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.he will alwaysbe the one to make the final choice between the last two boxes.one of which will ofcourse contain the mentalist's dollar bill.Naturally, when the mentalist designatestwo boxes, he never points to the marked box.) At this point, the mentalist asksthe spectator to open the last box on the table.Surprise? There is the spectator'sdollar bill.The mentalist thanks spectator for assisting in the experiment, statingthat it is apparent the spectator has a strong affinity for money.As the spectator starts to return to his seat, the mentalist stops him and asks if hehas any idea what the serial number on his dollar bill happens to be? The spectatorstates that he does not.The mentalist asks the spectator to unfold his bill andconcentrate on the serial number.Turning away, the mentalist picks up his padand pen and while appearing to concentrate, jots down a series of numbers on thetop page of pad.(Actually, the mentalist simply copies the number lightly noted inpencil at the top.making his figures big and bold.) When finished, the mentalist56World of Super Metalism, Icalls out the figures he has written, one at a time, asking the spectator to verifythe accuracy of each number called.(Note: don't be too perfect.Have difficulty withone number.skip it.and come back to it later).While the description is rather lengthy, the actual performing time is approximately7 minutes.This can be a feature effect, so build it up.Oh yes, in order to break even,don't forget to reclaim the dollar bill from one of the match boxes in the jar.afterthe show, of course.57World of Super Metalism, IMENTAL CASEThere are few effects in mentalism that can generate as much publicity and impactas the "headline prediction." I've done a few in my time, using a variety of methods.The one that I'm about to disclose is one of the best.The basic principle used is notnew.but what I've added makes the working as smooth as silk and easier thanever before.A common everyday object that literally does the work for you.Now,you can safely conclude your prediction effect with no angles to worry about.Noserious sleight of hand.No faked boxes or tricky keys.It's clean, simple and a realreputation maker.EFFECTIn the presence of a witness, the mentalist (that's you) writes a prediction andplaces it with the by the witness.The envelope is locked in a metal box andretained by the witness (a reporter, committee chairman, etc.) until the day of yourperformance.usually a week to 10 days later.As the climax to your performance,the person who retained your prediction brings the box on stage.After the usualdisclaimers relative to no one other than the witness having touched the predictionsince it was sealed in the box a week or 10 days prior.the witness is handed a key toopen the box.Then, he opens the sealed envelope and removes the coin purse.Now,the mentalist after showing both hands to be clearly empty removes the predictionslip and immediately hands it to the witness to be read aloud.As this is done, acopy of that days newspaper is displayed and to the audience's amazement.thementalist has correctly predicted that days headline a week to 10 days prior to itspublication.TO PREPAREYou will need a small leather (or imitation leather) coin purse with a spring actionopening.The type that is opened by squeezing or pressing in on the top two cornerscausing the edges of the purse to buckle outward permitting coins to be droppedinside.Once the finger and thumb pressure on the corners is relaxed, the purse snapsshut due to strong spring action metal strips inside the top edges of the purse.These purses can be found at better department stores or leather goods shops.Thereason for using this type of purse will soon be apparent.But make sure that thepurse that you purchase has a good strong spring action.(Note: If you're going toperform the "Mental Case Bonus routine that follows, you might just as well buyfive purses.You'll need them.)You will also need a thumbtip.The Vernet type is best.Yes, I know.the thumbtip hasbeen around since the stone age.But believe me.the way I use it in this effect andthe one that follows, makes it work smoother than ever before
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