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.I'lltake you and Louis-even that uppity nigger if youinsist-straight to New York.""I thought you didn't approve of my going east.""I don't.But I like the idea of your staying hereeven less.""Well, I won't go back withoutmoney-and there's money to be made in SanFrancisco.A lot of money.Now what about theloan comf the primage you'll collect at the endof the voyage? You can easily spare a thousanddollars-was"Am I supposed to do your damn shopping, too?""I told you I'd pay you fifteen percent on yourmoney if you would.That's twice as much as you get fromthe cargo-was"How the hell can I inform the Ball brothers I'mloading a thousand dollars' worth of pick axes andiron pans for a female acquaintance? It's againstcompany policy.Besides, they'd think I was out of myhead.""They won't think anything because you won't tellthem.And you'll figure out a way to hide the extracargo, I know you will.Why are you so averse to profitall of a sudden? You heard what Sam Brannan'sdoing.You know you'll make your fifteen percenthalf an hour after you bring in the shipment-wasLouis lay utterly still, disheartened by the severity ofhis mother's tone:"I've never had a chance like this.Never in almostforty-five years.I'm in the right place at the righttime.I can make something of myself! ForLouis-was"Pardon me if I say bullshit to that.""Please,Bart-was"You're not thinking of Louis, you're thinking of thatdamn printing company-and how good it'll feel to takeit away from Stova@u.""I'm losing patience with-was"Fuck your patience! It's true, isn't it?""May I remind you this is not a New Yorkdock? Your language-was"Is no worse than what you indulge hi whenyou're mad.Isn't what I said the gospelPage 129 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmltruth?Isn't it?"Silence.Louis dug his nails into his palms andshut his eyes, wishing they'd stop."I'm not going to argue my motives, Bart,"Amanda said, very quietly."I've never made anydemands on you before-was"No demands?What about all that damn investigation -?""You could have refused.I was very clear on that.""You're saying I can't refuse this time?""Not if what we've been to each othermeans anything-wasLouis wanted to cover his ears when McGillshouted:"So the account's finally due, is that it? Thewhorehouse madam finally presents her bill forservices rendered?"Silence again.Dreadful silence.What didMcGillmean, calling his ma a whorehouse madam? Louisknew what a whorehouse was-Yerba Buena hadone-but the connection with Amanda was a mystery asimpenetrable as the riddle of his unknown father.Finally, he heard his mother speak in a whisper:"That's absolutely vile.You promised you'dnever bring up what I told-was"Christ, I know," he interrupted, sounding miserableall at once."I'm sorry.I truly am.But I can't stand what's happening to you, Amanda!All of a sudden you're acting like the rest of themoon-heads in this town-thinking you can have El Doradoin your pocket before snow flies in the mountains!""You're wrong," she said in a hushed voice."I'm not like the rest of them.I'm not going to themines.I've talked to Sam Brannan.I knowthe odds.Men are staking out claims nobigger than twenty feet on a side.Only onein a thousand will strike anything big.There'll be manymore losers than winners.I can make a killing offboth.""A killingcomy see? It's even affected the way you talk!""Bart, I am almost forty-five years old!Sometimes I can't sleep at night, thinking of whatthat means.I'm going to die.I'm really goingto die.But I swear, before it happens-was"Now who's yelling?""I don't care! I won't throw this chance away!Will you buy the merchandise for me or won't you?"Louis was perspiring.He drew a slow, carefulbreath, fearful of making the slightest sound."I shouldn't," McGill said."I should cart youaway from here bodily-wasShe laughed then."Impossible, and you know it."Through the curtain, Louis heard him sigh:"Yes, I do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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