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.Moynihan had learn to live with it.issued a notorious 1965 report on the Black Family, claim- With his sissy diction, he spoke for a new White Politics:ing that the ingrained culture of slavery not the destruction Liberals must somehow overcome the curious condescen-of the industrial economy caused blacks unemployment sion that takes the form of defending and explaining awayand poverty.He left the government in a storm of criticism anything, however outrageous, which negroes, individuallyfrom the civil rights movement.or collectively, might do.Democrats shunned him.They mocked his British airs, At that time, Richard Nixon had a law partner namedhis affectation since attending the London School of Leonard Garment, a New York lawyer plugged in to right-wingEconomics.Jewish leaders and gangsters such as Max Fisher.GarmentThe only Democrat to whom Moynihan was ever close, was helping steer Nixon, the former Vice President who hadwas banker Averell Harriman, his former boss.This was the lost the 1960 Presidential race to Kennedy, back to the top bysame Harriman who had financed the eugenical racial propa- introducing him to New York politicians and moneymen.ganda of the early fascists; the same Harriman who, with his Leonard Garment seized on Moynihan s startlingly evilbanking partner Prescott Bush (grandfather of the current speech, and told Nixon how to use it in his SouthernPresident), had financed the German Nazis rise to power.Strategy campaign.Nixon quoted the speech and praisedWhen Harriman ran for New York Governor in 1954, he hired Moynihan in his address to the National Association ofMoynihan as speechwriter, and then brought him into the Manufacturers (Dec.8, 1967).Moynihan offered his ser-Governor s office as a publicist.Harriman entrusted Moynihan vices.He was brought in as Urban Affairs counselor in thewith writing the authorized history of the Harriman guberna- Nixon Administration.torial term.Harriman would persist as shadow sponsor of the Moynihan s notoriety stems largely from his memo toanti-FDR side of Democratic Party politics.Nixon, urging benign neglect as the best racial policy.ButAfter Moynihan s debacle in the Labor Department, he he did his real damage as the architect of so-called Welfarebegan writing right-wing articles for Reporter magazine, and Reform, or slave labor which was later a central issue ofbecame a devoted follower of its editor, the Straussian the Gore-Lieberman DLC.This was the tactic of forcing wel-Irving Kristol.Moynihan later (in Pacem in Terris IV, Dec.fare recipients, under threat of starvation, to go to work for2, 1975) called Leo Strauss the foremost political philoso- their sub-minimum welfare checks, while the number ofpher of his time in America. It is Irving s son William of the standard-pay industrial jobs was decreasing, thus sabotag-Weekly Standard who, as we have seen, has concocted the ing the general wage level.McCain-Lieberman Bull Moose scheme.Congressional Democrats defeated the welfare slave-laborThus it was that in 1966, Moynihan was hired as director bill Moynihan crafted.But another law, authorizing creationof the Ford Foundation s Joint Center for Urban Studies, at of Health Maintenance Organizations, was pushed throughHarvard and MIT.The Foundation s boss, McGeorge Bundy, under Nixon by Moynihan and his allies.The HMO Acthad just reversed Kennedy s decision to get out of Vietnam, imposed Nazi medical standards, closed hospitals, and greatlyimmediately after Kennedy was murdered.At the Ford increased suffering and death among the lower social orders.28Again, this privatization is a hallmark of the DLC neoconser- popular support.LaRouche and Democratic House Majorityvatives who have since then strangled the Democratic Party.leader Jim Wright of Texas, both demanded the firing of Fedchairman Volcker.LaRouche associate Steve Douglas gotTimeline: The Battle for the20% of the statewide vote, and 35% of the Philadelphia vote,Democratic Partyin the Democratic primary for Governor of Pennsylvania onIn 1974-75, Moynihan was Ambassador to the United May 18, 1982.Nations, with his Republican host Leonard Garment at the At a mid-term Democratic convention soon thereafter,UN as an aide.Garment s gangster friend Max Fisher got Democrats for the 80s, the personal committee of AverellGarment this UN post, and Garment told Moynihan to Harriman and his wife Pamela, was given complete controlaccept the ambassadorship.Garment and Norman of the meeting by Bob Strauss, banker Felix Rohatyn, andPodhoretz taught Moynihan the doctrine of rightwing labor faker Lane Kirkland.Harriman s group, nicknamedZionism, using as a guide the British Arab Bureau s Bernard PAMPAC, got the franchise to directly issue a fact book forLewis, who claimed that the Arab view of the matter was all Democratic candidates; they stressed slashing the Federalmerely a product of Soviet propaganda.budget, squeezing Social Security payments to seniors, sav-Garment and his neo-con friends now convinced ing health-care costs by forcing HMOs on the population,Moynihan to run for the U.S.Senate.The clique that formed and demolishing U.S.industry to make way for an informa-around Moynihan s 1976 campaign and subsequent Senate tion economy.career, later emerged in the core of the fascist war faction Meanwhile, in July 1982, Sen.Moynihan began histhat sabotaged the Democratic Party.assault on LaRouche.Moynihan lied that Mel Klenetsky, a" Leonard Garment and his law partner Lewis Scooter Jewish associate of LaRouche who was challengingLibby became chief attorneys for Russian gangster godfather Moynihan in the primary election for Senate in New York,Marc Rich.They and Michael Steinhardt, the DLC s main was anti-Semitic. Klenetsky s campaign focussed onfinancier and Rich s investment partner, conned outgoing Moynihan s support for eugenical race science theories.President Bill Clinton into pardoning Marc Rich, by then a In May and June 1983, anti-LaRouche strategy meetingsfugitive from U.S.justice.Recently Clinton said he regretted were held in the home of New York investment banker Johnthe pardon, citing Libby s role as chief of staff for Dick Cheney.Train
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