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.The only thing that mattered to him was that Althea was safe.Griffen was more than ready to lay his life down for her, even as the thought of harm coming to her twisted his heart and stomach into angry knots.He called Althea.No answer.His pulse pounded in his ears, drowning out her voicemail greeting."Althea, it's me again, Griffen.I know you need space, but it's important.David's dangerous, you need to stay away from your home.Please! God, I hope you're listening to these."He cursed, knowing the chance of her hearing his messages before she walked right into danger were slim to none.Griffen hurried to his suitcase in the closet, unzipped the inside pocket and grabbed his gun case and knife.Griffen had done a lot of things he wasn't proud of on his investigations over the years but today he knew he'd do whatever it took to protect Althea.He'd do it over and over again and be proud of it.He may have failed Jack when he was alive and then doubted him in death, but he wouldn't — couldn't — fail Althea.Jack would've died for her and so would he.Griffen would rescue her for Jack, for Johnny, for the girls and goddammit for himself, too.He strapped the knife to his ankle and fitted the gun in his back waistband.With his weapons secured, he ran out of his room."Althea! What're you doing here?" David asked in shock as she walked in the door.He turned abruptly, his hands behind his back."Good morning to you, too, David.I do live here, you know," she laughed."I know that.I just mean why aren't you at work? Is everything okay?"He was standing near the basement door and seemed nervous, but Althea was too overwhelmed to care.She needed to sort through all that Griffen had told her and then she would call him.That was the right thing to do.Talk through it after she had her feelings under control."I had a morning appointment, so I came back here to get ready.What do you need? Are you looking for something?""I thought I left something in the basement during Johnny's party.""In the basement?""Yeah, there were those trays you needed remember?""Not really, sorry.What did you leave? Maybe I saw it.""Nothing important.Just something work related.""Oh no, that sucks, was it research or something?""Yeah.or something.""I'm sorry — haven't seen anything and I don't think I can help you look.I've had the worst morning.I'll look for it later, okay? I don't mean to be rude, but.""Are you leaving for work soon?""I don't know.I may take a nap.Why?""Oh, so you aren't leaving?"David's eyes kept darting around the room and he was making her very nervous."David.Are you okay?""Okay? Uh, yeah.Since you're here and not leaving, maybe we can catch up." He seemed far less casual than his words."Were you with that Griffen guy?""David, it's not really any of your business." His eyes were wild and her response made him look frantic."I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.""Yeah, just wondering what's up with that guy is all.He was on campus asking about Jack yesterday.Do you know anything about that?" His eyes kept glancing around the room, still apparently looking for something."Well, I guess that makes sense.He was looking into Jack's last couple weeks.""Did he have any thoughts? You know, about Jack?""I don't want to talk about it.I'm seriously tired.""Oh.Okay.Uh, here, let me get you some coffee."She plopped down in the living room, hearing the distant hiss and hum of her Keurig.She was frustrated he wouldn't leave, but barring her being flat out rude to David, he seemed intent on staying and finding the work material he'd lost.David returned a minute later and handed her a cup.Althea thought it odd that his hand was trembling, but figured it was just her own nerves making her see things that weren't there."Thanks David." He stood in front of her as she drank it."Aren't you having any?""No.I'm good, thanks," he said softly, looking at his watch.Griffen hurried to the front of the hotel and jumped into his car, practically knocking over the valet as he stepped out of it.Feeling desperate, Griffen called Althea yet again.No answer.Desperate, he dialed Jenna's number.Another no answer.Shit!His mind tormented him as he gripped the steering wheel so tight his hands ached.Everything was a mess.All he could think about was getting her away from David in one piece, but he was helpless if he couldn't get in touch with her.Each moment that passed was another second she was in danger.She could already be injured for all he knew.Griffen had to force his brain to relax as he changed lanes quickly, cutting off a slow car to his right.With the Boulevard of the Allies suddenly opening in front of him with a series of green lights Griffen breathed a little more easily and pressed the accelerator hard as he hurried toward the Liberty Bridge to cross the Monongahela River to Althea's home.His heart eased a little when he saw Jenna returning his call.Several minutes had passed since Althea politely drank the coffee David had given her, yet he was still making no move to leave.Instead, he was simply staring at her in a completely unnerving way."David I don't want to be pushy, but I need to get a move on.I have to go to work and now I'm more tired than ever, so I really think I need to take a nap.Can you come back and look for whatever it is you need later?""I understand.Uh, sure.Do you want to take your nap now?""David, no.I really think you should leave.""Okay, but first maybe you should talk about this Griffen thing.Do you know anything about what he found about Jack? It must've upset you right?""It did upset me and I don't really want to talk about it." Her head was swimming and simply talking to David was making her more agitated by the fog in her brain."Tea, Jack worked for me.It's important I know if he did something that will hurt the university.What does Griffen think Jack did? Had he talked to anyone?" His words were logical but he was edgy and it made her nervous."I guess you're right, it really does affect the department." She sat down in a nearby chair to ease the heaviness in her limbs."He thought Jack stole something, he's probably going to the authorities about it.""Oh God," David whispered.He tugged at his hair and spun around, leaning over the dining room table, eyes wild."Oh God.""I know it's awful to think about it, but I didn't know.How could you have?""How could I know?" he asked himself quietly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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