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.I am not talkingunderstand yourself on all levels.Once you know theabout knowing; knowing is only a small part of learning.way, become aware of the goal, and have determination,Learning means  to know, to experiment, to experience,then it s easy for you to understand yourself.and to come to certain conclusions and then be firm.When a desire is fulfilled, you should observeLearning reduces conflict.Conflict comes when youwhether it feeds your pride, and if it is not fulfilled,cannot decide anything, when your buddhi cannot makeobserve whether it feeds your anger.You have to watchdecisions, when you do not know how the ego should beyourself carefully for these two reactions.You need totrained and used.That which bothers you is in your mind.learn to make inner experiments with your own emotionsThat which is to be understood is your mind.when you seek to work with yourself and go within.ToAccording to our lineage, there are two branches ofthe serious student, there is only one real book to studyteachers.One teaches the scriptures, observingand learn from the greatest of all books and that is theausterities, and following the path of renunciation.Thevery manuscript that you, yourself, are.other branch is a branch of meditators and contemplatorsYou should continue to do experiments withdoing documentation experiments and scientificallyyourself, and every time you do one, you will find thatcollecting data on all levels of life physical, energyyou are growing and growing.level, level of sense perception, the way things areWe all have homes, and our homes are meant forperceived on the mental level, and finally on a spiritualour inner spiritual experiments with ourselves.level.The Art of Joyful Living, pp.24, 56, 74, 103Inspired Thoughts of Swami Rama, pp.18-19, 25420.12.97 SRexperiment 22GuruThe student must do his practice, otherwise Guru is a sacred word that has been misusedthe teacher cannot do anything.The teacher s many times in the past and is completely vulgarizedresponsibility is fifty percent; the other fifty percent is today.To declare that  I am a guru is a falsethe student s.Where you encounter obstacles then the pronouncement; the modern  guru is a spiritual joke.teacher will help you, but if you don t do your part andThe authentic guru-disciple relationship is theyou expect the teacher to do his duty, then there shighest of all.The relationship between teacher andnothing anyone can do.student also is worthy of reverence, but in no way can aThe path to enlightenment and unfoldment is teacher be called a guru.not really so austere, abstruse, or difficult it s actuallyThe actual word that should be used for a guruvery easy.The easiest way to make progress is just tois gurudeva, which means  that bright being who dispels know thyself  to accept and understand yourself onthe darkness of ignorance. The gurudeva represents aall levels.To know yourself you don t need externalnoble tradition through which flows pure lovecrutches; you don t need gurus or teachers to knowinseparably mingled with unalloyed knowledge.yourself.Once you know the way, become aware of theA teacher is like a boat that is the essentialgoal, and have determination, then it s easy for you tomeans to help one cross the mire of delusion.A seekerunderstand yourself.You have every right to understandshould not delude himself and believe that by acceptingand enlighten yourself.someone as a guru or becoming a disciple, he does notIf you are not becoming self-reliant, healthy,have to practice, that he will become enlightenedand happy, then leave your guru.without any effort.The Art of Joyful Living, pp.18, 24, 198Perennial Psychology of the Bhagavad Gita, pp.45, 49One should not worry about who the guru is, Guru is frequently considered to be merelyor what the guru will do.The first concern is getting someone who is trained in philosophy, meditation, andprepared, organizing life and thoughts in a spiritually hatha yoga, and is expected to share his knowledge withhealthy way.At the right time the master will be there.the students, training them in scriptures and variousspiritual disciplines [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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