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.John came in to wake her not long after she’d hung up with Cole and she was ready.The sun had yet to rise, but at least the rain had let up.As they walked to her car John held out his hand.“I’ll drive.” Relieved, she gladly handed the keys over.John drove in silence so she sat back and listened to her car stereo.When a BlackJack song played she witnessed John physically tense up.So even though Cole was innocent of Lindsey’s death, John still didn’t approve.Too damn bad for him.She was going for the brass ring.He had, so why not her?They breezed into Logan Airport as traffic was light this early in the morning.When they went through security, John removed his shoes.She almost laughed at the expression on his face when they both saw his big toe protruding through his sock.“Did you forget you had to remove your shoes?”“Nope.These were the only matching socks I could find.”“Having a hard time with the laundry?”He rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath which Shannon was quite sure wasn’t nice.The flight left on time and was uneventful.They arrived in Denver almost on time to the minute.If only all of her flights went this smoothly.Which reminded her she had to contact her publicist and cancel her tour on the west coast.Christ, with all the worries and thoughts going on in her head, how had that popped up?They drove straight to the hospital from the airport and the closer she got the more nauseated she was.She’d not eaten anything, but that didn’t mean her stomach didn’t want to revolt and throw up something.She swallowed and fought the bile down as she clasped her hands on her lap to keep them steady.Her whole body ached from her trembling and tense muscles.When they pulled up to the hospital, she felt almost faint from stress and anxiety and shit—fear.Fear of the unknown.Without a word, she linked her arm through John’s, hoping to help steady her legs and hoping his were steady enough for both of them.They entered through the main lobby, went to the volunteer at the desk who gave them Cameron’s room number.When Shannon walked down the long sterile hallway, it gave her the illusion of getting longer and narrower, making her wonder if she’d ever reach the end before the walls closed in on her, crushing her, suffocating her, causing her to never see her son again.With a huge sigh of relief, she finally did reach the end.One of the nurses at the station outside Cameron’s room stopped them before they could enter.“May I help you?”John answered for them in his deep commanding voice.“Yes.We’re Cameron McKenzie’s parents.”“Go on in, I’ll page Doctor Splaine and let him know you’ve arrived.”“Thank you,” John mumbled and practically sprinted toward his son’s door.When Shannon stepped inside the first thing she noticed was his left leg up in traction, his right arm in a cast and his head bandaged.She sucked in her breath as she took in the many cuts and bruises on his face.His ribs were wrapped as well.My God, he was banged up badly.But he’d survived.Yes, thank God.He’d survived.They’d actually heard a radio report about the crash on the way here.There had been over a dozen vehicles involved.Heavy fog played a huge part in it.It started when a truck carrying logs jack-knifed causing a chain reaction.There were several fatalities.She tried not to let her mind drift into dangerous places.But it was impossible, and she couldn’t help but think Cameron could become one of those casualties?Shannon stood paralyzed to the floor as she thought about what ifs? Jesus, she honestly didn’t know how she would go on if the worst happened.And her heart bled for those families who had lost cherished loved ones in the crash.She fought down her tears.She would be strong from now on and cry on the inside, not outside.Gently, she placed her hand on Cameron’s unbroken arm and was shocked when his eyes fluttered open, one all the way, the bruised one only part way.He licked his parched lips.“Mom, Dad,” he said, sounding weak and dazed.The doctor had said he was unconscious.She expected to find him in a coma.Relief washed over her, and her knees nearly gave way so she rested against the side of his bed.She couldn’t begin to explain how it felt to see her beautiful son’s hazel eyes staring at her.“Does it hurt badly?”“I’m sorry,” he strained to talk.“I was on my way back home.I got off and turned around.I missed you.”Shannon’s heart fluttered and she took his hand in hers, the one without the cast.The hand with the intravenous line feeding him much needed fluids and medicine.Tears streamed down John’s face as he rested his hand on Cameron’s shoulder and said, “its okay.It doesn’t matter.What matters is you’re going to be okay.You’ll heal and be fine.”“Do me a favor,” Cameron struggled to speak, and Shannon could well imagine the painkillers throwing him for a loop.“I keep asking for Amber and nobody will tell me anything.” His eyes bored into hers, and she saw the fear and desperation in them.“Find Amber for me,” he pleaded.“I’ll find her.Don’t you worry,” she said gently.He closed his eyes and slept in a drug induced state, leaving Shannon to wonder who Amber was?“Mr.and Mrs.McKenzie, I’m Doctor Splaine.I spoke with you, Mrs.McKenzie, on the phone.”“It’s Gallagher.Shannon Gallagher.”“I’m sorry, Ms.Gallagher.” He turned toward John.“Are you Mr.McKenzie?”“Yes.”John shook the doctor’s hand.Doctor Splaine gestured toward the doorway.“Why don’t we speak in the lounge, and I’ll fill you in on everything.”Shannon and John followed the stone-faced, tall, slim, middle-aged doctor to a small waiting room at the end of the pristine white hall.There were several anxious looking people waiting there.They took three seats in a row, and Doctor Splaine explained Cameron’s injuries in great detail.Not only did he break his wrist, he broke his leg in two places, one resulted in a compound fracture and they had to insert rods.He broke several ribs and punctured his lung.He also had a serious concussion as well as many lacerations and bruises.Yet he was a lucky boy.Out of the fifteen people on the bus, only nine survived the crash.Shannon reached for John’s hand and squeezed it.A thousand questions raced through her mind, but they all seemed trivial in light of the fact so many lives were lost and her son survived.There was one question, however.“Cameron asked for a girl, Amber.Can you tell me anything about her?”Doctor Splaine exhaled and his features turned grim.Shannon didn’t think she wanted to hear what he had to say.“We came across her student identification card an hour ago and just notified her father.Unfortunately it doesn’t look good [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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