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.Instead,she saw to her surprise, it began to climb a small spur which led directly between the cliffs, then slopedgently on the other side to the floor of a lush green valley.`The Valley of Lagoons,' announced Raeleen, bringing the vehicle to a halt at the top of the rise.`Whatdo you think of it?'`Beautiful, just beautiful,' Gayna sighed appreciatively.Protected along two sides by far-reaching armsof sandstone, fertile pastures interspersed with areas of tropical growth and dotted with shining lagoonsstretched for miles towards a blue-hazed horizon.`No wonder you don't want buffalo ruining it.''Mmm, it would be a shame, wouldn't it?' As she smiled across at her passenger, Raeleen's brows peakedquestioningly.`Feel like walking around for a bit? It seems as if we've beaten the others, after all, so wemay as well wait for them here.'`Suits me,' Gayna shrugged negligently, opening her door.If she had to contend with Ford and Felicityfor a day, she supposed this was as good a place as any to start.At least the scenery was soothing, evenif they weren't!Nevertheless, no sooner had they alighted from the vehicle than they heard the sound of horses behindthem, and Gayna could feel herself tensing warily as the other three crested the hill a couple of minuteslater.`I'm surprised we didn't see you on the other side of the hill.You could only have been a minute or sobehind us,' Raeleen smiled cheerfully.`We were,' Brett acknowledged.`We saw you and gave a shout, but I guess we must have been too farback among the trees for you to see or hear.'`It's been a glorious ride, though,' put in Felicity on a contented sigh, resting her hands on the pommel ofher saddle.`You should try it some time, Gayna, it's quite an experience.' With an exaggerated gasp anda slightly smog glance she corrected herself.`Oh, I forgot, you don't ride very well, do you?'`No, not particularly,' Gayna didn't mind admitting.`But then I'm a real city girl at heart, and I'd ratherdrive than ride, in any case.'`You mean you prefer living in the city?' The other girl sounded incredulous.Gayna's lips twisted wryly.`That's right.There's a lot of us who have never experienced the slightestdesire to live anywhere else but in the city, you know.I'm not the only one.'Felicity appeared to take that as almost a personal affront.`Then why come with us today if you dislikefile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyn.lley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt (32 of 81)05/05/2010 14:42:54file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20valley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txtthe bush so much?' she demanded.`I didn't say I disliked the bush,' Gayna contradicted patiently.`In fact, I've found the trip extremelyinteresting so far.I merely said I had no wish to live out here.'Ford, who until now had remained silent on Felicity's far side, suddenly tightened his reins and heeledhis mount into movement.`Right, now if you two have quite finished your little dissertation, perhaps wecan continue on into the valley, hmm?' he suggested with no little sarcasm.`Yes, of course.' Felicity very smartly had her palomino edging up beside him.Gayna returned to her transport less rapidly, her eyes grey and moody as they surveyed the three ridersheading down the track.Now what had caused that piece of satiric brusqueness? she wondered.Surelyhe couldn't have taken exception to anything she'd said.or was he also of the opinion that just becausehe preferred living in the outback, then everyone else should as well? With a dismissive shake of herhead she took her seat in the Land Rover and determinedly put the matter out of her mind.Why shouldshe bother herself with what he thought, anyway? Right from the beginning it had been perfectlyobvious their views weren't likely to coincide on any subject!The old homestead was situated about a third of the way down the valley, and when they pulled upbeside the mellowed sandstone ruins Gayna could well understand how those first Montgomerys couldhave been deceived into selecting such a site.At the side of the house the palm-fringed thermal poolwith its crystal clear water and sandy bottom was a delight to behold, while the string of lily-cladlagoons which formed a pink and blue chain at the rear of the building looked so tranquil against theiremerald backdrop of tropical vegetation that it was almost impossible to imagine them ever becoming adanger.The unloading of the picnic gear from the Land Rover was the first task undertaken, but immediately ithad been completed Felicity extracted her bag from the vehicle and began moving towards the house.`I'm going to have a swim,' she announced, expressively lifting the heavy coil of blonde hair from herneck.`How about you, Rae?'`Sounds great,' her friend answered no less enthusiastically, then sent her husband and brother aperceptive encompassing glance.`I guess you two will be wanting to check on the buffalo, though, won'tyou?'`That's the reason we came,' Ford drawled as he prepared to swing back into the saddle.Brett, on the other hand, hesitated a moment before remounting, his hazel eyes settling on Gayna.`Whydon't you come with us?' he proposed in friendly tones.`Prince is quiet enough for a beginner,'indicating the palomino, `and it's easy riding for most of the way
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