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.Mary-Lynnette felta quiver of fear for Jeremy-but Jeremy didn't seem afraid for himself.Hismuscles were tight and he looked ready to defend himself.Then, deliberately, he turned away.Turned his back on Ash.He readjusted theboard-and Mary-Lynnette did what she should have done in the beginning.Shelooked at his hand.The ring on his index finger glinted gold, and she couldjust make out the black design on the seal.-A tall duster of bell-shaped flowers.Not an iris, not a dahlia, not a rose.No-there was only one flower Rowan had mentioned that this could possibly be.It grew wild around here and it was deadly poison.Foxglove.So now she knew.Mary-Lynnette felt hot and sick.Her hand began to tremble on the board shewas holding.She didn't want to move, but she couldn't stay here."I'm sorry -1 have to get something-" The words came out in a painfulgasp.She knew everyone was staring at her.She didn't care.She let go of theboard and almost ran away.She kept going until she was behind the boardedup windows of the Gold CreekHotel.Then she leaned against the wall and stared at the place where townended and the wilderness began.Motes of dust danced in the sunlight, brightagainst a dark background of Douglas fir.I'm so stupid.All the signs were there, right in front of my face.Why didn'tI see before? I guess because I didn't want to."Mary-Lynnette."Mary-Lynnette turned toward the soft voice.She resisted the impulse to throwherself into Rowan's arms and bawl."I'll be okay in just a few minutes.Really.It's just a shock.""Mary-Lynnette.""It's just-it's just that I've known him so long.It's not easy topicture him you know.But I guess it just goes to show you.People are neverwhat they seem.""Mary-Lynnette-" Rowan stopped and shook her head."Just what are youtalking about?""Him.Jeremy.Of course." Mary-Lynnette took a breath.The air felt hotand chokingly dusty."He didit.He really did it.""Why do you think so?"Page 60 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Why? Because he's a werewolf."There was a pause and Mary-Lynnette suddenly felt embarrassed.She lookedaround to make sure nobody was in earshot, and then said more quietly, "Isn'the?"Rowan was looking at her curiously."How did you know?""Well-you said black foxglove is for werewolves.And that's foxglove onhis ring.How did you know?""I just sensed it.Vampire powers are weaker in sunlight, but Jeremyisn't trying to hide anything.He's right out there.""He sure is," Mary-Lynnette said bitterly.' I should have sensed it.Imean.he's the only person in town who was interested in the lunar eclipse.And the way he moves, and his eyes.and he lives at Mad Dog Creek, forGod's sake.I mean, that land's been in his family for generations.And'-Mary-Lynnette gave a sudden convulsive sniffle-"people say they've seen theSasquatch around there.A big hairy monster, half person and half beast.Now,what does that sound like?"Rowan was standing quietly, her expression grave-but her lips were twitching.Mary-Lynnette's vision blurred and wetness spilled onto her cheeks."I'm sorry." Rowan put a hand on her arm."I'm not laughing.""I thought he was a nice guy," Mary-Lynnette said, turning away."I still think he is," Rowan said."And actually,really, you know, it means he didn't do it." "The fact that he's a nice guy?""The fact that he's a werewolf." Mary-Lynnette turned back."What?""You see," Rowan said, "werewolves are different.They're not likevampires.They can't drink a little blood from people and then stop withoutdoing any real harm.They kill every time they hunt-because they have to eat."Mary-Lynnette gulped, but Rowan went on serenely."Sometimes they eat thewhole animal, but they always eat the internal organs, the heart and liver.They have to do it, the same way that vampires need to drink blood.""And that means.""He didn't kill Aunt Opal.Or the goat.They were both intact." Rowansighed."Look.Werewolves and vampires traditionally hate each other.They'vebeen.rivals forever, and lamia think of werewolves as sort of-lower class.But actually a lot of them are gentle.They only hunt to eat.""Oh," Mary-Lynnette said hollowly.Shouldn't she be happier about this?"So the guy I thought was nice just has to eat the odd liver occasionally.""Mary-Lynnette, you can't blame him.How can I explain? It's like this:Werewolves aren't people who sometimes turn into wolves.They're wolves whosometimes look like people.""But they still kill," Mary-Lynnette said flatly."Yes, but only animals.The law is very strict about that.Otherwisehumans catch on in no time.Vampires can disguise their work by making it looklike a cut throat, but werewolf kills are unmistakable.""Okay.Great." I should be more enthusiastic, Mary-Lynnette thought.Buthow could you ever really trust someone who was a wolf behind their eyes?You might admire them the way you admire a sleek and handsome predator, buttrust them.no."Before we go back-we may have a problem," Rowan said."If he realizesthat you recognized his ring, he may know we've told you about you know." Sheglanced around and lowered her voice."The Night World."Mary-Lynnette understood."Oh, God.""Yes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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