pants wentback on; the panties she dangled outside her prison, anchoring one end securely to the top of the rockslab.It wasn't much of a signal, she knew, but it was better than nothing.And with fatigue dragging ather like a downdraft, it was the best she could do.Stretching out again, she was asleep within half a minute."Sorry, Stan," Tonio said tiredly, drifting onto the bare rock outcrop where the detective wasstanding."I can't find any trace of him anywhere.""Damn," Tirrell muttered, gazing out at the dimly lit mountains, rising like frozen ocean wavesaround them.To have come so close."I can try again, if you want," the preteen offered."Unless Jarvis is growing trees on his roof thecabin's got to be visible from some angle."Tirrell shook his head."Not worth it, especially now that the moon's gone.But we know he wentdown somewhere in this valley, and unless he spotted us they're not likely to move before dawn.Which is " he consulted his watch "all of two hours or so away now.Let's sit tight and get a littlesleep, and we can pick up the search in the morning.""Well.okay." Tonio paused."Maybe I should go and get some help, though.I could probablyget to Plat City and back before it gets light.Unless you're still worried about Jarvis getting tippedoff.""Actually, at this point I'd love to have some help," Tirrell admitted."Unfortunately nooffense I'm not at all sure you could find this place again if you left now.Maybe when it's light wecan risk that, but not now.Besides which, if you feel like I do, you need sleep more than flying timeright now.""There's that," Tonio sighed."Okay.Shouldn't one of us watch in case they try to leave orsomething?""Probably," Tirrell conceded."No rest for the righteous, for a change.""Come again?""Skip it.Move back a ways into that thicket of trees where you won't be spotted and get somesleep.I'll wake you in an hour or so."Tonio nodded and moved off, and after a moment the sound of rustling leaves was replaced bysilence.Moving with the stiffness of overabused muscles, Tirrell carefully seated himself on theground.Pulling his knees to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them and settled down to watch.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBBr rChapter 22Tirrell had always been a sound sleeper, especially when overtired; but the hand shaking hisshoulders was anything but gentle, and within seconds the colorful dream he'd been having faded andwas replaced by Tonio's blurry face."Wha ?""Shh!" the righthand hissed."You'd better come take a look at this."Tirrell nodded and rolled onto his stomach, mindful of the dead leaves beneath him.Pushinghimself up on his knees, he noted the starlight had been replaced by the stronger glow of early dawn.The highest peaks around them blazed with sunlight, though the deepest parts of the valley were stilldark.From high overhead came the faint sound of laughing voices.The last remnant of sleep was gone in an instant.Getting to his feet, Tirrell moved to the edge oftheir concealing thicket and cautiously looked up.At least a dozen kids were visible, fanning out intwos and threes as they flew across the lightening sky in generally northward directions."What the hell?" Tirrell whispered."Agreed," Tonio, at his side, whispered back
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